proposal information session housing first projects june

Proposal Information Session Housing First Projects June 1, 2, 7, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Proposal Information Session Housing First Projects June 1, 2, 7, 8, 2016 6/10/2016 1 Objectives Build on information already provided in Request for Proposals documents Provide context for the HPS Request for Proposals Explain

  1. Proposal Information Session Housing First Projects June 1, 2, 7, 8, 2016 6/10/2016 1

  2. Objectives  Build on information already provided in Request for Proposals documents  Provide context for the HPS Request for Proposals  Explain the structure of the Request for Proposals Documents regarding the Housing First category  Answer your questions related to the Housing First category 6/10/2016 2

  3. Agenda Introductions  Homelessness Partnering Strategy - local context  Roles and responsibilities 2016 HPS RFP  Terms and Conditions Overview  Decision making process  2016 HPS RFP : Eligible priorities, activities & costs  Housing First Projects Evaluation Criteria  RFP Documents  Form 2A Forms  Form 2B.1  Other contributions/ Partnership Declaration Letter Supporting  Supporting documents Documents &  Submission requirements Submission Summary and Q & A 6/10/2016 3

  4. Introductions  Staff:  Homelessness Partnering Strategy Community Entity  Vancity Community Foundation – Homelessness Partnering Strategy Team  Service Canada – Homelessness Partnering Strategy 6/10/2016 4

  5. What’s new in RFP 2016  RFQ Online Process  Updates to Form 2A and related sections of the guide  Follow up with applicants on submission documents.  Communication with applicants throughout the process  Projects not required to have 1:1 matching, however, it is still strongly encouraged.  EHF parameters  Ability to expand upon and submit evaluation plan  Simpler HF alignment built into application form  Simpler submission requirements 6/10/2016 5

  6. Overview of 2016 HPS Request for Proposals 6/10/2016 6

  7. Overview  The HPS has a goal to “prevent and reduce homelessness” and aims to achieve four specific outcomes: 1. Integrated and comprehensive Housing First programs are developed; 2. Community-level homelessness priorities are addressed; 3. Partners are engaged to maximize and coordinate collective efforts; and 4. Enhanced understanding of homelessness at the local and national level. 6/10/2016

  8. Local Context: 2014 – 2019 Delivery Partners 6/10/2016

  9. Roles and Responsibilities Three primary actors in the delivery of HPS :  Program Funder : Ministry of Employment and Skills Development Canada, or ESDC, locally represented by Service Canada  Funding Administrator : Community Entity  Funding Advisors : Community Advisory Board  HPS Contribution Agreement holders At the national level, ESDC acts as the final authority on interpretation of program Terms and Conditions, funding priorities, and decisions. 6/10/2016

  10. Conflict of Interest Policy  The CAB and CE is bound by the Conflict of Interest Policy at all times  The opportunity to advance or protect one’s interest, or the interests of others with whom the individual has a relationship, in a way detrimental to the interests of the greater membership, or potentially harmful to the integrity of the CAB. A conflict of interest may include:  Exerting influence on the discussion of, or voting on, decisions relating to funding proposals to the advantage of an individual organization with which a member has a direct relationship.  Making agreements or arrangements to support another member’s proposal in return for supporting their proposal. 6/10/2016 10

  11. Terms and Conditions The HPS Terms and Conditions provide the broad program parameters which govern the implementation of HPS. At the broadest level, key Terms and Conditions are:  Provincial alignment (alignment of investments)  Sustainability  Cost-matching (matching funds)- community level needs 1:1. 6/10/2016

  12. Key Terms to be Aware Of 6/10/2016 Homelessness Secretariat 12

  13. “Stacking”  One of the HPS terms and conditions prohibits stacking of HPS funds  Stacking refers to the practice of proposing or allocating funds for an activity or cost that is already funded by another government source, which may result in both funders reimbursing the same costs twice, where the cost was only incurred once  Therefore it is obligatory to provide contact information for all other contributors and specify what activities and costs other contributions are for, such that VCF may determine compliance with HPS policies  6/10/2016 13

