pz 001 17 pz pd 001 17

PZ-001-17 PZ-PD-001-17 Community Development Department 07/26/17 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PZ-001-17 PZ-PD-001-17 Community Development Department 07/26/17 PZ-001-17/PZ-PD-001-17 Proposal: PZ-001-17: requesting a rezone from GR (General Rural Zone) , to I-3 (Industrial Zoning District) on approximately 257.1 acres to plan

  1. PZ-001-17 PZ-PD-001-17 Community Development Department 07/26/17

  2. PZ-001-17/PZ-PD-001-17  Proposal:  PZ-001-17: requesting a rezone from GR (General Rural Zone) , to I-3 (Industrial Zoning District) on approximately 257.1± acres to plan and develop a photovoltaic solar power plant,  PZ-PD-001-17: requesting a Planned Area Development (PAD) Overlay Zoning District ) on approximately 257.1± acres to plan and develop a photovoltaic solar power plant,  1 letters in support and (5) letter in opposition received (protest provision threshold has bee reached)  Location:  located at the intersection of Hwy 287 and Sunshine Blvd. (align.) on the south side in the Coolidge area.  Applicant/agent:  Wuertz Farm Land LLC, Marvin and Kathleen Wuertz Trust, Inland Farms Inc., landowners/applicant, Pinal Central Energy Center LLC, agent 2

  3. County Map

  4. Area Map 4

  5. Comprehensive Plan Public Services/ Facilities 5

  6. Existing Zoning  GR (General Rural Zone) 6

  7. Aerial Photo 7

  8. Site Plan 8

  9. Photo Location 9

  10. Looking North (along 287) 10

  11. Looking west (along 287) 11

  12. Looking east 12

  13. Photo Location 13

  14. Looking northeast into site 14

  15. Looking southwest 15

  16. Looking easterly 16

  17. Photo Location 17

  18. Looking west 18

  19. Looking northeast 19

  20. Looking east 20

  21. Looking southwest 21

  22. PZ-001-17/PZ-PD-001-17  5 letters in opposition received one in favor  Staff recommendation of Approval with 1 stipulation for PZ-001-17 & 17 stipulations for PZ-PD-001-17 .  Discussion points:  Protest provision (4/5ths BOS vote to approve)  Solar PV only, gas facility not part of proposal  Several stips deal biological resources/cultural  Immediately adjacent to Pinal Central and two power line corridors 22

  23. PZ-001-17/PZ-PD-001-17  P&Z:  vote 8-1 on the zone change, 7-2 on PAD  Primary Concern dealing with Aesthetics  Staff recommendation of Approval with 1 stipulation for PZ-001-17 & 17 stipulations for PZ-PD-001-17 . 23

  24. PZ-001-17/PZ-PD-001-17  Suggested Stip dealing with screening:  #18 Along the northern property line a decorative, alternating wrought iron & block wall shall be installed as approved by the Community Development Director. A 50’ planted landscape buffer shall be planted with one tree and three shrubs every 25 linear feet. 25% of the landscape buffer shall consist of vegetative ground convert and be finished with decomposed granite subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. 24

  25. PZ-001-17/PZ-PD-001-17  Suggested Stip dealing with setbacks:  #19: Photovoltaic Power Panel shall be setback 380 feet from the Hwy 287 Right Of Way 25

  26. PZ-001-17/PZ-PD-001-17  Staff suggested change to stip #10: Full width right-of-way of 150’ shall be dedicated for Sunshine Blvd through the subject property. Any right-of- way required to be dedicated shall be free and unencumbered “except for pre-existing federally granted easements including SCID and BLM” and right-of-way conveyances shall be completed prior to Site Plan approval “as approved by the County Engineer”. The applicant is responsible for all processing fees associated with the dedication of right-of-way; 26


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