quantum graphs on radially symmetric antitrees

Quantum Graphs on Radially Symmetric Antitrees Noema Nicolussi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quantum Graphs on Radially Symmetric Antitrees Noema Nicolussi University of Vienna (joint work with A. Kostenko) Differential Operators on Graphs and Waveguides, Graz 26 February 2019 Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 1 / 12 Definition Let

  1. Quantum Graphs on Radially Symmetric Antitrees Noema Nicolussi University of Vienna (joint work with A. Kostenko) Differential Operators on Graphs and Waveguides, Graz 26 February 2019 Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 1 / 12

  2. Definition Let ( s n ) n be a sequence with s 0 = 1 and s n ∈ N , n ≥ 1. The antitree for ( s n ) n is the (discrete) graph A d = ( V , E ) obtained as follows: For every n ∈ N ... Put s n new vertices . Denote this vertex set by S n . 1 Then connect every vertex in S n with every vertex in S n − 1 . 2 Ex.: s n := n + 1 S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 2 / 12

  3. Definition Let ( s n ) n be a sequence with s 0 = 1 and s n ∈ N , n ≥ 1. The antitree for ( s n ) n is the (discrete) graph A d = ( V , E ) obtained as follows: For every n ∈ N ... Put s n new vertices . Denote this vertex set by S n . 1 Then connect every vertex in S n with every vertex in S n − 1 . 2 Ex.: s n := n + 1 S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 If every edge e ∈ E is assigned a finite edge length 0 < | e | < ∞ , then A = ( V , E , | · | ) is called a metric antitree . ⇒ Quantum Graphs H (= Laplacians) on metric antitrees Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 2 / 12

  4. Motivation: QG’s on different graph types? Finite graphs: (= finitely many edges) σ ( H ) is purely discrete and the eigenvalues satisfy Weyl’s law . Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 3 / 12

  5. Motivation: QG’s on different graph types? Finite graphs: (= finitely many edges) σ ( H ) is purely discrete and the eigenvalues satisfy Weyl’s law . Infinite periodic graphs: σ ( H ) “usually” has band-gap structure (=union of closed intervals). (Berkolaiko&Kuchment, “Introduction to Quantum Graphs”, 2013) Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 3 / 12

  6. Motivation: QG’s on different graph types? Finite graphs: (= finitely many edges) σ ( H ) is purely discrete and the eigenvalues satisfy Weyl’s law . Infinite periodic graphs: σ ( H ) “usually” has band-gap structure (=union of closed intervals). (Berkolaiko&Kuchment, “Introduction to Quantum Graphs”, 2013) Infinite (symmetric) Trees: Trees can be well analyzed. But: Their structure excludes (some) interesting phenomena! (e.g. Solomyak 90’s; Breuer&Frank 08; Exner,Seifert&Stollmann 14) Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 3 / 12

  7. Motivation: QG’s on different graph types? Finite graphs: (= finitely many edges) σ ( H ) is purely discrete and the eigenvalues satisfy Weyl’s law . Infinite periodic graphs: σ ( H ) “usually” has band-gap structure (=union of closed intervals). (Berkolaiko&Kuchment, “Introduction to Quantum Graphs”, 2013) Infinite (symmetric) Trees: Trees can be well analyzed. But: Their structure excludes (some) interesting phenomena! (e.g. Solomyak 90’s; Breuer&Frank 08; Exner,Seifert&Stollmann 14) Goal: A model that can be fully analyzed - but still with “rich behavior”? Random walks on antitrees have diverse behavior! (Counter-examples to “Grigoryan’s completeness theorem for graphs”; Wojchiechowski 2011 ) Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 3 / 12

  8. The Kirchhoff Laplacian H Let A be a metric antitree and L 2 ( A ) = � e ∈E L 2 (0 , | e | ) its L 2 -space. Then consider the maximal operator H max := � e ∈E H e , where H e = − d 2 / dx 2 dom( H e ) = H 2 (( 0 , | e | )) . e , Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 4 / 12

  9. The Kirchhoff Laplacian H Let A be a metric antitree and L 2 ( A ) = � e ∈E L 2 (0 , | e | ) its L 2 -space. Then consider the maximal operator H max := � e ∈E H e , where H e = − d 2 / dx 2 dom( H e ) = H 2 (( 0 , | e | )) . e , � � f is continuous at v Kirchhoff conditions: For every vertex v : e edges at v f ′ � e ( v ) = 0 , Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 4 / 12

  10. The Kirchhoff Laplacian H Let A be a metric antitree and L 2 ( A ) = � e ∈E L 2 (0 , | e | ) its L 2 -space. Then consider the maximal operator H max := � e ∈E H e , where H e = − d 2 / dx 2 dom( H e ) = H 2 (( 0 , | e | )) . e , � � f is continuous at v Kirchhoff conditions: For every vertex v : e edges at v f ′ � e ( v ) = 0 , Definition: Define the pre-minimal Laplacian as H 0 := H max ↾ dom( H 0 ) with domain dom( H 0 ) = { f ∈ dom( H max ) | f ∈ L 2 comp ( A ) , f satisfies KH conditions } . Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 4 / 12

