probabilistic query evaluation towards tractable combined

Probabilistic Query Evaluation: Towards Tractable Combined - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Probabilistic Query Evaluation: Towards Tractable Combined Complexity Mikal Monet 1 , 2 , supervised by Pierre Senellart 2 , 3 and Antoine Amarilli 1 May 31th, 2017 1 LTCI, Tlcom ParisTech, Universit Paris-Saclay; Paris, France 2 Inria

  1. Probabilistic Query Evaluation: Towards Tractable Combined Complexity Mikaël Monet 1 , 2 , supervised by Pierre Senellart 2 , 3 and Antoine Amarilli 1 May 31th, 2017 1 LTCI, Télécom ParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay; Paris, France 2 Inria Paris; Paris, France 3 École normale supérieure, PSL Research University; Paris, France

  2. Introduction • Uncertainty in data → Untrustworthy sources, automated information extraction, imperfect sensor precision in experimental sciences, etc. • Need framework to model this uncertainty and reason about it 1/20

  3. Introduction • Uncertainty in data → Untrustworthy sources, automated information extraction, imperfect sensor precision in experimental sciences, etc. • Need framework to model this uncertainty and reason about it → Probabilistic Databases! 1/20

  4. Plan 1) Define TID model and probabilistic query evaluation ( PQE ) 2/20

  5. Plan 1) Define TID model and probabilistic query evaluation ( PQE ) 2) Existing approaches (efficient PQE in the data) 2/20

  6. Plan 1) Define TID model and probabilistic query evaluation ( PQE ) 2) Existing approaches (efficient PQE in the data) 3) Efficient PQE in the query and the data 2/20

  7. Plan 1) Define TID model and probabilistic query evaluation ( PQE ) 2) Existing approaches (efficient PQE in the data) 3) Efficient PQE in the query and the data 4) Efficient PQE in the data, reasonable complexity in the query 2/20

  8. Tuple-independent databases (TID) • Probabilistic databases: model uncertainty about data • Simplest model: tuple-independent databases (TID) • A relational database I • A probability valuation π mapping each fact of I to [ 0 , 1 ] • Semantics of a TID ( I , π ) : a probability distribution on I ′ ⊆ I : • Each fact F ∈ I is either present or absent with probability π ( F ) • Assume independence across facts 3/20

  9. Example: TID S a b . 5 a c . 2 4/20

  10. Example: TID S a b . 5 a c . 2 This TID ( I , π ) represents the following probability distribution: 4/20

  11. Example: TID S a b . 5 a c . 2 This TID ( I , π ) represents the following probability distribution: . 5 × . 2 S a b a c 4/20

  12. Example: TID S a b . 5 a c . 2 This TID ( I , π ) represents the following probability distribution: . 5 × . 2 . 5 × ( 1 − . 2 ) S S a b a b a c 4/20

  13. Example: TID S a b . 5 a c . 2 This TID ( I , π ) represents the following probability distribution: . 5 × . 2 . 5 × ( 1 − . 2 ) ( 1 − . 5 ) × . 2 S S S a b a b a c a c 4/20

  14. Example: TID S a b . 5 a c . 2 This TID ( I , π ) represents the following probability distribution: . 5 × . 2 . 5 × ( 1 − . 2 ) ( 1 − . 5 ) × . 2 ( 1 − . 5 ) × ( 1 − . 2 ) S S S S a b a b a c a c 4/20

  15. Probabilistic query evaluation (PQE) Let us fix: • Relational signature σ • Class I of relational instances on σ (e.g., acyclic, treelike) • Class Q of Boolean queries (e.g., paths, trees) 5/20

  16. Probabilistic query evaluation (PQE) Let us fix: • Relational signature σ • Class I of relational instances on σ (e.g., acyclic, treelike) • Class Q of Boolean queries (e.g., paths, trees) Probabilistic query evaluation (PQE) problem for Q and I : • Given a query q ∈ Q • Given an instance I ∈ I and a probability valuation π • Compute the probability that ( I , π ) satisfies q 5/20

  17. Probabilistic query evaluation (PQE) Let us fix: • Relational signature σ • Class I of relational instances on σ (e.g., acyclic, treelike) • Class Q of Boolean queries (e.g., paths, trees) Probabilistic query evaluation (PQE) problem for Q and I : • Given a query q ∈ Q • Given an instance I ∈ I and a probability valuation π • Compute the probability that ( I , π ) satisfies q → Pr (( I , π ) | = q ) = � = q Pr ( J ) J ⊆ I , J | 5/20

  18. Complexity of probabilistic query evaluation (PQE) Question: what is the (data, combined) complexity of PQE depending on the class Q of queries and class I of instances? 6/20

  19. Data complexity results: related work • Existing data dichotomy result on queries [Dalvi & Suciu, 2012] • I is all instances • There is a class S ⊆ UCQs of safe queries 7/20

  20. Data complexity results: related work • Existing data dichotomy result on queries [Dalvi & Suciu, 2012] • I is all instances • There is a class S ⊆ UCQs of safe queries → PQE is PTIME for any q ∈ S 7/20

  21. Data complexity results: related work • Existing data dichotomy result on queries [Dalvi & Suciu, 2012] • I is all instances • There is a class S ⊆ UCQs of safe queries → PQE is PTIME for any q ∈ S → PQE is #P-hard for any q ∈ UCQs \S 7/20

