project plan for revised white paper on ach policy and


PROJECT PLAN FOR REVISED WHITE PAPER ON ACH POLICY AND LAW MAKING PROCESS Ruling Party gives vision, goals and direction Executive (Ministry) draws up policy on issue -Green paper -White Paper Implementation, CRITICAL ACTIVITIES monitoring


  2. POLICY AND LAW MAKING PROCESS Ruling Party gives vision, goals and direction Executive (Ministry) draws up policy on issue -Green paper -White Paper Implementation, CRITICAL ACTIVITIES monitoring and -initial research evaluation -policy position paper or green paper -public comments (verbal and written -White Paper Public Comments (oral and written) -Preparations for the Cabinet Process and Parliamentary process Finalising Policy Formulation and passing of relevant/subordinate -Cabinet process laws -Parliament Process 1 2

  3. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS THUS FAR The white paper review process has not been smooth with some stop-starts along the way  Initial work was started in 2005 after a MinMec decision  The policy review workshop was hosted by DAC in May of 2007   The process was re-initiated in 2012/13 F/Y after it stalled  In the current term of office, pronouncement on the resumption of white paper process was made in the latter part of 2014 going into 2015, after a short stay of process The following were key challenges that led to the staying of the process  Insufficient consultations o Quality and substance of draft documents o Content of draft documents o Up to this point, 3 public consultations have been done (Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and  Durban) Also DAC Public Entities have been engaged through the stewardship of the Deputy  Directors-General However, discontent among the sector on insufficient consultations has also been raised  again It is, therefore, important that as we go forward we are mindful of time pressure because  of the long delay BUT we also take into account the prevailing dissatisfaction Therefore there is going to be a need for efficiency (fast delivery) and effectiveness  (quality and reach) 1 3

  4. CRITICAL POLICY PROCESS CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED Critical policy process challenges identified thus far include:  Lack of internal discussion on the White Paper context, content and process Insufficient engagement of provincial departments of arts and culture and public  entities The guiding vision and the future state of arts, culture and heritage sector   No evaluation of the implementation of the 1996 White Paper was done to ensure empirical data to inform the review Linked to the above, insufficient comprehensive understanding of the state of arts,  culture and heritage sector, both government and private Stakeholder analysis needs to be done to inform public participation  These (and other) challenges need to be addressed to improve the content of the  white paper and the level of ownership  However, we can allow these to delay the process – therefore parallel execution becomes the primary approach as we work toward delivering the white paper 1 4

  5. CRITICAL OUTPUTS BY NOVEMBER 2015 Noting that: Time pressure to deliver the white paper   The Minister articulated the need for the draft White Paper by the end of November Acknowledging that: The Minister wants a White Paper that is of good quality, substantive and  covering an entire scope of arts, culture and heritage landscape The critical policy process challenges identified above could compromise the  quality of both the process and the White Paper itself A commitment is hereby made that by the end of November the following will be delivered A Policy Position Document  A two-days ACH Sector Indaba on the development White Paper  1 5

  6. PROJECT PLAN TOWARDS NOVEMBER OUTPUTS AND BEYOND ACTIVITY DATE STATUS Establishment of the support team 02/10/15 Done Logistics team   Writing team  Communication/marketing team Presentation to TIC and MinMec 30/09/15 Done for the TIC Procurement process for the evaluation of the 05/10/15 Done – further discussion 1996 white paper and current status analysis of on the issue are the ACH sector continuing Prepare a guiding/working document for internal 07/10/15 Commissions established consultations Formal communication to MEC, HODs and CEOs 07/10/15 Done for HODs Briefing session for the Minister 07-13/10/15 Plan in place Internal consultations on the Revision of the 12/10/15 This where we are White Paper currently Gauteng Public Consultations 13/10/15 These have been moved Free State Public Consultations 15/10/15 1 6