  14. Decision Making, Funding for Housing First, Eligible and Ineligible Costs and Activities. 6/10/2016

  15. Decision-Making Process Screening CAB Review CE Decision • Individual • Due diligence evaluation • Final decision • Invited to RFP? • Team • Negotiation • Complete? evaluation*** • Contracting Then possible aboriginal follow up process*** • Eligible? • Group • Submitted by ranking deadline or in the case of follow up, revised deadline 6/10/2016 15

  16. Maximum Funding Available Oct 2016– March 2019 Housing Capital, First service, $3.7 M $10.6M Regional Initiatives $1.4 M Support Service (Non-HF), $2.14 M 6/10/2016

  17. Funding Allocation Oct 2016– March 2019 Maximum Housing First Services funding :  $ 10.6 M until March 2019  $2.13 M Oct 2016– March 2017  $ 4.28 M April 2017 – March 2018  $4.27M April 2018 – March 2019 6/10/2016

  18. Eligible Priorities  To reduce homelessness through a Housing First (HF) approach.  The Housing First model includes both housing and access to supports, primarily for chronically and episodically homeless individuals. The services provided are offered through an integrated approach and are interdependent. Generally, the approach will be to ensure that Housing First clients have access to all the existing services required. 6/10/2016

  19. Eligible Activities  Client intake and assessment (required)  Connecting to and maintaining permanent housing  Accessing services through case management (also for HF clients who have been recently housed)  Tracking Housing First clients (required) 6/10/2016

  20. Eligible populations  Chronically homeless individuals  Episodically homeless individuals  Individuals exiting institutions that have a history of chronic and episodic homelessness and cannot identify a fixed address upon their release 6/10/2016 20

  21. Eligible Costs  Direct Project: Directly delivers project outcomes  Staff  Client-specific costs  Professional fees / services  “Other” as specified in 2B.1  Capital assets ($1000 per item or more)  Project Administration: Enables outcome delivery  Staff  Services / Professional fees  Infrastructure 6/10/2016 21

  22. Ineligible Activities & Costs  Affordable Housing, Social Housing  Clinical services including addictions counselling  Activities that result in the creation of homelessness  Support services for HF clients who do not chose permanent housing  Costs related to harm reduction (e.g. needles, alcohol, drugs, substitutes)  Purchase of capital assets for project administration  Project administration costs totaling more than 15% of the HPS – funded portion  Activities on-reserve 6/10/2016 22

  23. Emergency Housing Funding  Defined in General Guide II & HF Category Guide  Must result in a connection to permanent housing for agency to be reimbursed  One year time limit***  Up to $450 per month per client  Connection to long-term housing  Disability benefits  Employment (30% of client income must go to rent)  Other  Base proposal on anticipated client volume (provide evidence)  If client is receiving any other subsidy, can’t receive EHF (see stacking)  Align your policies around rent supplements to include EHF 6/10/2016 23

  24. Emergency Housing Funding  Must have strong exit strategy for clients on EHF  EHF can’t pay 100% of client’s rent  Can’t be used with interim housing  Has to be paid to third party not client 6/10/2016 24

  25. Housing First Projects Eligibility & Evaluation Criteria 6/10/2016

  26. Eligibility: Minimum Criteria  Who can apply  Eligible HPS priorities  Eligible geographic region  Other contributions , not 1:1 at project level, but still required.  Eligible activities  Indebtedness to Canada as determined already in RFQ.  Union concurrence, if applicable  Sustainability/Exit/Wind down  Project Completion- HPS portion.  Document submission requirements 6/10/2016

  27. Criteria  Sustainability/Exit/Wind  Timeframe down  Location  Need and long-term  Capacity of Sponsor impact  Eligible population  Objectives, activities prioritization  Outcomes  HF alignment  Evaluation  Budget & other contributions  Aboriginal applicants 6/10/2016 27

  28. Criteria: Housing First Additional proposal questions and evaluation criteria:  Identification of gaps in aligning with a Housing First approach, and strategy to address those gaps within first 3 months of contract. (planning and implementation)  Evaluated for HF model alignment according to the principles of HF, team structure, subsidies and units:  No readiness requirements on the part of clients to access permanent housing  Client choice  Recovery orientation  Individual and client-centered supports  Social and community integration 6/10/2016

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