recent upgrade of g4lbnf horn b conceptual design

Recent Upgrade of g4lbnf: Horn B Conceptual Design revision 2 Paul - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Recent Upgrade of g4lbnf: Horn B Conceptual Design revision 2 Paul Lebrun ND/Fermilab. December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 1 Outline Horn B, revision 2 => Coded up. ==> geantino plots (Horn A, small improvements to the

  1. Recent Upgrade of g4lbnf: Horn B Conceptual Design revision 2 Paul Lebrun ND/Fermilab. December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 1

  2. Outline Horn B, revision 2 => Coded up. ==> geantino plots ✔ (Horn A, small improvements to the code. ) ✔ Comparison, Horn “ideal” (as coming out of the genetic algorithm based optimization ✔ of Laura F. et al) vs “Realistic”, detailed G4 implementation of all “relevant” volumes found in the NX-9 CAD model, and corresponding changes to the magnetic field map. Next steps: ✔ – Implement Horn C, concept. design, Rev 2 – Retune a bit (spacing between horns, small changes in horn length) – Study the effect of field maps upgrades in the Inner/Outer conductor regions, and other non-unformities December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 2

  3. … Few programming notes.. Now using Geant4 v 4.10.2.p02 .. The change I made to the code ✔ caused crashed using the previous release, due to bug in the G4 geometry navigation code, fixed months ago... So, I am using ROOT 6.x, and a newer compiler, as I haven't found a ✔ matching DK2Nu with the old old ROOT and this new compiler. – This might break the old style nutrino N-tuples code. My advice: use the Dk2NU package from now on. I haven't not yet committed the changes.. Bigger change then just G4. ✔ Laura F. has upgraded our neutrino analysis script(s), but... is it in use?? December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 3

  4. … Coding the realistic geometry.. No changes in the methodology.. Fired up the Citrix server, ✔ TeamCenter, get to the model #, run Nx9, and do the measurements that are needed.. TeamCenter Doc# entered in the code. Enter the geometry, mostly “hardcoded” in the ✔ LBNEVolumePlacements class. One by one, trying to check every number twice... – Curves ==> Polygonal shape. Conceptual Design Rev1 no longer avialable at run time: if needed, ✔ you'll need to re0build g4lbne from a previous release (v3r4p4 ?.. ) (a good thing a few of us will stay around for the next ~30 years). ✔ December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 4

  5. Nx9 screen captures... (Horn B) Outer Conductor Current Eq section 1 m. I/O trans. I/O Insulator Inner Conductor December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 5

  6. .. found wire frame a bit more convenient.. Welds Hanger rings Nx9 has good interactive feature to explore the model...Not all features are implemented in the G4 model: simplified some curve, beveled edges for flanges. Also, drain holes not implemented December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 6

  7. .. comparison with Geantinos plots.. Nx9 cut view G4lbnf geantinos R/Z plot Spider hanger added.. (NuMI) December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 7

  8. Neutrino (in neutrino mode) spectrum, far detector. Idealistic vs Realistic Simply replace the Idealistic (as taken of the “run26_8079_NumiTarget” from Laura). All horns are either “ideal” shape (polygonal, from the optimizer) or Real (Nx9 models) Horn A & B are revision 2, Horn C is revision 1. December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 8

  9. Neutrino (in neutrino mode) spectrum, far detector. Idealistic / Realistic Simply replace the idealistic horns, as specific in “CP_run26_8079_NumiTarget.mac” Laura gave us (Cory C., my self), by the “Nx9-based” G4 implementation. Note: HornC is still at Revision 1 (slightly inconsistent with that results from the optimization), while Horn A & B are at Rev 2 (Team Center #F10068454, #F10071359, respectively. December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 9

  10. .. On a wider scale... Biggest change is in the tail for the focusing peak. We are gaining at ~ 4 GeV/c , then loosing up to 50%, but then, rather flat. This is the energy regime where we are most sensitive to focusing effects!. (previous studies..) December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 10

  11. Details needed! What Changed? Horn B move from ideal to realistic seems to have the smallest impact (< 10 % change, in the focusing peak.. Horn A similar, in the focusing peak, at least. This what one more or less expects (again, previous studies..) due to matter effect (absorption of good pions..., on I/O sections, welds, supports.... ) December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 11

  12. An other way to compare.. : Two horns “realistic”, one “idealized” Regards to the changes in the high energy tail, it seems obvious that Horn C needs revision. Not suprising is the ovbious candiate to work on: If idealized, this is “rev2”, if “Realistic”, still from Rev 1. ==> “field map differ”. December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 12

  13. Effect of downstream target support.. <~ 1 % change across the spectrum! Perhaps sensible: In the focusing peak, pions at a bigger radii than the bulk of the support, which at a Radius of ~ 40 mm. Not affected.. At higher energy production of pions that can be focused by HornC do compensate the absorption. And, of course, no magnetic effects. December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 13

  14. Focusing changes: Effective magnetic length of horns.. Ideal vs realistic.. In the ideal version, the I/O transitions region are much simplified, they are nearly vertical lines. We (Cory C. ? ) could compromise and reduce a bit the length of the IC, to match the same B.dl that enter (or leaving) the I/O transition.. December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 14

  15. Impact on the Near to Far ratio. → This is the ratio of ratios previously shown, Near over Far. Virtually no impact if B Ideal to Real. (Good news!) December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 15

  16. Next Steps... Implement Horn C Revision 2. (Team Center #10071767) Same ✔ methodology as before.. Do we need to retune a bit, if the shape of the focusing tail peak ✔ matters? By this, I mean moving Horn B with respect to Horn A, (easy), or reducing the length of the IC by a few percent? (need to redo the FEA analysis.... Probably not ? Study the field maps, and corrections due to horn deformations, I/O ✔ transition regions, etc.. (Colorado, UTA & IIT ) ?? ✔ December 15/23 2016 Realistic Horns in G4LBNF 16


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