  7. PROJECT PLAN TOWARDS NOVEMBER OUTPUTS AND BEYOND ACTIVITY DATE Limpopo Public Consultations 28/10/15 19/10/15 Consultations with the provincial departments of Arts and Culture First Draft of the Guiding document for ACH Sector Indaba on 30/10/15 the development White Paper Logistics coordination of the ACH Sector Indaba on the 02/11/15 development White Paper Mpumalanga Public Consultations 04/11/15 North West Public Consultations 11/11/15 Northern Cape Public Consultations 18/11/15 Venue confirmed and invitations released 13/11/15 Host ACH Sector Indaba on the development White Paper 26-27/11/15 EMT White Paper working session 04/12/15 1 7

  8. KEY ACTIVITIES BEYOND NOVEMBER 2015  Sub-sector consultations  Consolidation of oral and written submissions  Finalisation of the draft Revised White Paper  Tabling at FOSAD Sub-committees  Tabling at Cabinet subcommittees  Presentation at Portfolio and Select Committees  Public hearing/consultations by Portfolio and Select Committees 1 8

  9. CRITICAL TASK FOR TODAY The following are key tasks for today:  Do Stakeholder Analysis  Discuss and debate the vision and the future state of the sector and high level critical values that should guide the policy  Broad Challenges, possible solutions and policy objectives  High level linkages with government-wide policy and legislative framework GIVEN YOUR THEME  What are critical challenges relating to your theme  Proposed solutions and how will these benefit the sector and address challenges stated above  Implementation and monitoring ideas 1 9


  11. Stakeholder Analysis CRITICAL STAKEHOLDER Within Government Within The Sector Within Society Other Comments DAC Executive (Min, ACH Sector: Artists International: The DM, DG and DDGs) DAC agencies (NFVF, NAC) Multilateral org. international Foreign environment Governments needs to be Foreign Embassies considered in International the White institutions Paper The Presidency Heritage sector NGOs Public / Communities DIRCO BASA Consumers of ACH Provinces Arterial Network Business Local Governement Heritage Trust National Depts (DBE, Organised sector (CCIFSA, DHET, DTI, SRSA, IFACCA, Artists, etc.) Tourism, DST, Environmental Affairs, IR sector: DSD, DoJCD) SACOIR, Forum of Ambassadors, AISA, Academia, HSRC, SAIIA 1 11

  12. Future State (Vision) Of ACH Sector And Critical Values Future State  Be based on our constitutional values and the Bill of Rights. Universal access to ACH Choice to practice your ACH Respect for Cultural Diversity Education on ACH Protection, promotion, conservation and preservation of ACH Understanding and promoting the economic of ACH International: Cultural Diplomacy as a pillar of foreign policy Open, flexible and connected internationally Integrated internationally Comply and contribute to international norms and standards (treaties, conventions, etc.) Cultural exchanges Critical values  Respect Appreciation Ubuntu 1 12

  13. High Level Challenges and Proposed Solutions HIGH LEVEL CHALLENGE PROPOSED SOLUTIONS Lack of formalised structures (sector Creation of Federations for the ACH sector (CCIFSA, fragmented) Heritage Federation) Lack of regulation of ACH sector Establishment of professional bodies Concurrent competencies of ACH in the Coordinated planning between the three levels of Constitution, therefore lack of coordination government and planning on all levels of government. Lack Funding for ACH sector Prioritisation of ACH based on its economic power and potential Overlapping mandates between DAC Amalgamation agencies Too many DAC agencies Amalgamation of agencies. Shared services amongst agencies. Lack of ACH in school curriculum Compulsory at Primary school level and widely available at high school level. SA not maximising on its unique ACH Profiling and branding SA ACH strengths (cradle of humankind, diversity, 1994 transformation) 1 Low level of international representation in Ratify ACH treaties and participate in international 13 ACH expert debates debates

  14. Linkages With G/Wide Policy Framework Policy/Legislation Linkages Constitution Mandates and Bill of Rights NDP ACH as a development sector Administrative Framework (PFMA) Compliance ACH enabling legislation Creation of structures and functioning SA IR Framework and legislation Guiding DAC cultural diplomacy and IR International Framework and Compliance, guidance and development legislation 1 14

  15. THEME: Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations 1 15

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