race poverty rty a and r risk o of i involvement in

Race, Poverty rty a and R Risk o of I Involvement in Kalamazoo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Race, Poverty rty a and R Risk o of I Involvement in Kalamazoo os J Juven enile Justice S e System em Tim Ready Director Walker Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnic Relations Western Michigan University Presented at

  1. Race, Poverty rty a and R Risk o of I Involvement in Kalamazoo’ o’s J Juven enile Justice S e System em Tim Ready Director Walker Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnic Relations Western Michigan University Presented at Forum on Juvenile Justice: Disrupting the Pipeline to Prison Part of the Walker Institute’s Community Forum Series: Unequal Justice: Race, Class and the Criminal Justice System April 14, 2015 Kalamazoo Juvenile Home

  2. Look ookin ing a at the C Crimin inal l Justice System through gh t the e Len ens o s of Public H Hea ealth Primary Prevention • Identifying the Root Causes of Crime • A Focus on Inequality of Opportunity, Poverty, Racism, Family and Community Environmental Factors Secondary Prevention • Identifying what happens to someone upon their arrest and at subsequent stages of involvement in the criminal justice system • A Focus on the Effectiveness and Fairness of the Criminal Justice System

  3. Kalamazoo... …We Have a Problem

  4. Source: The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences. Travis J. and B. Western, eds. Washington: National Academies Press, 2014

  5. Source: The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences. Travis J. and B. Western, eds. Washington: National Academies Press, 2014

  6. Source: The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences. Travis J. and B. Western, eds. Washington: National Academies Press, 2014

  7. Arrest Rate per 1,000 Juveniles, 2012 Kalamazoo and Statewide 80 73 70 Kalamazoo 60 Statewilde 50 39 40 30 25 17 20 14 13 10 0 All Black White Source: Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice Michigancommitteeonjuvenilejustice.com

  8. A Look at Risk of Involvement in the Criminal Justice System through the Lens of Primary Prevention

  9. Child Poverty rty R Rate in City o of Kalamazoo, by Race and Ethnicity ty, 2010-2012 2012 70% 63% 57% 60% 50% 44% 37% 40% 28% 30% 20% 10% 0% hispanic white black other total * Source: American Community Survey, 2010-12

  10. Kalamazoo’s child poverty rate is higher than all but 10% of U.S. cities of at least 65,000 people. Walker Institute tabulation based on American Community Survey data for cities of at least 65,000 people, 2010-12

  11. Confirmed Cases es* of A Abuse e and/or or Neg egle lect ct, Ages 0 to o 8, for M Mich chig igan U Urban C Cou ountie ies, 2 , 201 013 45 42 40 35 35 29 28 30 23 25 21 19 20 16 14 15 11 9 10 5 0 * Rate per 1,000 Source: Child Protective Services, Michigan Dept. of Human Services, as reported by Michigan League for Public Policy

  12. Child Poverty rty a as Related t to the Am Ameri rican Ideal of E Equal O Opport rtunity ty for r Al All Source: Greg Duncan, Stanford University Pathways, winter, 2011

  13. Third Graders in Kalamazoo and Statewide who are Proficient in Reading by Economic Status*, 2009-10 to 2013-14 100% 90% 88% 81% 81% 80% 80% 79% 78% 78% 77% 76% 76% 70% 60% 54% 52% 50% 50% 49% 48% 47% 47% 42% 40% 39% 35% 30% 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Kalamazoo Disadvantaged Kalamazoo Not Disadvantaged State Disadvantaged State Not Disadvantaged In 2013-14, 74% of KPS third graders * were economically disadvantaged, compared to 51% statewide . • • Walker Institute tabulation based on data from : Michigan Department of Education https://mischooldata.org

  14. Continuum f from om N Ninth th Gr Grade C e Cohor ort o t of 2007 t to Post- Sec econdary D Deg egree C Com omple letio ion, a , as of Dece ecember, 2 2013 450 Ninth Grade Cohort 382 400 HS Grads 350 325 Promise Eligible 300 Promise Users 274 258 Any PS Credential 240 250 219 219 Bachelor's Degree 185 200 Walker Institute tabulation based on data from the Kalamazoo Promise and Michigan Department of Education 150 121 https://mischooldata.org 108 100 68 47 45 44 31 50 23 12 10 0 White Black Other

  15. 9 th th Grade C Per ercen ent o t of 9 Cohort for Kalamazoo P Public S c Sch chool’s Graduating C Class of 2 2007 t that A Attained a Post-Se Second ndary D y Deg egree e within S Six Y x Years, by Race ce, E Ethnicity 40% 37% Walker Institute tabulation based on data from the Blue = Any Credential Kalamazoo Promise and Michigan Department of Education 35% 33% https://mischooldata.org Orange = Bachelor’s Degree 30% 25% 23% 20% 18% 18% 15% 15% 11% 10% 6% 5% 0% Black White Other Total

  16. A Look at Risk of Involvement in the Criminal Justice System through the Lens of Secondary Prevention

  17. Black to White Ratio of Involvement at Different Stages of Juvenile Justice System, 2012 Black to White Ratio • Arrests 5.1 • Refer to Juvenile Court 1.1 • Cases Diverted .88 • Cases Involving Secure Detention 1.35 • Cases Petitioned 1.21 • Cases resulting in Delinquent Findings 0.96 • Cases resulting in Probation .79 • Cases Resulting in Confinement 1.05 Source: Michigan Committee on Juvenile Justice

  18. Violent Crime R Rate pe per 100, 100,000 00 in n City y of Kal alamaz azoo : 1985 1985 - 2012 2012 3,000 2,500 2,451 2,000 1,689 1,647 1,500 1,054 1,000 964 878 808 500 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012 Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics, as provided by Kalamazoo Department Of Public Safety

  19. Propert rty Crime Rate per r 100,000 in City of Kal alamaz azoo: 1985 1985 - 2012 2012 12,000 10,000 9,564 8,000 7,962 7,240 6,700 6,138 6,000 4,762 4,171 4,000 2,000 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012 Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics, as provided by Kalamazoo Department Of Public Safety

  20. Criminal Caseload of Kalamazoo Courts, 2003 to 2013 12000 11,277.00 11,158.00 10,476.00 9,909.00 10,225.00 9,719.00 9,743.00 9,399.00 10000 8,937.00 9,400.00 9,221.00 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: Annual Report, Kalamazoo County Courts, 2013

  21. Unequal Justice: Race, Class and the Criminal Justice System March 30 7pm James Forman, Jr., From Fear and Vengeance to Mercy and Forgiveness, Fetzer Center April 14 7pm Juvenile Justice: Disrupting the Pipeline to Prison Kalamazoo Juvenile Home April 28 7pm Challenges Facing Ex-Offenders, Bethany Reformed Church May 12 7pm Reimagining Kalamazoo with Justice for All Mt. Zion Baptist Church Also of Interest April 30 7pm Richard Reeves, The Opportunity Ecosystem Mr. Reeves will explore the following questions Are we providing an equal chance for success for all our children? • What makes some communities more successful than others at promoting social mobility? • What more can Kalamazoo do to make equal opportunity for all a reality? • This is the Inaugural Event of Shared Prosperity Kalamazoo , a new initiative launched by the Kalamazoo City Commission to promote: Increased access to well-paying jobs • Strong, economically secure families • Healthy growth, development and learning of all our kids •


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