redaction consultation process

Redaction Consultation Process Assessment of justification for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Redaction Consultation Process Assessment of justification for proposed redactions of commercially confidential information Stakeholder webinar 24 June 2015, London Presented by Anne-Sophie Henry-Eude An agency of the European Union Head of

  1. Redaction Consultation Process Assessment of justification for proposed redactions of commercially confidential information Stakeholder webinar 24 June 2015, London Presented by Anne-Sophie Henry-Eude An agency of the European Union Head of Access to Documents Service

  2. Introduction Following the submission of the clinical reports for the purpose of publication, the Agency will initiate a redaction consultation process . • The purpose of the redaction consultation process is to: – Ensure a consistent level of redaction of the commercially confidential information (CCI) throughout the documents. – Ensure that only duly justified redactions of CCI are applied to the documents. Therefore, the published study reports would provide the highest possible level of transparency while aiming at the protection of CCI. 1 Redaction Consultation Process

  3. Contents Stages of the process • Internal receipt/ distribution stage • Validation stage • Assessment of CCI stage Outcome of the redaction consultation process 2 Redaction Consultation Process

  4. Internal receipt/ distribution stage – 5 calendar days Receiving docum ents Dedicated team receives documents and justification tables Assignm ent Assessment task is assigned to a dedicated team member 3 Redaction Consultation Process

  5. Validation stage –11 calendar days Clarification Validation EMA contact person to request from Validation of the justification table MAH/ Applicant a revised justification table if needed 4 Redaction Consultation Process

  6. Assessment of CCI stage – 31 calendar days Assessm ent of proposals for Request for additional redaction of CCI inform ation Justifications will be assessed by the EMA taking Will be sent to the MAH/ Applicant via Eudralink into account the principles described if needed in the Guidance on CCI redaction Agency final conclusion Agency sends final justification table to MAH/ Applicant with accepted and/ or rejected proposals for redaction of CCI 5 Redaction Consultation Process

  7. Outcome of the assessment Based on the outcome of the assessment in the justification table, the company is expected to update the proposed redacted documents to reflect the proposals for redaction of CCI agreed by the EMA. Final redacted docum ent I m plem entation of conclusion The MAH/ Applicant will provide final redacted documents for publication 6 Redaction Consultation Process

  8. Thank you for your attention Further information European Medicines Agency 30 Churchill Place • Canary Wharf • London E14 5EU • United Kingdom Telephone + 44 (0)20 3660 6000 Facsim ile + 44 (0)20 3660 5555 Send a question via our w ebsite contact Follow us on @EMA_ New s

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