quasi conformal minimal lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the hyperbolic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the hyperbolic plane Francesco Bonsante (joint work with J.M. Schlenker) January 21, 2010 Francesco Bonsante

  1. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the hyperbolic plane Francesco Bonsante (joint work with J.M. Schlenker) January 21, 2010 Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  2. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Quasi-symmetric homeomorphism of a circle A homeomorphism φ : S 1 ∞ → S 1 ∞ is quasi-symmetric if there exists K such that K ≤ [ φ ( a ) , φ ( b ); φ ( c ) , φ ( d )] 1 ≤ K [ a , b ; c , d ] for every a , b , c , d ∈ S 1 ∞ = ∂ H 2 . Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  3. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Quasi-symmetric homeomorphism of a circle A homeomorphism φ : S 1 ∞ → S 1 ∞ is quasi-symmetric if there exists K such that K ≤ [ φ ( a ) , φ ( b ); φ ( c ) , φ ( d )] 1 ≤ K [ a , b ; c , d ] for every a , b , c , d ∈ S 1 ∞ = ∂ H 2 . A homeomorphism g : S 1 ∞ → S 1 ∞ is quasi-symmetric iff there exits a quasi-conformal diffeo φ of H 2 such that g = φ | S 1 ∞ . Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  4. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The universal Teichm¨ uller space T = { quasi-conformal diffeomorphisms of H 2 } / ∼ where φ ∼ ψ is there is A ∈ PSL 2 ( R ) such that φ | S 1 ∞ = A ◦ ψ | S 1 ∞ . Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  5. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The universal Teichm¨ uller space T = { quasi-conformal diffeomorphisms of H 2 } / ∼ where φ ∼ ψ is there is A ∈ PSL 2 ( R ) such that φ | S 1 ∞ = A ◦ ψ | S 1 ∞ . T = { quasi-symmetric homeomorphisms of S 1 ∞ } / PSL 2 ( R ) . Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  6. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Shoen conjecture Conjecture (Shoen) For any quasi-symmetric homeomorphism g : S 1 ∞ → S 1 ∞ there is a unique quasi-conformal harmonic diffeo Φ of H 2 such that g = Φ | S 1 ∞ Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  7. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Main result THM (B-Schlenker) For any quasi-symmetric homeomorphism g : S 1 ∞ → S 1 ∞ there is a unique quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphims Φ : H 2 → H 2 such that g = Φ | S 1 ∞ Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  8. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms A diffeomorphism Φ : H 2 → H 2 is minimal Lagrangian if It is area-preserving; The graph of Φ is a minimal surface in H 2 × H 2 . Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  9. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Minimal Lagrangian maps vs harmonic maps Given a minimal Lagrangian diffemorphism Φ : H 2 → H 2 , let S ⊂ H 2 × H 2 be its graph, then the projections φ 1 : S → H 2 φ 2 : S → H 2 are harmonic maps, and the sum of the corresponding Hopf differentials is 0. Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  10. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Minimal Lagrangian maps vs harmonic maps Given a minimal Lagrangian diffemorphism Φ : H 2 → H 2 , let S ⊂ H 2 × H 2 be its graph, then the projections φ 1 : S → H 2 φ 2 : S → H 2 are harmonic maps, and the sum of the corresponding Hopf differentials is 0. Conversely given two harmonic diffeomorphisms u , u ∗ such that the sum of the corresponding Hopf differentials is 0, then u ◦ ( u ∗ ) − 1 is a minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphism. Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  11. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Known results Labourie (1992): If S , S ′ are closed hyperbolic surfaces of the same genus, there is a unique Φ : S → S ′ that is minimal Lagrangian. Aiyama-Akutagawa-Wan (2000): Every quasi-symmetric homeomorphism with small dilatation of S 1 ∞ extends to a minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphism. Brendle (2008): If K , K ′ are two convex subsets of H 2 of the same finite area, there is a unique minimal lagrangian diffeomorphism g : K → K ′ . Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  12. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The AdS geometry We use a correspondence between minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of H 2 and maximal surfaces of AdS 3 . Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  13. