reg egio ional nal ne netw twor orks ks cr creati eating

Reg egio ional nal Ne Netw twor orks: ks: Cr Creati eating - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reg egio ional nal Ne Netw twor orks: ks: Cr Creati eating ng an and Mai d Maint ntaini aining ng Pu Purp rpos ose e an and Vis d Visio ion Presen esented ed by: : Mag aggie gie Ullman an, , Networ work k Ad

  1. Reg egio ional nal Ne Netw twor orks: ks: Cr Creati eating ng an and Mai d Maint ntaini aining ng Pu Purp rpos ose e an and Vis d Visio ion Presen esented ed by: : Mag aggie gie Ullman an, , Networ work k Ad Advisor, visor, As Ashev heville, le, NC | 828.713.9488 Networ twork k Evolu oluti tion: n: Connect ect. . Alig ign. n. Produce. oduce.

  2. Pre resen entatio tation n Purp rpos ose e and d Conte ntents nts Partner Networks Network Participants Representing Green Cities California Linda Giannelli Pratt GCC Managing Director This is presen esentati ation is to the Regi gion onal al Network tworks s (GCC) (Coordinator) Coord rdinati ating ng Comm mmitte tee, e, on Oc October ber 23, 2015. . Erik Pearson Hayward, CA Shannon Parry Santa Monica, CA ALTERNATE- Susana Reyes Los Angeles, CA It’s purpose is to presen esent the best st prac acti tice ce of Great Lakes Matt Naud Ann Arbor, MI Network twork Purpose rpose and Vision sion developme elopment t and Matt Gray Cleveland, OH main inte tenan ance, ce, inc ncludin luding: : Heartland T.O. Bowman Oklahoma City, OK Brenda Nations Iowa City, IO • What t the prac acti tice ce is and looks s like Michigan Green Dave Norwood Dearborn, MI Communities (MGC) Sandra Diorka Delhi, MI • Jaime Kidwell-Brix MGC Coordinator Why the prac actice tice is worthwhile rthwhile (Coordinator) • Who shoul ould d do it and when en New England Municipal Troy Moon Portland, ME Sustainability Network Cyndi Veit EPA- (Coordinator) (NEMSN) Kelsey O'Neil EPA- (Coordinator) • How to do it, , with ith examples mples Virginia LeClair Dedham, MA Ohio, Kansas, Indiana Larry Faulkin Cincinnati, OH (OKI) Lamees Mubaslat Montgomery County, OH Prairie State Network Catherine Hurley Evanston, IL (PSN) Dan Hughes PSN Coordinator (Coordinator) Southeast Sustainability Peter Nierengarten Fayetteville, AR Directors Network Robin Cox Huntsville, AL (SSDN) Meg Williams-Jamison SSDN Coordinator Western Adaptation Tamara Lawless Flagstaff, AZ Alliance (WAA) Ashley Perl Aspen, CO 2

  3. What t is Net etwork ork Purp rpos ose e and d Vi Vision on?  A  The A VISION SION STATEMENT ATEMENT outli line nes s founding nding e PURPOSE POSE of a network ork articu ticula late tes s the reason son pri rincip ciples es that t dri rive ve the network ork. . the network ork was as formed. med.  A vis  It is the specifi ision on is the way thing ngs s shoul ould be. . ecific, c, conci cise se reason son for its exis isten ence. ce.  The landscape on the horizon is something you are always walking towards. This horizon is always there as a guiding force to chart your course.  A billboard image of what to work towards.  Think ink about out what at needs ds to change. ange. Together gether, these se piec eces es creat eate e an overall erall vis ision on.  On Once a vis ision ion is articul ticulated ated, , it is used ed to commun munic icate ate and nd lead d the ne networ work. 3

  4. Vi Vision on State temen ment t Dev evel elopme pment nt  For r a network ork at any stage, ge, the big igges est chal allen lenge ge in devel eveloping oping or evolvi olving ng a vis ision on stateme ement t is being eing clear ar and conci cise se about out what at activi ivities ties wil ill l be purs rsued ed.  The more a vision reflects what is really thought and cared about, the more powerful it will be. People will be more likely to respond to the message if they see passion for it, instead of political figures talking about abstract issues.  Network twork designers signers need d to identi dentify fy and artic icula late e the foundi nding ng pri rinci nciples les to catal alyze ze the network. ork. A clear ar vis ision on statem ement ent wil ill giv ive e direc rection tion to future ure work. rk.  Dream big, put phrases on paper, pull out key words that are most compelling, and sand them into short powerful statements. Think about metaphors and images that inspire and motivate.  Creating eating a comm mmitte ittee e and/or /or surveying rveying member mbers s wil ill l help lp deter ermine mine the interes erest areas as the network ork shoul ould consi sider er pri riorit oritizi izing g in n the vis ision on statemen ement. t.  Put a draft out there and let members respond to it and refine it. In networks putting your finger prints on shared work establishes ownership and buy in. Give members places to put their finger prints on things that matter to them. 4

