Selection and weighting of performance indicators in a private healthcare organization: the balanced scorecard as a tool to support management Lara Santos & Denise Santos 14 June 2012 1
A clean-fingered performance evaluation in private health organizations provides the feedback needed to support decision- making in the design and implementation of initiatives that will lead Introduction to improved performance. This is therefore an essential process for achieving efficiency and effectiveness in challenging clinical results health groups aspire to. 2
Build a personalized tool to support management in a private health organization, defining the most appropriate selection and weighting Objectives of key performance indicators, allowing the creation of an instrument that can be used in other health organizations, either public or private. 3
Literature review using ESCOHOST. Construction of a questionnaire, using a 5-point Likert scale, using the following dimensions : "without using BSC", "using BSC", and "Total of 39 KPI". Methodology Twenty-six managers of a private health group in Portugal, experienced in the health sector, participated in the empirical study. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software was used for data processing. 4
Survey Sample Caracterization N=26 Age Male Gender Female Results No Higher Education in Heath Yes Higher Education in No Yes Management Operational Management Level Intermediate Top Years working in Health Under 3 Management 3-5 6-9 More than 10 Never heard of BSC knowledge Already heard of Already work with Financial Prespective No Predominant Yes Clients Prespective No Predominant Yes Int Process Prespective No Predominant Yes Learning Prespective No 5 Predominant Yes
Gen Age der Age Gen der Results 6
16 Critical KPIs BSC Without BSC Perpective Customer Satisfaction Customers Occupation Processes Net income Financial Productivity Financial Budget Financial Customer loyalty Customers Results Clinical confidential information Processes EBITDA Financial Operating income Financial Customer attraction Customers Service Delivery Time Processes Deadline for receipt Processes Employees satisfaction Learning Claims Customers Accessibility Customers Volume of business Financial 7
16 Critical KPIs BSC With BSC (4 per Perspective) Perpective Net income Financial Productivity Financial Budget Financial EBITDA Financial Customer satisfaction Customers Customer loyalty Customers Customer attraction Customers Results Claims Customers Occupation Processes Clinical information Processes Service Delivery Time Processes Deadline for receipt Processes Satisfaction of collectors Learning Absenteeism Learning Investment in ICT Learning New ideas taken Learning 8
Global 16 Critical KPIs BSC With BSC Perpective Customer Satisfaction Clients Occupation Processes Net Financial Result Financial Productivity Financial Management Customer Loyalty Clients Clinical Information Confidentiality Processes Results EBITDA Financial Customer attraction Customers Service Delivery Time Processes Receipt Deadline Processes Satisfaction Collaborators Learning Complaints Customer Absenteeism Learning IT Investment Learning New Ideas Harnessed Learning 9
There is a greater weighting, respectively, of the Financial, Customers, Internal Processes, and Learning perspectives, in descending order. Results This latter perspective, not represented in the dimension "without using the BSC", gains representation in the strategic management system "using BSC". 10
The research considered that performance evaluation and strategy implementation is influenced by the selection and weighting of critical performance indicators, that the use of BSC influences the selection and weighting of critical performance indicators, so Conclusion management tools must be developed empirically , in order to contribute to a model of strategic management control useful in evaluating the performance of health organizations, and decision making. 11
Science and This work intends to be the beginning of the development of a strategic management customary model, adapted to the reality of management the private health groups, that can be adapted to an interactive software resulting from the triangulation of the Balanced Scorecard contribution with other chains such as the one developed by the European Foundation for Business Quality Management and Benchmarking. and future A further step was taken to facilitate the measurement and studies evaluation of organizational performance, while at the same time being personalized and globally integrated, making the decision- proposal making process in the health area more objective. 12
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