probabilistic graphical models probabilistic graphical

Probabilistic Graphical Models Probabilistic Graphical Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Probabilistic Graphical Models Probabilistic Graphical Models Structure learning in Bayesian networks Siamak Ravanbakhsh Fall 2019 Learning objectives Learning objectives why structure learning is hard? two approaches to structure learning

  1. Probabilistic Graphical Models Probabilistic Graphical Models Structure learning in Bayesian networks Siamak Ravanbakhsh Fall 2019

  2. Learning objectives Learning objectives why structure learning is hard? two approaches to structure learning constraint-based methods score based methods MLE vs Bayesian score

  3. Structure learning Structure learning in BayesNets in BayesNets family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets

  4. Structure learning Structure learning in BayesNets in BayesNets family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets search over the combinatorial space, maximizing a score 2 2 O ( n )

  5. Structure learning Structure learning in BayesNets in BayesNets family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets search over the combinatorial space, maximizing a score 2 2 O ( n ) Bayesian model averaging integrate over all possible structures

  6. Structure learning Structure learning in BayesNets in BayesNets family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets search over the combinatorial space, maximizing a score Bayesian model averaging integrate over all possible structures

  7. Structure learning Structure learning in BayesNets in BayesNets Identifiable up to I-equivalence family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets a DAG with the same set of conditional independencies (CI) I ( G ) = I ( p ) D

  8. Structure learning Structure learning in BayesNets in BayesNets Identifiable up to I-equivalence family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets Perfect MAP a DAG with the same set of conditional independencies (CI) I ( G ) = I ( p ) D

  9. Structure learning Structure learning in BayesNets in BayesNets Identifiable up to I-equivalence family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets Perfect MAP a DAG with the same set of conditional independencies (CI) I ( G ) = I ( p ) D hypothesis testing

  10. Structure learning Structure learning in BayesNets in BayesNets Identifiable up to I-equivalence family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets Perfect MAP a DAG with the same set of conditional independencies (CI) I ( G ) = I ( p ) D hypothesis testing X ⊥ Y ∣ Z ?

  11. Structure learning Structure learning in BayesNets in BayesNets Identifiable up to I-equivalence family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets Perfect MAP a DAG with the same set of conditional independencies (CI) I ( G ) = I ( p ) D first attempt: a DAG that is I-map for p I ( G ) ⊆ I ( p ) D D hypothesis testing X ⊥ Y ∣ Z ?

  12. minimal I-map minimal I-map from CI test from CI test a DAG where removing an edge violates I-map property input : IC test oracle; an ordering , … , X X 1 n output : a minimal I-map G X X X for i=1...n 1 i n find minimal s.t. U ⊆ { X , … , X } U ∣ U ) ( X ⊥ , … , X − X 1 i −1 1 i −1 i set U ← Pa ⊥ NonDesc ∣ Pa X X i i X X i i

  13. minimal I-map minimal I-map from CI test from CI test Problems: CI tests involve many variables number of CI tests is exponential a minimal I-MAP may be far from a P-MAP

  14. minimal I-map minimal I-map from CI test from CI test Problems: CI tests involve many variables number of CI tests is exponential a minimal I-MAP may be far from a P-MAP Example: different orderings give different graphs D,I,S,G,L L,S,G,I,D L,D,S,I,G (a topological ordering)

  15. Structure learning in BayesNets Structure learning in BayesNets Identifiable up to I-equivalence family of methods constraint-based methods estimate cond. independencies from the data find compatible BayesNets a DAG with the same set of conditional independencies (CI) first attempt: a DAG that is I-map for p I ( G ) ⊆ I ( p ) D D second attempt: a DAG that is P-map for I ( G ) = I ( p ) D can we find a perfect MAP with fewer IC tests involving fewer variables?

  16. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test only up to I-equivalence the same set of CIs same skeleton same immoralities

  17. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test only up to I-equivalence the same set of CIs same skeleton same immoralities procedure: 1. find the undirected skeleton using CI tests 2. identify immoralities in the undirected graph

  18. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 1. finding the undirected skeleton observation: if X and Y are not adjacent then OR X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X Y

  19. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 1. finding the undirected skeleton observation: if X and Y are not adjacent then OR X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X Y assumption: max number of parents d

  20. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 1. finding the undirected skeleton observation: if X and Y are not adjacent then OR X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X Y assumption: max number of parents d idea: search over all subsets of size d, and check CI above

  21. Perfect map from CI test Perfect map from CI test 1. finding the undirected skeleton observation: if X and Y are not adjacent then OR X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X Y assumption: max number of parents d idea: search over all subsets of size d, and check CI above input: CI oracle; bound on #parents d output: undirected skeleton initialize H as a complete undirected graph for all pairs , X X i j for all subsets U of size (within current neighbors of ) ≤ d , X X i j If then remove from H U − ⊥ ∣ X X X X i j i j return H

  22. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 1. finding the undirected skeleton observation: if X and Y are not adjacent then OR X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X ⊥ Y ∣ Pa X Y assumption: max number of parents d idea: search over all subsets of size d, and check CI above input: CI oracle; bound on #parents d output: undirected skeleton initialize H as a complete undirected graph for all pairs d +2 , X O ( n ) X i j for all subsets U of size (within current neighbors of ) ≤ d , X X = O (( n ) × 2 O (( n − 2) ) d i j If then remove from H U − ⊥ ∣ X X X X i j i j return H

  23. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 2. finding the immoralities potential immorality X − Z , Y − Z ∈ H , X − Y  ∈ H X Y Z

  24. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 2. finding the immoralities potential immorality X − Z , Y − Z ∈ H , X − Y  ∈ H X Y Z

  25. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 2. finding the immoralities potential immorality not immorality only if X − Z , Y − Z ∈ H , X − Y  ∈ H ⊥ ∣ U ⇒ Z ∈ U X X i j X Y Z

  26. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 2. finding the immoralities potential immorality not immorality only if X − Z , Y − Z ∈ H , X − Y ∈ H  ⊥ ∣ U ⇒ Z ∈ U X X i j X Y save the U when removing X-Y see if Z in U? Z if no, then we have immorality input: CI oracle; bound on #parents d output: undirected skeleton X Y initialize H as a complete undirected graph Z for all pairs , X X i j for all subsets U of size (within current neighbors of ) ≤ d , X X i j If then remove from H U − ⊥ ∣ X X X X i j i j return H

  27. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 3. propagate the constraints at this point: a mix of directed and undirected edges

  28. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 3. propagate the constraints at this point: a mix of directed and undirected edges add directions using the following rules (needed to preserve immoralities / DAG structure) until convergence for exact CI tests, this guarantees the exact I-equivalence family

  29. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 3. propagate the constraints at this point: a mix of directed and undirected edges add directions using the following rules (needed to preserve immoralities / DAG structure) until convergence Example Ground truth DAG for exact CI tests, this guarantees the exact I-equivalence family

  30. Perfect map Perfect map from CI test from CI test 3. propagate the constraints at this point: a mix of directed and undirected edges add directions using the following rules (needed to preserve immoralities / DAG structure) until convergence undirected skeleton Example +immoralities Ground truth DAG for exact CI tests, this guarantees the exact I-equivalence family


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