  5. Net etwork ork Purp rpos ose e Dev evel elopm opmen ent  A network’s purpose is essentially its s reas ason on for being ing. . This is is a collection lection of foundin ding g pri rinc ncipl ples es for the network. ork.  A pur urpose ose statemen ement needs ds to be broad oad and adapt aptab able le so that t it has s the flexib xibility lity to rema main foundation ndational al through ough the life fe and growt owth h of the network. ork.  Peer er-to to- peer sharing and learning is one of the most common starting points for a network’s purpose, rpose, so tap member mbers s for contrib ributi uting ng dir irecti ection n on artic icula lating ting that. Purpo pose e Statemen ment t Exampl mple: : Michigan Green Communi uniti ties es MGC is a network of local government and university staff in the state of Michigan that will collaborate with one another, through peer learning and information sharing, to promote innovative solutions and move sustainability initiatives forward at the local, regional, and state level. 5

  6. Purp rpose ose and d Vi Vision on Exa xampl ple Purpo pose Statement nt : The purpose of this network is to build capacity for community sustainability in the Southeast. SSDN strives to support members in their work, influence sustainable policies and programs at the local and state levels, and lead the advancement of national sustainability. Vision n Statement nt : SSDN strives to support members in their work, influence sustainable policies and programs at the local and state levels, and lead the advancement of national sustainability. This will be accomplished by: • Closing the progress gaps between the Southeast and the rest of the nation; • Leveraging the knowledge and experience of local government sustainability officials by being a member driven network to build regional capacity; • Collaborating to streamline sustainable policymaking and program development. 6

  7. Why y Ar Are Th e Thes ese e Va Valuable uable to Reg egional nal Net etworks? orks?  Networks tworks must st be carefull refully y desi signed ed . . When n developin eveloping g a ne networ work, , leaders ders must st weig eigh h poss ssible le imp mpac acts ts of decisio cisions ns in order der to foster er a strong ong purpose rpose and clear ar path th for future ure work. rk. The e vis ision n and purpose rpose is the eleva evator or spee eech ch. .  Lead aders ership hip changes anges over r the life fe of a network ork. . A well ll desig signed ed pur urpose ose and vis ision on state tement ment will ll act as a groundi ounding g force ce as the ne networ work k grow ows. s.  They are meant to be revisited over time for continued relevancy, yet shouldn’t require a complete redesig design. . 7

  8. Va Value e Pro roposi position tions  Value ue prop oposition ositions s are the benefits efits that members mbers wil ill l reali lize e by partic rticipa pati ting ng in the network ork, , both th individually and collectively. All members don’t need to value all propositions. But all members need to hig ighly hly value lue at least st one prop opositi osition. n. Example ples s from USDN DN:  Have ve acces ess s to trusted sted infor orma mation tion about ut urban an sustainabil ainability ity  Keep ep abreast east with h my peer ers  Get to know w colleag leagues ues with h whom om I can shar are  Build ild the field ld of urban ban sustainabil ainability ity  Iden entify tify indi divi vidua ual l valu lue e prop opositions ositions by asking king membe bers rs directly. rectly. An effective ctive network ork can then en offer offer a menu nu of potentia ential l benefits efits from m parti ticipa cipati tion n to keep memb mbers ers engaged. aged.  Having a clear understanding of a network’s individual and collective value proposition is what at makes es a network ork greate eater r than n the sum of its parts. rts. This is unders derstandi tanding ng shapes apes the vis ision n and purpose rpose. . 8

  9. Exc xcha hangi nging ng Va Value e in a Net etwork ork Memb mbers ers create ate valu lue e for each h other er by shar aring ng indi divi vidua ual l assets. sets. The e comp mpetenci etencies es shoul ould comp mplement lement the end game me (visio sion n / purpose): rpose): Connections Can you connect others in the network to people who may be able and willing to help them? Knowledge Do you know something that may be valuable to others in the network? Competencies Do you have a skill that may be of value to others in the network? Resources Do you have access to funds or other resources that may be useful to others in the network? 9


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