Professor Andrew A. Zekeri Department of Psychology and Sociology 44-325 John A. Kenney Hall Tuskegee, AL 36088 PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS: 2015 Zekeri, Andrew A and Youssouf Diabate “ Factors Associated with Belief in Conspiracies about HIV/AIDS among HIV-Positive African-American Patients.” Professional Agricultural Workers Journal, Vol.2, No.2, Article 4. 2014 Zekeri, Andrew A and Youssouf Diabate “Food Insecurity and Psychological Well-Being Among Women Living with HIV/AIDS on Antiretroviral Therapy in the Alabama Black Belt.” Professional Agricultural Workers Journal, Vol.:1, No.2, Article 4. 2014 Zekeri, Andrew A. and Pauline Baba “Evaluation of Skills Needed in College Education by Colleges of Agriculture Alumni from 1862 and 1890 Land Grant Universities in Alabama and Tennessee.” College Student Journal, Vol. 48 (2). 2013 Zekeri, Andrew A. and Rueben Warren ”Functions on the Job in Relation to Data, People, and Things among Agricultural Students from Southern Land-Grant Universities, College Student Journal, 47 (2): 373-378. 2013 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Educational Attainment and Self-Rated Health Status Among Single Mothers in Rural Alabama.” Psychological Reports 113 (1):1-5 2013 Zekeri, Andrew “Community Capital and Local Economic Development Efforts.” Professional Agricultural Workers Journal, Vol.:No.1, Article 7. 2011 Zekeri, Andrew and Rueben Warren “Educational Attainment, Agricultural Jobs and Income Among Alumni from Historically Black Land-Grant Colleges and Universities” College Student Journal, 45 (4):891-896. 2010 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Household Food Insecurity and Depression among Single Mothers in Rural Alabama ” Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 25 (1):90-102. 2009 Zekeri, Andrew A. Tsegaye Habtemariam, B. Tameru, D. Ngawa & V. Robnett. “Conspiracy beliefs about HIV/AIDS among HIV-positive African-American patients in rural Alabama" Psychological Reports, 104 (2): 388-394. 2008 Habtemariam, T., Tameru, B. Nganwa, D., Beyene, G., Ayanwale, Robnett, V., Wilson, W., and Zekeri A., A Conceptual Multivariate Modeling Approach for Integrating Epidemiologic and Psychosocial Determinants to Examine the Epidemiology of Chronic and Infectious Diseases in Under-served Populations in the USA” Advances in Systems Science and Applicatio ns, 8 (2): 201-205.
PUBLICATIONS IN PEER REVIEWED PROCEEDINGS: 2014 Zekeri, Andrew A. and Rueben C. Warren “Economic Development Strategies in the Black Belt Counties of Alabama Impacted by Hurricane Katrina” Pp. 46-57 in N. Tackie, R. Zabawa, T. Hargrove, and W. Hill (eds.), Empowering Underserved Farmers and Rural Communities Through Effective Farm Bill Legislation, USDA Program Delivery, and New market Opportunities and Partnerships, Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University. 2014 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Food Insecurity Among the Elderly in Alabama’s Black Belt” Pp. 21-28 in N. Tackie, R. Zabawa, T. Hargrove, and W. Hill (eds.), Empowering Underserved Farmers and Rural Communities Through Effective Farm Bill Legislation, USDA Program Delivery, and New market Opportunities and Partnerships, Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University. 2012 Zekeri, Andrew A. “The Inlfuence of Social Capital on Community Economic Development in the Gulf Counties of Alabama Impacted by Hurricane Katrina .” Pp. 75-85 in Tasha Hargrove, N. Tackie, Robert Zabawa, and W. Hill (eds.). Empowering Underserved Farmers and Rural Communities by Changing Legislation, USDA Eligibility Requirements, and Program Delivery. Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University. 2011 Zekeri, Andrew A. Earlene Vaughn, and Sharee Finley “Rebuilding Communities after Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Counties of Alabama.” Pp. 42-50 in R. Zabawa, T. Hargrove, N. Tackie and W. Hill (eds.). The Color of Wealth in the Green Economy: Best Practices, Programs and Policies. Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University. 2011 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Food Insecurity and Depressive Symptoms among HIV- Positive African American Single Mothers in Alabama’s Black Belt.” Pp. 82-86 in R. Zabawa, T. Hargrove, N. Tackie and W. Hill (eds.). The Color of Wealth in the Green Economy: Best Practices, Programs and Policies. Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University. 2010 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Community Action and Economic Development in Alabama’s Forested Black Belt Areas.” Pp. 90-100 in N.O. Tackie, R. Zabawa, N. Baharanyi, and W. Hill (eds.). Facing Global Crisis: Local Solutions to Energy, Food and Persistent Poverty. Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University. 2010 Zekeri, Andrew A. and Erlene Vaughn “Rebuilding Lives after Hurricane Katrina: The Experiences of Those Affected in Rural Alabama.” Pp. 116-124 in N.O. Tackie, R. Zabawa, N. Baharanyi, and W. Hill (eds.). Facing Global Crisis: Local Solutions to Energy, Food and Persistent Poverty. Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University.
