queen mary university of london

Queen Mary University of London 4500 staff, 26000 students - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Queen Mary University of London 4500 staff, 26000 students (including 4000 outside the UK) 91% UG from state schools, 60% BAME, 42% first in family in HE 5 th in UK for quality of research outputs in REF2014 Particle Physics Research Centre

  1. Queen Mary University of London 4500 staff, 26000 students (including 4000 outside the UK) 91% UG from state schools, 60% BAME, 42% first in family in HE 5 th in UK for quality of research outputs in REF2014

  2. Particle Physics Research Centre One of the 4 main research groups in the School of Physics and Astronomy 8 academics, 12 research staff, 19 PhD students Detector R&D zero mass silicon detectors ATLAS: organic neutron detectors Higgs measurements in VH -> bb+X diamond detectors Higgs measurements in mu-mu BSM Higgs searches in di-Higgs and A->Zh Dark Matter and SUSY searches Computing: Precision EWK measurements Algorithms for high-throughput proteomics Grid Computing – GridPP and IRIS ATLAS Upgrade: ITk and L1Calo trigger Part of the DISCNet Data Intensive Science CDT

  3. Particle Physics Research Centre

  4. Particle Physics Research Centre

  5. Expect to eventually have 4 academic staff associated with DUNE PPRC and DUNE Hiring 2 new academics over the next year – advert going through QMUL approval at the moment – should be live very soon Currently also able to commit 0.5 FTE electrical engineer (in post) and 0.5 FTE PDRA (post vacant) Other synergies with ATLAS trigger/DAQ effort could be exploited Anticipate having a PhD student from next October Synergy with GridPP activities allow some bits of PDRA time to be available for computing

  6. Interested in contributing to the Near Detector PPRC and DUNE Should align with other “local” activities on ND (IC, RHUL,…) HPgTPC - DAQ, Electronics, and software and computing Build on existing expertise: - ATLAS trigger DAQ, ATLAS trigger upgrade, ATLAS ITk - AI, ML, algorithms, Grid Computing Steps underway: - Terry Froy: perfSONAR mesh for DUNE and networking - Dan Traynor: getting DUNE jobs running at QMUL, CPU and GPU - Karen Hayrapetyan: discussing with Jen Raaf possible tasks for now Should also align with background of new academic


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