ralph rollins performed geotechnical investigations for

Ralph Rollins, performed geotechnical investigations for over 5000 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ralph Rollins, performed geotechnical investigations for over 5000 structures I took Soil Mechanics class from my Father Rachel Rollins is a Civil Engineering student Rachel took Soil Mechanics class from her Father Granddaughter, Ella, shows

  1. Lateral Spread Damage-Bridge 1991 Limon, Costa Rica Earthquake

  2. Obtain plans for bridge foundations

  3. 176.14 m 24.96 6 m 75.02 m 75.24 m Rio Estrella Bridge, Costa Rica, 1991

  4. Liquefaction in the Atacama Desert?

  5. Liquefaction in the Desert?

  6. Liquefaction at Tana Bridge

  7. Liquefaction in the Atacama Desert

  8. Lateral Spreading at Puerto Valparaiso Apparent lateral spreading at Berth 5 Lateral displacement and settlement behind dock wall

  9. Lateral Quaywall Movement at Puerto Valparaiso

  10. Lateral Spread at Puerto Valparaiso Valpariso, Chile Port Lateral Spread 60 50 Horizontal Movement Cumulative Horizontal Displacement (cm) 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance from Wall Face (m)

  11. Lateral Spreading at Port of Valparaiso

  12. J uan Pablo II Bridge Lateral spreading and bridge Deck bent damage on NE approach settlement Lateral spread Liquefaction Deck settlement Lateral spread Deck settlement Shear failure evidence of liquefaction Lateral spread

  13. La Mochita Bridge, Concépcion

  14. Site Effects: Vespucio Norte & Ciudad Empresiarial B B A Q fno no : Silt & Clay Layers o A Silty Clay, Silty Sand Silty C C Gravel, S Gravel, Sandy Collapse Collapse p gravel No collapse H/ V peaks: 0.5-2sec (Bonnefoy et al, 2008) Damage to 5 to 20-story buildings Localized Damage – Site Effects?

  15. GEER 2011 (photo: K.M. Rollins) Liquefaction at Strong Motion Sites

  16. Strong ground motion stations with liquefaction nearby GEER 2011 (photos: Boulanger)

  17. Station CHB009 Station CHB024 GEER 2011 (photos: Boulanger) 0.2 0.2 CHB009 - NS CHB024 - NS 0.1 0.1 0 0 Acceleration (g) -0.1 -0.1 -0 .2 -0.2 0.2 0.2 CHB009 - EW CHB024 - EW 0.1 0.1 0 0 -0.1 -0.1 -0 .2 -0 .2 40 80 120 160 200 40 80 120 160 200 Time (s) Time (s)

  18. Landslides in Steep Slopes/Stiff dry clay West of Arauco

  19. Landslides in Steep Slopes/Stiff dry clay

  20. Bearing Failure and Lateral Spread at Tupul Bridge Bearing failure along highway Lateral spreading impacts bridge abutment Tupul Bridge

  21. Failure of Highway Embankment Embankment Fill Soft Clay Liquefiable Zone Embankment Fill Soft Clay Liquefiable Zone

  22. Skewed Bridge Abutment Overview � � 40% of 600,000 bridges in US are skewed � Current AASHTO design code does not � consider any effect of skew on passive force � Observations of poor performance of skewed � bridges Shamsabadi et al. 2006

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