2008 Zekeri, Andrew. "Household Food Insecurity and Psychological Well-being among Single Mothers in Alabama’s Black Belt Counties." Pp.43-52. In N.O. Tackie, R. Zabawa, N. Baharanyi, and W. Hill (eds.), Energy, Food and Fiber Alternatives: Opportunities for Underserved Communities. Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University. 2008 Zekeri, Andrew A and Youssouf Diabate "Women and Development Projects in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Lessons from Kenya and Mali." Pp.69-74. In N.O. Tackie, R. Zabawa, N. Baharanyi, and W. Hill (eds.), Energy, Food and Fiber Alternatives: Opportunities for Underserved Communities. Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University. 2008 Zekeri, Andrew A and Tom A. Miachi "The Strateguies for Sustainable Food Production in Africa Over the Next Several Decades of the 21 st Century." Pp.42- 51. In N.O. Tackie, R. Zabawa, N. Baharanyi, and W. Hill (eds.), Meeting the Challenges To Sustainable Growth and Development of Rural Communities. Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University. BOOK CHAPTER 2012 Zekeri, Andrew A. Zekeri, Andrew A. Tsegaye Habtemariam, B. Tameru, D. Ngawa & V. Robnett. “Conspiracy beliefs about HIV/AIDS among HIV-positive African-American patients in rural Alabama" Pp. 1-6 in Turner C. Lomand, Social Science Research: A Cross Section of Journal Articles for Discussion and Evaluation, Pyrczak Publishing, Glendale, CA. BOOK 2015 Zekeri, Andrew A. Issues and Challenges of the American Rural South. Cognella Academic Publishing, Inc. PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS AT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 2015 Zekeri, Andrew A. and Princess Osby. “Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Among Elderly Persons in Rural Albama.” A paper presented at the Southern Rural Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 31- February 3, 2015. 2015 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Factors Associated with Belief in Conspiracies about HIV/AIDS Among HIV-Positive African Americans.” A paper presented at the 46 th Annual Meeting of Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Montgomery, AL, Feb. 26-27. 2015 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Ferminization of HIV/AIDS among African Americans in the Rural South.” Paper presented at the 73 rd Annual Professional Agricultural Workers conference, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, December 6-8.
2015 Zekeri, Andrew A. and Cordelia N. Nnedu “Food Insecurity and Psychological Factors among African American Women Living with HIV on Antiretroviral Drugs in Rural Alabama.” Paper presented at the 2015 National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA, December 6-9. 2014 Zekeri, Andrew A. and Princess Osby “Factors Associated with Food Insecurity among Elderly Persons in Rural Alabama and Tennessee. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, December 7-9. 2013 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Social Stabilization in the Twenty-First Century: The Role of Rural Communities .” A paper presented at the Southern Rural Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida,Feb. 2-5. 2013 Zekeri, Andrew A. and Robert Zabawa “Food Insecurity among Women Living With HIV/AIDS in Alabama’s Black Belt .” A paper presented at the 17 th Biennial Research `Symposium for The Association of 1890 Research Directors, Inc. Jacksonville, Florida, April 7-10. 2013 Zekeri, Andrew A, Robert Zabawa, and Tasha Hargrove “Community Capital and Economic Development Efforts in Rural Alabama .” A paper presented at the 17 th Biennial Research Symposium for The Association of 1890 Research Directors, Inc. Jacksonville, Florida, April 7-10. 2013 Zekeri, Andrew. “A Sociological Overview of Alabama’s Black Belt Counties.” A paper presented at the Symposium on Building Partnership to Enhance Health and Health Care Delivery in Georgia and Alabama Black Belt counties, National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, June l7. 2013 Zekeri, Andrew A. “The Role of Food Insecurity and Adherence to Treatment among Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Rural Alabama” Paper presented at the 71 st Annual Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, December 810. 2012 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Community Capital and Local Development Efforts after Hurricane Katrina.” A paper presented at the Southern Rural Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL Feb. 4-7. 2012 Zekeri, Andrew A. “Household Food Insecurity is Associated with Poor Health Among Single Mothers in Alabama’s Black Belt Counties.” A paper presented at the Southern Rural Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL Feb. 4-7.
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