Program Description Teens Against Graffiti (TAG) is a non-profit program within the 4 th District Juvenile Court. The TAG program offers youth that have been court-ordered to perform community service or pay back restitution an opportunity to give back to their community by cleaning graffiti in their respective cities in Utah County. Your city authorizes TAG to clean not only city property but also private property (on occasion) as a service to the public. TAG teaches the youth how to productively pay back what they owe to society but also the importance of hard work. The youth learn many skills that they may use later in life and also how to work together with others toward a common goal. The youth are closely supervised by their Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) at all times and the DPO assists them in doing quality work through instruction and example.
Examples of our work
Examples of our work
Examples of our work
Examples of our work
Examples of our work
Market Compatibility and Savings The TAG Program provides graffiti clean up for the cost of equipment and materials with labor being provided at no cost. This is a benefit to youth who need to complete court obligations, but is also a cost savings for cities who participate. ● 2018 cost including labor: $15,569.25 ● 2018 billed amount: $8,101.25 ● 2019 cost including labor: $14,068.00 ● 2019 billed amount: $8,022.50
Contact Us Leslie Johnson- Program Coordinator 801-362-6410 Spencer Cottle- Probation Supervisor 801-368-2234 TAG Referral Email- TAG Hotline- 801-354-7267
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