  22. Data complexity results: related work • Existing data dichotomy result on queries [Dalvi & Suciu, 2012] • I is all instances • There is a class S ⊆ UCQs of safe queries → PQE is PTIME for any q ∈ S → PQE is #P-hard for any q ∈ UCQs \S • Existing data dichotomy result on instances 7/20

  23. Data complexity results: related work • Existing data dichotomy result on queries [Dalvi & Suciu, 2012] • I is all instances • There is a class S ⊆ UCQs of safe queries → PQE is PTIME for any q ∈ S → PQE is #P-hard for any q ∈ UCQs \S • Existing data dichotomy result on instances → PQE for MSO on bounded-treewidth instances has linear data complexity [Amarilli, Bourhis, & Senellart, 2015] 7/20

  24. Data complexity results: related work • Existing data dichotomy result on queries [Dalvi & Suciu, 2012] • I is all instances • There is a class S ⊆ UCQs of safe queries → PQE is PTIME for any q ∈ S → PQE is #P-hard for any q ∈ UCQs \S • Existing data dichotomy result on instances → PQE for MSO on bounded-treewidth instances has linear data complexity [Amarilli, Bourhis, & Senellart, 2015] → There is an FO query for which PQE is #P-hard on any unbounded-treewidth graph family I (under some assumptions) [Amarilli, Bourhis, & Senellart, 2016] 7/20

  25. Data complexity results: related work • Existing data dichotomy result on queries [Dalvi & Suciu, 2012] • I is all instances • There is a class S ⊆ UCQs of safe queries → PQE is PTIME for any q ∈ S → PQE is #P-hard for any q ∈ UCQs \S • Existing data dichotomy result on instances → PQE for MSO on bounded-treewidth instances has linear data complexity [Amarilli, Bourhis, & Senellart, 2015] → There is an FO query for which PQE is #P-hard on any unbounded-treewidth graph family I (under some assumptions) [Amarilli, Bourhis, & Senellart, 2016] What about combined complexity? 7/20

  26. Wish list We want: • PQE tractable in combined complexity OR • PQE tractable in the data, reasonable in the query 8/20

  27. Restrict to CQs on graph signatures ∃ x y z t R ( x , y ) ∧ S ( y , z ) ∧ S ( t , z ) R a b . 1 b c . 1 c d . 05 d a 1 . d b . 8 S b d . 7 9/20

  28. Restrict to CQs on graph signatures R S S ∃ x y z t R ( x , y ) ∧ S ( y , z ) ∧ S ( t , z ) → y x z t R a b . 1 b c . 1 c d . 05 d a 1 . d b . 8 S b d . 7 9/20

  29. Restrict to CQs on graph signatures R S S ∃ x y z t R ( x , y ) ∧ S ( y , z ) ∧ S ( t , z ) → y x z t R b a b . 1 . 1 R R . 1 b c . 1 R S c d . 05 a a c a → d a 1 . . 7 . 8 . 05 R d b . 8 1 . R d S b d . 7 9/20

  30. Restrict instances to trees Q = one-way paths ( 1WP ), I = polytrees ( PT ) 10/20

  31. Restrict instances to trees Q = one-way paths ( 1WP ), I = polytrees ( PT ) T S S S T Q : 10/20

  32. Restrict instances to trees Q = one-way paths ( 1WP ), I = polytrees ( PT ) T T S S T T I : S S S T S S S T Q : S T T S + prob. for each edge 10/20

  33. Restrict instances to trees Q = one-way paths ( 1WP ), I = polytrees ( PT ) T T S S T T I : S S S T S S S T Q : S T T S + prob. for each edge Proposition PQE of 1WP on PT is #P-hard 10/20

  34. Our graph classes 1WP DWT PT S S R T 2WP R S S T R 2WP ⊆ ⊆ 1WP PT Connected All ⊆ ⊆ ⊆ ⊆ DWT 11/20

  35. Results ↓ Q I → 1WP 2WP DWT PT Connected 1WP 2WP � 2 labels DWT PTIME PT #P-hard Connected 12/20

  36. Results ↓ Q I → 1WP 2WP DWT PT Connected 1WP 2WP � 2 labels DWT PTIME PT #P-hard Connected ↓ Q I → 1WP 2WP DWT PT Connected 1WP 2WP No labels DWT PTIME PT #P-hard Connected 12/20

  37. Led to a publication in PODS’2017 Contributions: • Detailed study of the combined complexity of PQE 13/20

  38. Led to a publication in PODS’2017 Contributions: • Detailed study of the combined complexity of PQE • Focus on CQs on arity-two signatures 13/20

  39. Led to a publication in PODS’2017 Contributions: • Detailed study of the combined complexity of PQE • Focus on CQs on arity-two signatures • Showed the importance of various features on the problem: labels, global orientation, branching, connectedness 13/20

  40. Led to a publication in PODS’2017 Contributions: • Detailed study of the combined complexity of PQE • Focus on CQs on arity-two signatures • Showed the importance of various features on the problem: labels, global orientation, branching, connectedness • Established the complexity for all combinations of the graph classes we considered 13/20


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