protocol design

Protocol Design Jens Hermans & Roel Peeters, KU Leuven/COSIC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Protocol Design Jens Hermans & Roel Peeters, KU Leuven/COSIC The ideal protocol serves exactly the applications needs comes at a low cost is simple (elegant) is efficiently implementable is provably

  1. Protocol Design Jens Hermans & Roel Peeters, KU Leuven/COSIC

  2. The ideal protocol  … serves exactly the application’s needs  … comes at a low cost  … is simple (elegant)  … is efficiently implementable  … is provably secure  … does not exist

  3. Before you start, know this Protocol design is hard !!!  Roughly half of the protocol papers start with “Attack on …” or “On the (claimed) security of …”  You need someone that constantly challenges you  Iterate, iterate, iterate > 1,5 years many many iterations

  4. Overview  Understand Your Application  Common Goals  Common Design Choices  Building Blocks  Basic Protocols  Proofs  Common Pitfalls

  5. Understand Your Application This is the most important thing whether selecting an existing protocol or designing your own

  6. Constraints Examples:  Battery operated  Limited storage  Entire protocol < 400 ms (passive RFID tags)  Needs to work (also) offline But also what is already available? E.g. AES instruction in processor, ECC-coprocessor already on chip

  7. Goals  Security  Authentication (Entity / Data)  Data Confidentiality  Privacy  …  Efficiency (i.e. low cost)  Simplicity  Verifiability

  8. Attacker capabilities  Who is your attacker?

  9. Example: Unlock front door

  10. Example: Public Transportation

  11. Example: Smartmeter

  12. Example: Container Tracking

  13. Example: Medicine tracking

  14. Costs Different types of cost:  Chip area  Power  Energy  Speed  Communication rounds  Cost at the backend  …

  15. Common Goals

  16. Eve Bob Alice Data Authentication

  17. Hello, I am Alice Bob Eve Entity Authentication

  18. Bob Alice Non-repudiation

  19. Eve Bob Alice Data Confidentiality

  20. Eve ? ? Privacy

  21. Bob Eve Prevent Denial of Service

  22. Eve Protect against key leakage (forward/backward secrecy)

  23. Common Design Choices

  24. Backend Processing Trust? Auth Alice Alice: € 100 … € 100

  25. Symmetric/Asymmetric Key  Symmetric  Scale: O(N 2 ) keys, central authority, or share keys (=risk)  Efficient  Asymmetric  O(N) keys

  26. Key Management  Use key only for one function: e.g., either MAC or ENC (or AE)  Protect your keys  HW security  Key encapsulation (brute-force risk)  Secret sharing  …  When to trust a key?

  27. Key Updates 2006 2016  Swap keys (different algorithm?)  Other parties:  Central Authority?  Individual notification? Linking?

  28. Key Updates  RFID Scene: change key every time (“improves” privacy)  Problems  Power to overwrite key in mem? 2x mem required  Desynchronisation  Inherent issues of symmetric key

  29. Mutual Authentication  Devices only respond to authorised queries  Enhanced privacy, side-channel resistance First reader authentication, then tag authentication  Optional data transfer  Prevent DoS attacks when using coupons

  30. Secure Hardware

  31. Building Blocks

  32. Key Derivation Function

  33. Key Derivation Function Extract-then-Expand [Krawczyk]

  34. Hash chains data data data hash(...) hash(...) hash(...)

  35. Merkle Tree r d 1 d 2 d 3

  36. One Time MAC  Information-theoretic security  Can only use key for one MAC  Cheap! (but: where does the key come from?)  Examples: pairwise-independent universal hash, Poly1305..

  37. Authenticated Encryption  Protect confidentiality & integrity  CAESAR competition  More on Wednesday!

  38. Diffie-Hellman revisited  x generate y generate x  y compute  y compute  x compute k= (  y ) x compute k= (  x ) y • How does Alice know that she shares this secret key k with Bob? • Answer: Alice has no idea at all about who the other person is! The same holds for Bob

  39. MITM attack on DH  Eve shares a key k1 with Alice and a key k2 with Bob  Requires active attack (Eve modifies messages)  x2  x1  y2  y1 k2 =(  y2 ) x2 =(  x2 ) y2 k1 =(  y1 ) x1 =(  x1 ) y1

  40. Pairings (bilinear maps)*  G1 x G2  GT  ê(aP, bQ) = ê(bP, aQ) = ê(abP, Q) = ê(P, abQ ) = ab ∙ ê(P, Q)  Pairings for Cryptographers by S.D. Galbraith and K.G. Paterson and N.P. Smart [eprint 2006/165]  Do not use pairings over F 2n !

