q2 2018 strategy

Q2 2018 Strategy Overview Business model Other infrastructure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Investor Presentation Q2 2018 Strategy Overview Business model Other infrastructure Environmental engineering Utility networks Industrial buildings Specialist engineering Bridges, viaducts Port construction Rail construction

  1. Investor Presentation Q2 2018

  2. Strategy Overview

  3. Business model Other infrastructure Environmental engineering Utility networks Industrial buildings Specialist engineering Bridges, viaducts Port construction Rail construction Residential buildings Public buildings Road construction and maintenance Road construction Commercial buildings R o ad maintenance BUILDINGS INFRASTRUCTURE T RUCTURE 3

  4. Strategic agenda The Group will grow, mostly organically, for 2016-2020 ▪ with a focus on more efficient use of its existing resources. In Estonia, we will compete in both the ▪ building and the infrastructure Revenue will grow at least 10% per year ▪ construction segments. We expect the TRI*M Index, which reflects ▪ ▪ The contribution of foreign markets will Our Estonian entities will be among their employee satisfaction and commitment, to ▪ increase to 25% of revenue. improve across the Group by 3 percentage segments’ market leaders. points per year on average. Our own housing development revenue ▪ In Sweden, we will focus on general ▪ will account for at least 5% of our Estonian We value balanced teamwork where contracting in Stockholm and the ▪ revenues. youthful energy and drive complement surrounding area. long-term experience. ▪ Operating margin per year will be ▪ In Finland, we will focus on general consistently above 3%. We will recognise employees that are contracting and concrete works in Helsinki ▪ dedicated and responsible and contribute On average, at least 30% of profit for the and the surrounding area. ▪ to the Group’s success. year will be distributed as dividends. In Ukraine, we will focus on general ▪ We expect to raise operating profit per Return on invested capital (ROIC) will contracting primarily in Kiev and the ▪ ▪ employee to at least 12 thousand euros. average 13%. surrounding area. EMPLOYEES FINANCIAL TARGETS BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 4

  5. Apartment buildings with commercial space at Kopli 4a and 6 in Tallinn Location: Kopli 4a and 6, Tallinn Customer: OÜ Novamaja Architect: Martin Aunin FIE, Aet Piel Disain OÜ, IB Püloon OÜ Construction period: March 2016 – April 2017 Contractor: Nordecon AS Project manager: Jürgen Klooren

  6. Period in Brief Nordecon’s revenues for the first half of 2018 Nordecon Group ended the first half of 2018 with Compared with the same period in 2017, totalled 105,658 thousand euros, a roughly 2% a gross profit of 3,199 thousand euros (H1 administrative expenses grew by around 10%, increase on the 103,501 thousand euros 2017: 3,139 thousand euros) and a gross margin but the ratio of administrative expenses to generated in the first half of 2017. of 3% (H1 2017: 3%). revenue (12 months rolling) remained practically the same, amounting to 3.1%. Revenue growth resulted from growth in the We are satisfied with the profitability of the business volumes of the Infrastructure segment. Expenses increased in connection with changes Infrastructure segment, which has improved made to the Group’s management and the considerably compared with last year. payment of termination benefits to a member of However, we would like to see better results in the parent company’s board, remaining still below the Buildings segment whose gross margin has the target ceiling of 4% of revenue. dropped. In the first half of 2018, operating activities The Group’s operating loss for the first half of At 30 June 2018, the Group’s order book stood produced a net cash inflow of 1,305 thousand 2018 amounted to 375 thousand euros (H1 2017: at 131,552 thousand euros, a level similar to the euros (H1 2017: an outflow of -5,067 thousand a loss of 326 thousand euros). EBITDA was end of the first half of 2017. euros). positive at 606 thousand euros (H1 2017: positive at 664 thousand euros). Positive net operating cash flow is attributable to growth in the volume of the Group’s own development operations and the collection of the contractual retentions (5-10% of the contract price) of major construction projects which have been completed. 6

  7. Reconstruction of the building of the Ugala Location: Vaksali 7, Viljandi Customer: UGALA TEATER SA Architect: R-Konsult OÜ Construction period: February 2016 – July 2017 Contractor: Nordecon AS Project manager: Olev Jõerand 7

