r d and alternate designs

R&D and Alternate Designs E1ore Segreto UNICAMP - Brazil PD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

R&D and Alternate Designs E1ore Segreto UNICAMP - Brazil PD mee>ng 20/04/2016 1 R&D ac>vi>es Many interes>ng ideas proposed up to now that are being developed by groups inside the Collabora>ons: Anode coupled

  1. R&D and Alternate Designs E1ore Segreto UNICAMP - Brazil PD mee>ng 20/04/2016 1

  2. R&D ac>vi>es Many interes>ng ideas proposed up to now that are being developed by groups inside the Collabora>ons: • Anode coupled Read-out -> We will hear by J. Conrad • Near Infrared scin>lla>on light detec>on – could be used in combina>on wit VUV and improve the performances of PD system. Insensi>ve to Rayleigh sca1ering and can be reflected by stainless steel. Proposed by Prof. C. Escobar • Xenon doping -> Could resolve the problem of using wavelength shiWer. We will have a talk at PD mee>ng in CSU by M. Gold • ARAPUCA -> Trap of light proposed by Brazilian Collaborators -> Will be tested in LAr at Fermilab at the end of this month. Thanks to the help of C. Escobar, S. Pordes, H. Lippinco1 at Fermilab. PD mee>ng 20/04/2016 2

  3. Alternate designs • Use of reflector? • It gives many advantages: more light, more uniformity, be1er >me resolu>on,… • Evapora>ng TPB on a huge surface could be complicated and >me consuming • Why not considering the possibility of deposi>ng a TPB+ acrylic mixture on reflector? ü lower efficiency of conversion (30% - 40% ?) but be1er reflec>vity ü Cheaper ü Easy to produce -> paint, spry,… (no strict requirements on the uniformity of the film) ü The TPB+acrylic deposi>on is mastered by some groups of the collabora>on • Array of SiPM? Eventually coupled to reflector? PD mee>ng 20/04/2016 3


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