  11. The Kirchhoff Laplacian H Let A be a metric antitree and L 2 ( A ) = � e ∈E L 2 (0 , | e | ) its L 2 -space. Then consider the maximal operator H max := � e ∈E H e , where H e = − d 2 / dx 2 dom( H e ) = H 2 (( 0 , | e | )) . e , � � f is continuous at v Kirchhoff conditions: For every vertex v : e edges at v f ′ � e ( v ) = 0 , Definition: Define the pre-minimal Laplacian as H 0 := H max ↾ dom( H 0 ) with domain dom( H 0 ) = { f ∈ dom( H max ) | f ∈ L 2 comp ( A ) , f satisfies KH conditions } . Define the Kirchhoff Laplacian H by taking closure, H := H 0 . Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 4 / 12

  12. Idea: Antitrees are highly symmetrical ⇒ “dimension reduction” Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 5 / 12

  13. Idea: Antitrees are highly symmetrical ⇒ “dimension reduction” Additional assumption: The antitree A is radially symmetric , i.e. for each n ≥ 0, edges connecting the vertex sets S n and S n +1 have the same length, say ℓ n > 0. Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 5 / 12

  14. Idea: Antitrees are highly symmetrical ⇒ “dimension reduction” Additional assumption: The antitree A is radially symmetric , i.e. for each n ≥ 0, edges connecting the vertex sets S n and S n +1 have the same length, say ℓ n > 0. Theorem (Kostenko–N.): The “symmetric part” H sym of H is equivalent to the Sturm-Liouville operator defined on L 2 ([0 , L ); µ ) by (here, t n := � j < n ℓ j , L = � n ℓ n ) 1 dx µ ( x ) d d � τ f := − dx f , µ ( x ) = s n s n +1 1 [ t n , t n +1 ) ( x ) , µ ( x ) n ≥ 0 and Neumann BC ( f ′ (0) = 0) at x = 0. Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 5 / 12

  15. Idea: Antitrees are highly symmetrical ⇒ “dimension reduction” Additional assumption: The antitree A is radially symmetric , i.e. for each n ≥ 0, edges connecting the vertex sets S n and S n +1 have the same length, say ℓ n > 0. Theorem (Kostenko–N.): The “symmetric part” H sym of H is equivalent to the Sturm-Liouville operator defined on L 2 ([0 , L ); µ ) by (here, t n := � j < n ℓ j , L = � n ℓ n ) 1 dx µ ( x ) d d � τ f := − dx f , µ ( x ) = s n s n +1 1 [ t n , t n +1 ) ( x ) , µ ( x ) n ≥ 0 and Neumann BC ( f ′ (0) = 0) at x = 0. Also, H decomposes as � H = H sym ⊕ h n , n ≥ 1 where h n , n ≥ 1 are equivalent to regular, s.a. Sturm-Liouville operators. Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 5 / 12

  16. Self-adjointness problem Basic Questions: Is H self-adjoint ? ( For infinite graphs, H is not always self-adjoint! ) Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 6 / 12

  17. Self-adjointness problem Basic Questions: Is H self-adjoint ? ( For infinite graphs, H is not always self-adjoint! ) If not, what are the deficiency indices n ± ( H ) := dim ker( H ∗ ± i )? ... and how do the self-adjoint extensions look like ? Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 6 / 12

  18. Self-adjointness problem Basic Questions: Is H self-adjoint ? ( For infinite graphs, H is not always self-adjoint! ) If not, what are the deficiency indices n ± ( H ) := dim ker( H ∗ ± i )? ... and how do the self-adjoint extensions look like ? Theorem (Kostenko–N.): Let A be a r.s. AT of volume vol( A ) := � e ∈E | e | = � n s n s n +1 ℓ n . Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 6 / 12

  19. Self-adjointness problem Basic Questions: Is H self-adjoint ? ( For infinite graphs, H is not always self-adjoint! ) If not, what are the deficiency indices n ± ( H ) := dim ker( H ∗ ± i )? ... and how do the self-adjoint extensions look like ? Theorem (Kostenko–N.): Let A be a r.s. AT of volume vol( A ) := � e ∈E | e | = � n s n s n +1 ℓ n . Then H is self-adjoint ⇐ ⇒ vol( A ) = ∞ . Moreover, if H is not self-adjoint , then n ± ( H ) = 1. Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 6 / 12

  20. Self-adjointness problem Basic Questions: Is H self-adjoint ? ( For infinite graphs, H is not always self-adjoint! ) If not, what are the deficiency indices n ± ( H ) := dim ker( H ∗ ± i )? ... and how do the self-adjoint extensions look like ? Theorem (Kostenko–N.): Let A be a r.s. AT of volume vol( A ) := � e ∈E | e | = � n s n s n +1 ℓ n . Then H is self-adjoint ⇐ ⇒ vol( A ) = ∞ . Moreover, if H is not self-adjoint , then n ± ( H ) = 1. The symmetry assumption is crucial. We can construct non-symmetric, finite volume antitress with n ± ( H ) = + ∞ ! Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 6 / 12

  21. The Finite Volume Case (= H is not self-adjoint) Theorem (Kostenko–N.): (i) Self-adjoint extensions form a one-parameter family H θ , θ ∈ [0 , π ) given by boundary conditions at “infinity” cos( θ ) f ( ∞ ) = sin( θ ) f ′ ( ∞ ) , θ ∈ [0 , π ) , (0.1) where f ( ∞ ) := lim | x |→L f ( x ) and f ′ ( ∞ ) := lim r →L | x | = r f ′ ( x ). � Noema Nicolussi 26 February 2019 7 / 12


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