qut research week qut research week

QUT Research Week QUT Research Week selected areas Extending - PDF document

SASBE2003 QUT with CMU and Salford CIB Co-sponsored Attended by delegates from 19 countries in all 6 continents Over 90 presentations + keynotes Visualisation and Information Clients Drive Innovation? real R a university

  1. SASBE2003 • QUT with CMU and Salford • CIB Co-sponsored • Attended by delegates from 19 countries in all 6 continents • Over 90 presentations + keynotes Visualisation and Information Clients Drive Innovation? real R a university for the CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J real a university for the world A place for exciting things … Invitation & 1st Call for Papers Invitation & 1st Call for Papers • A leading University of Technology • World class strength in QUT Research Week QUT Research Week selected areas • Extending real world A ustralasian partnerships to make a 4- -8 July 2005 8 July 2005 4 U niversities’ difference … B uilding Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA E ducators • An Australian University in a A ssociation global context Includes : Includes : * COBRA – * COBRA – the Construction Research the Construction Research Conference of the RICS Foundation Conference of the RICS Foundation * AUBEA * AUBEA rd CIB Student Chapter International * 3 rd * 3 CIB Student Chapter International Symposium Symposium real R a university for the CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J real a university for the world QUT Blueprint Selected Areas of Strength … � Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation � Information Security Institute � Sustainable Living Initiative � Creativity and Innovation Initiative R R a university for the real a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world world 1

  2. Correction of Spinal Deformity real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J Driving Over a Wave Inflatable Rescue Boats (IRBs) real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J R R a university for the real a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world world 2

  3. Strong History of Successful Partnerships … What Drives Innovation in the Real World? Social Responsibility real R a university for the CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J real a university for the world Chair in Power Engineering Research Partnerships … • Chair in Transport Research • Research in Power Engineering Queensland Orthopaedic • Chair in Orthopaedic Research Research Trust • Chair in Avionics • Electricity Supply Industry postgraduate • Chair in Power Engineering courses • Research Fellows - Spine Research • Knowledge • Chair in Traumatology Development in Asset Management • Castrol Research Fellow real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J Successful Leaders of CRCs … CII - Global Research Alliances � Integrated Engineering Asset Management � Construction Innovation � Satellite Systems � Interaction Design � Rail R R a university for the real a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world world 3

  4. CRC for Australia’s Hub Construction I nnovation for Asset Building our Future Management Innovation Leading the Australian property and construction industry in collaboration and innovation real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J A new breed of partnership � Living laboratories � Work Integrated Learning � Working across disciplines in themes real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J R R a university for the real a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world world 4

  5. What Drives Innovation in the Real World? Legal Responsibility CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J real real a university for the a university for the world world Movie not playing. This is the BAC movie file from Sam. I only want a 20 sec segment of it from near the start transitioning from plane landing and site to a model oif the terminal building real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J BAC ... our living laboratory QUT … your R&D arm R R a university for the real a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world world 5

  6. Sustainable Living Initiative Our focus • Fast developing, sub-tropical environments • Across the disciplines • Working in living laboratories What Drives Innovation in the Real World? Long Term Responsibilities real R a university for the CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J real a university for the world QUT Blueprint On-line Remote Construction Management Selected Areas of Strength … � Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation � Information Security Institute � Sustainable Living Initiative Main Roads � Creativity and Innovation Initiative real R a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J real a university for the world Potential of “Web-tools” Case Study Project (CSP1) CSP1 Statistics Client Project description : Widening & overlay of Highway Value at completion : Aus$ 4.1 million Contract delivery system : Traditional Contract time : 220 calendar days Completion date : March 2001 Primary Contractor : PNC Internet–based IT System http://www.projectcentre.net CSP1 Participants : Including - Contractor; Engineer; Project Manager; ProjectCentre Administrator; Superintendent & Representative. R R a university for the real a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world world 6

  7. Internet Based Project Management real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J QUT Blueprint Selected Areas of Strength … � Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation � Information Security Institute � Sustainable Living What Drives Innovation in the Real World? Initiative Client Authority � Creativity and Innovation Initiative real R a university for the CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J real a university for the world ‘…taking 3-dimensional computer modelling of the built environment to an almost infinite MARTIN FISCHER number of dimensions’ R a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world a university for the real world 7

  8. What does an nD model do? • Predict and plan the construction process • Determine cost options • Maximise sustainability • Investigate energy requirements • Examine people’s accessibility • Determine maintenance needs • Incorporate crime deterrent features • Examine the building’s acoustics all at the same time!! all at the same time!! real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J What Drives Innovation in the Real World? Responsibility to Learn from Others real R a university for the CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J real a university for the world Virtual Environments (VE) Community Consultation and VE R R a university for the real a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world world 8

  9. real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J Transportation Research @ QUT Information and Information and Visualisation Visualisation Transport Transport Engineering Engineering CARRS- CARRS -Q Q QUT QUT Transport Research Transport Research Group Group Urban Planning Urban Planning Optometry Optometry What Drives Innovation in the Real World? Air Quality Air Quality Economics Economics Responsibility to People real R a university for the CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J real a university for the world Other Par Ot her Partner ers…. s…. BP Coles Myer Australia Post Fosters Group Ford Australia News Corporation Exxon Mobile Shell BlueScope Steel R R a university for the real a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world world 9

  10. Emerging Transit Systems Community Consultation and VE real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J Community Consultation and VE real R real R a university for the a university for the world CRICOS No. 000213J world CRICOS No. 000213J ICT Future What Drives Innovation in the Real World? Responsibility to Stakeholders R a university for the real CRICOS No. 000213J CRICOS No. 000213J world a university for the real world 10


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