  8. Revenue and operating profit ▪ Revenues in the Buildings segment tEUR decreased by -4% and increased in the Revenue Operating profit/loss Gross profit Infrastructure segment by +32%. The profitability continues to be influenced ▪ 80 000 5 000 by the large share of Building segment’s revenue from the construction of apartment buildings where the ongoing rise in 70 000 4 000 subcontracting prices, particularly labour costs, has the most tangible effect. 60 000 3 000 Figure / Ratio H1 2018 H1 2016 H1 2017 50 000 2 000 Revenue (tEUR) 73,829 103,501 105,658 40 000 Revenue growth, % 7.0% 40.0% 2.0% 1 000 Net profit (tEUR) 798 -897 -524 30 000 Gross margin, % 5.6% 3.0% 3.0% 0 20 000 EBITDA margin, % 2.3% 0.6% 0.6% Net margin, % 1.1% -0.9% -0.5% -1 000 10 000 Administrative expenses to 3.7% 3.0% 3.1% 0 -2 000 revenue Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 (12 month rolling) 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 8

  9. BRF Sicklaön 10 Location: Nacka, Stockholm Customer: Innovation Properties AB Architect: Hultman-Vogt AB Construction period: October 2016 – June 2017 Contractor: SweNCN AB Project manager: Marek Soomlais 9

  10. Revenue by Estonia Sweden Ukraine Finland Geographic Regions 2% 3% 1% 4% 1% 2% 1% 2% H1 2016 H1 2017 H1 2018 4% Estonia 93% 93% 93% H1 H1 H1 2016 2017 2018 Sweden 4% 3% 2% Ukraine 2% 1% 4% 93% 93% 93% Finland 1% 2% 1% In the first half of 2018, The share of Swedish The share of the Group’s Our Finnish revenues Geographical revenue earned outside revenues has decreased Ukrainian revenues has resulted from concrete diversification of the Estonia accounted for 7% year on year. During the grown substantially works in the building revenue base is a of our total revenue. period, we provided compared with the same construction segment. consciously deployed services under one period last year. strategy by which we construction contract mitigate the risks resulting secured as a general from excessive reliance on contractor. a single market. 10

  11. Construction of the Kehra cogeneration Location: Kehra, Anija vald, Harju maakond Customer: „Horizon“ Tselluloosi and Paberi AS Architect: URBAS Energietechnik GmbH Construction period: February – December 2017 Contractor: Nordecon Betoon OÜ Project manager: Mihhail Varep 11

  12. Order book and Order backlog (quarter end) Revenue (TTM) revenues tEUR 250 000 At 30 June 2018, the Group’s order book (backlog of contracts signed but not yet performed) stood at 131,552 thousand euros, a level similar to the end of the first 200 000 half of 2017. 150 000 At the reporting date, contracts secured by the Buildings segment and the Infrastructure segment accounted for 100 000 73% and 27% of the Group’s total order book respectively (30 June 2017: 72% and 28% respectively). 50 000 0 Compared with 30 June 2017, the order Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 book of the Buildings segment has increased and the order book of the ORDER BOOK Infrastructure segment has decreased by around 2%. 12

  13. Reconstruction of Tähetorni intersection on km 11.3 of national road no. 8 Tallinn-Paldiski Location: Tallinna linn, Harku- and Saue vald, Harju maakond Customer: Estonian Road Administration Architect: OÜ Keskkonnaprojekt Construction period: August 2016 – June 2017 Contractor: Nordecon AS Project manager: Rait Kärner 13

  14. Revenue distribution Commercial buildings Road construction and maintenance Industrial and warehouse facilities Environmental engineering Apartment buildings Other engineering Buildings Infrastructure We strive to maintain the revenues Public buildings of our operating segments – Buildings and Infrastructure – in 15 19 21 balance as this helps disperse risks 24 25 and provides better opportunities 36 for continuing construction 19 operations also in stressed 18 circumstances where one segment 82 experiences noticeable shrinkage. 84 15 90 31 In the Buildings segment, the 31 81 79 largest revenue source is the 76 23 commercial buildings sub-segment. 35 4 4 26 26 The Infrastructure segment has 3 been dominated by the road 14 12 7 construction and maintenance sub- segment whose relative importance H1 2016 H1 2017 H1 2018 H1 2016 H1 2017 H1 2018 H1 2016 H1 2017 H1 2018 has been increasing year by year INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDINGS BY SEGMENTS 14

  15. Residential and commercial buildings at Rotermanni 18 in Tallinn Location: Rotermanni 18, Tallinn Customer: Dollimar Invest OÜ Architect: HG Arhitektuur OÜ, Novarc Group AS Construction period: August 2016 – November 2017 Contractor: Nordecon AS Project manager: Oleg Kaas 15


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