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The AdS geometry We use a correspondence between minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of H 2 and maximal surfaces of AdS 3 . Given a qs homeo g of the circle, we prove that minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms extending g correspond bijectively to maximal surfaces in AdS 3 satisfying some asymptotic conditions (determined by g ). Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  14. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The AdS geometry We use a correspondence between minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of H 2 and maximal surfaces of AdS 3 . Given a qs homeo g of the circle, we prove that minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms extending g correspond bijectively to maximal surfaces in AdS 3 satisfying some asymptotic conditions (determined by g ). We prove that there exists a unique maximal surface satisfying these asymptotic conditions. Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  15. The result Minimal maps and maximal surfaces Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Remark The correspondence { minimal Lagrangian maps of H 2 } ↔ { maximal surfaces in AdS 3 } is analogous to the classical correspondence { harmonic diffeomorphisms of H 2 } ↔ { surfaces of H = 1 in M 3 } Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  16. The result The AdS 3 space Minimal maps and maximal surfaces The correspondence maximal surfaces vs minimal maps Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The Anti de Sitter space AdS 3 = model manifolds of Lorentzian geometry of constant curvature − 1. AdS 3 = ( H 2 × R , g ) where ˜ g ( x , t ) = ( g H ) x − φ ( x ) d θ 2 φ ( x ) = ch ( d H ( x , x 0 )) 2 [Lapse function] Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  17. The result The AdS 3 space Minimal maps and maximal surfaces The correspondence maximal surfaces vs minimal maps Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 ˜ AdS 3 = AdS 3 / f where f ( x , θ ) = ( R π ( x ) , θ + π ) and R π is the rotation of π around x 0 f(x) \pi x Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  18. The result The AdS 3 space Minimal maps and maximal surfaces The correspondence maximal surfaces vs minimal maps Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The boundary of AdS 3 = S 1 × S 1 . ∂ ∞ AdS 3 ∼ The conformal structure of AdS 3 extends to the boundary. Isometries of AdS 3 extend to conformal diffeomorphisms of the boundary. Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  19. The result The AdS 3 space Minimal maps and maximal surfaces The correspondence maximal surfaces vs minimal maps Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The boundary of AdS 3 = S 1 × S 1 . ∂ ∞ AdS 3 ∼ The conformal structure of AdS 3 extends to the boundary. Isometries of AdS 3 extend to conformal diffeomorphisms of the boundary. There are exactly two foliations of ∂ ∞ AdS 3 by lightlike lines. They are called the left and right foliations. Leaves of the left foliation meet leaves of the right foliation exactly in one point. Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  20. The result The AdS 3 space Minimal maps and maximal surfaces The correspondence maximal surfaces vs minimal maps Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The double foliation of the boundary of AdS 3 Figure: The l behaviour of the double foliation of ∂ ∞ ˜ AdS 3 . Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  21. The result The AdS 3 space Minimal maps and maximal surfaces The correspondence maximal surfaces vs minimal maps Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The boundary of AdS 3 Figure: Every leaf of the left (right) foliation intersects S 1 ∞ × { 0 } exactly once. Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  22. The result The AdS 3 space Minimal maps and maximal surfaces The correspondence maximal surfaces vs minimal maps Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 The product structure The map π : ∂ ∞ AdS 3 → S 1 ∞ × S 1 ∞ obtained by following the left and right leaves is a diffeomorphism. Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

  23. The result The AdS 3 space Minimal maps and maximal surfaces The correspondence maximal surfaces vs minimal maps Maximal surfaces in AdS 3 Spacelike meridians A a-causal curve in ∂ ∞ AdS 3 is locally the graph of an orientation preserving homeomorphism between two intervals of S 1 ∞ . Francesco Bonsante Quasi-conformal minimal Lagrangian diffeomorphisms of the

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