protection of trans european gas networks the hot

Protection of Trans-European Gas Networks: The Hot Backbones R U I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Protection of Trans-European Gas Networks: The Hot Backbones R U I CA R V A L H O ( Q M U L ) L U B O S B U Z N A ( E T H Z ) F L A V I O B O N O ( J R C) E U G E N I O G U T I E R R E Z ( J R C) H U G O T O U CH E T T E ( Q M U L ) R A

  1. Protection of Trans-European Gas Networks: The Hot Backbones R U I CA R V A L H O ( Q M U L ) L U B O S B U Z N A ( E T H Z ) F L A V I O B O N O ( J R C) E U G E N I O G U T I E R R E Z ( J R C) H U G O T O U CH E T T E ( Q M U L ) R A U L M O N D R A G O N ( Q M U L ) W O L F R A M J U S T ( Q M U L ) D A V I D A R R O W S M I T H ( Q M U L )

  2. QMUL: Current and Planned Collaborations NESA MASA LIUC QMUL JRC Catania ETHZ

  3. Current Collaborations: EU consortia Lubos Buzna , Dirk Helbing (ETHZ)

  4. Planned Collaborations (with H Touchette(QMUL) and L Buzna(ETHZ)): Roberta Sinatra, Vito Latora (Catania)

  5. COST MP0 8 0 1 Workshop: Mod elling interd ep end ency b etw een Technolog ica l a nd Hum a n Sy stem s und er Crisis Scena rios ( ETH Zurich, June 8 -13, 20 0 9): http:/ / eventi/ Call_ for_ Papers_ rev1.htm

  6. Activities for 2009  Carvalho, Buzna, Bono, Gutierrez and Arrowsmith, “Protection of Trans-European Gas Networks: The Hot Backbones” – draft available on the m anm ade server ;  With Buzna (ETHZ), Touchette (QMUL), Sinatra (Catania) and Latora (Catania), “ A model for cascading failures on interdependent networks” – in progress;  Modelling of the interdependencies which link social systems to large Critical Infrastructures (COST Action MP0801 workshop) –submit paper

  7. Motivation  Critical infrastructure networks seem to have evolved under pressure to minimize local rather than global failures;  However, little is often known on how these local constrains condition the networks at a global scale.  Open questions:  Which quantities could help to unravel the global structure of CI networks?  Is the protection of single nodes and links sufficient for the security of these networks?  Should we, instead, identify the backbone which, if not secured, will bring the network down?  Will the answer to these questions vary with the specific network under study and methodology followed or are there universal mechanisms at play in cross-continent infrastructure networks which would suggest unified protection approaches?

  8. Datasets: the gas network Data provided by the JRC

  9. Datasets: Gas Trade Network

  10. Betweenness Centrality (Freeman 1977)  Fraction of shortest paths between all possible pairs of nodes passing through a given edge e ( ) σ = ∑ e st C σ B s t , st ≠ s t 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 t s 3 1 2 k 1 3 3 3

  11. Max Flow/ Min Cut Theorem Minim um Cut =4 Capacity 3 2 Sink 1 Source 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 4 http:/ / ~ladamic/

  12. The Hot Backbones: Generalized Load Data provided by the JRC

  13. The Hot Backbones: Max-flow Betweenness Vitality Data provided by the JRC

  14. Discussion  The Hot Backbones identify the backbones of the network where:  Most weighted shortest paths are going through;  Flow is lost if links are removed;  These highlight the Achilles tendon of the network;  Draft has a much more complete analysis which I did not discuss due to lack of time;  Draft of paper available at the Manmade server, QMUL folder under ‘Drafts’ –please let us know what you think!


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