reducing viral hepatitis transmission in persons

Reducing Viral Hepatitis Transmission in Persons Experiencing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reducing Viral Hepatitis Transmission in Persons Experiencing Incarceration Through Education and Peer-Based Interventions Mandy Altman, MPA, CCHP March 22, 2018 Disclosures - Nothing to disclose Worst-case scenario? Purpose - Learn about

  1. Reducing Viral Hepatitis Transmission in Persons Experiencing Incarceration Through Education and Peer-Based Interventions Mandy Altman, MPA, CCHP March 22, 2018

  2. Disclosures - Nothing to disclose

  3. Worst-case scenario?

  4. Purpose - Learn about viral hepatitis education and peer-based programs in Washington state prisons and jails. - Understand program history, implementation, and content. - Discuss opportunities to incorporate education in audience facilities.

  5. Who’s in class? - Correctional healthcare providers? - Correctional healthcare administrators? - Community-based health educators? - Researchers? - Who else?

  6. Who I am - How I became interested in incarcerated populations - HIV/STD Prevention Specialist - Illinois DOC - Correctional Health Program Manager - WA DOC

  7. HEP - Founded in 1993 - Programs today: Outreach, MCM, Clinic, SAP , DOC - Future

  8. NHCN - Founded in 2010 - Professional networking, resource sharing

  9. Our work in WA DOC

  10. Hep 101 - Began in 2001 - Current: 51 in-person, 12 online - Class size: 0-100 - Class time: 1-3 hours

  11. Hep 101 - Curriculum: - Overview of liver - What is viral hepatitis - Focus on HCV routes of transmission - Safer injection (includes overdose prevention) - Safer tattooing - Explanation of testing (types, results) - DOC-specific resources - Basic info for safer/healthier life

  12. Hep 101

  13. Project SHIELD - Evidence-Based Curriculum - Began in 2012 - Goal: Reduce ID transmission - Impact: Empowerment

  14. Project SHIELD - Class size maximum of 12 - On-site coordinator - Six session, spread over 2-3 weeks - Participants selected by interview if demand is high - Working on program expansion/peer facilitators - Student working on evaluation assessment

  15. Project SHIELD - Curriculum: - HIV/Viral Hep 101 - PEER - Safer Sex Demo - Safer Injection Demo - Safer Tattooing

  16. Project SHIELD Which body fluid has the highest risk for spreading HCV? 90% 68% 45% 23% 0% Correct Partially Correct Incorrect Pretest Posttest

  17. Project SHIELD What are the three main body fluids that can transmit HBV 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Correct Partially Correct Incorrect Pretest Posttest

  18. Project SHIELD How likely are you to use a new needle the next time you inject drugs? 100% 95% 94% 87% 88% 81% 75% Pretest Posttest

  19. Project SHIELD How likely are you to clean your needle before injecting the next time you inject? 100% 97% 94% 88% 82% 81% 75% Pretest Posttest

  20. Our work in county jail - Class size 0-25 - Men’s classes 1 x month - Women’s classes 1 x month

  21. Other Peer Education - Programs in Massachusetts, Oregon, New Mexico, Illinois, Washington - Former program in California - Current program models?

  22. Questions? - What have you learned? - What opportunities are there for programs in your agency?

  23. Thank you! Mandy Altman, MPA, CCHP Correctional Health Program Manager, Hepatitis Education Project Director, National Hepatitis Corrections Network 1621 South Jackson Street, Suite 201 Seattle, WA 98144 |


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