  41. Commitments  Allow to commit to a choice without revealing it  Binding: cannot be opened to any other value  Hiding: cannot be determined to which value was been committed  Both can be perfect/computational, however commitments can never be both perfectly binding and perfectly hiding

  42. Bit Commitment  Alice wants to commit a bit but does not want to reveal it till some time in future  Bob wants to make sure Alice cannot change her committed choice  Why not simply encrypt something and give the key later? - may find another key (it’s only a bit )  Using symmetric key: Bob sends R , Alice commits E K { R , b } to Bob, gives up K later

  43. Feldman Commitment g x mod p  Perfect binding  Computationally hiding

  44. Pedersen Commitment g x h y mod p where a is unknown w.r.t. g = h a mod p  Computationally binding  Perfect hiding

  45. Zero Knowledge How to explain zero-knowledge protocols to your children [Quisquater et al. 89]

  46. Schnorr Authentication x, X=xP X R = rP e s = ex + r X = e -1 (sP-R) ?

  47. Schnorr Authentication Zero Knowledge: knowning only X one can come up with < R,e,s> such that X = e -1 (sP-R):  Choose e and s at random  Fix R = sP – eX  History: EC-DSA vs. Schnorr

  48. Schnorr Signature For a message M to be signed: x, X=xP X M R = rP e=H(R,M), s = ex + r R’ = sP – eX e = H(R’,M)?

  49. Blind Signatures* For a message M to be signed: (d, N) (e, N) r at random M’= M ∙ r e mod N s ' = M’ d mod N s = s’ ∙ r -1 mod N

  50. Homomorphic Encryption Enc is homomorphic for an operation □ on message space M iff Enc(m 1 □ m 2 ) = Enc(m 1 ) ◊ Enc(m 2 ) with ◊ operation on ciphertext space C  If □ = +, then Enc is additively homomorphic  If □ = x, then Enc is multiplicatively homomorphic

  51. Multiplicative Homomorphic  Textbook RSA e mod N = (m 1 ∙ m 2 ) e mod N ENC(m 1 ) ∙ENC( m 2 ) = m 1 e ∙ m 2 = ENC(m 1 ∙ m 2 )  ElGamal ENC(m 1 )∙ENC( m 2 ) = (g r1 , m 1 ∙ y r1 ) ∙ (g r2 , m 2 ∙ y r2 ) = (g r1 + r2 , (m 1 ∙ m 2 ) ∙ y r1 + r2 ) = ENC(m 1 ∙ m 2 )

  52. Additive Homomorphic  Exponential ElGamal  Paillier n ) ∙ (g m2 ∙ r 2 ENC(m 1 )∙ENC( m 2 ) = (g m1 ∙ r 1 n ) = g m1 + m2 ∙ (r 1 ∙ r 2 ) n = ENC(m 1 + m 2 mod n 2 )

  53. Secret Sharing # shares: n = 5 threshold: t+1 = 3 secret: x share i: x i Lagrange multipliers λ i x = ∑ x i ⋅ λ i

  54. Verifiable Secret Sharing  The dealer also commits to polynomial, allowing each recipient to verify that their share is on the same polynomial f(z) = a 0 + a 1 z + ... + a t z t with a 0 = s s j = f(j) c i = g ai g sj = ∏ i c i j i

  55. Distributed Key Generation  no single party knows the secret  Each party acts as dealer  Share = sum subshares  Secret = sum subsecrets  Public key needs to be extracted

  56. Resharing  A similar mechanism can be used to reshare a shared secret  To recover from parts that have been compromised  This is done by each dealer setting its current share as the secret in a new DKG protocol

  57. Threshold Cryptography Combine homomorphic encryption with secret sharing:  Each party can do partial decryptions using its part of the key  Partial decryptions (> t+1) can be combined into the decryption  A similar thing can be done for signature schemes (usually more involved because of distributed generation of randomness while signing)

  58. Oblivious Transfer* m 0 , m 1 k random, b d, N, e (RSA) x 0 , x 1 random N, e, x 0 , x 1 v = x b + k e mod N v m 0 ’ = (v -x 0 ) d mod N + m 0 m 1 ’ = (v -x 1 ) d mod N + m 1 m 0 ’,m 1 ’ m b = m b ’ - k

  59. PUFs*  Process variations during manufacturing make chips unique ~ fingerprint  Instead of programming keys into devices, you just take the fingerprint  Measuring circuit + error correction (due to noise and bias)  Low entropy  Physical attacks to the chip (e.g. to extract keys) will result in destroying the PUF

  60. Basic Protocols

  61. Symmetric Authentication  ISO/IEC 9798-2 or ISO/IEC 9798-4

  62. Asymmetric Authentication  ZK-proof  Signatures (ISO/IEC 9798-3)  (H)MQV-type key establishment

  63. Schnorr Authentication x, X=xP X R = rP e s = ex + r X = e -1 (sP-R) ?

  64. SIGMA

  65. Proofs By trying to prove your protocol, you often identify mistakes Show that you thought about your proposed protocol

  66. Information theoretic/ computational vs

  67. Reductions  Assume: attacker A on protocol  Use attacker A to build attacker B on hard problem  Since B can not exist, hence A can not

  68. Random Oracle Model  Replace hash by random oracle Input Output I 1 R 1 I 2 R 2

  69. Generic Group Model  Similar to RO, but for groups  Perform group operations through oracle Dlog Handle 1 P 123 Q 124 R

  70. Game Based Proofs


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