principles of water and wastewater rate setting

Principles of Water and Wastewater Rate Setting Rates Advisory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Principles of Water and Wastewater Rate Setting Rates Advisory Committee January 22, 2009 Presented by: Bill Stannard Peiffer Brandt Harold Smith PRO-OPS, INC. Professional Operations, Inc. Rate setting is as much an art as it is a

  1. Principles of Water and Wastewater Rate Setting Rates Advisory Committee January 22, 2009 Presented by: Bill Stannard Peiffer Brandt Harold Smith PRO-OPS, INC. Professional Operations, Inc.

  2. Rate setting “is as much an art as it is a science”

  3. Rate Setting Rate Setting 101 101 M-1 Rate Manual Comprehensive Guide to Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing Legal Decisions

  4. Overall Utility Pricing Goal Design a rate structure that: Design a rate structure that: o Generates revenue sufficient to support the continued provision of high quality service o Is responsive to utility and stakeholder objectives o Is consistent with industry practices

  5. Who Are Utility Stakeholders? Policy Lending Employees Makers Institutions Customers Policy Employees Makers T o u Developers Regulators r i Utility Suppliers Lenders s m Industry Regulators Rating Customers Suppliers Rating Agencies Agencies

  6. How Do We Accomplish Our Overall Goal?

  7. Basic Steps in the Rate Setting Process “The Short Course”

  8. Rate Setting Process Step 5 – Step 5 – Assess ssess Effectivene Effectiveness of Addressing Pricing ss of Addressing Pricing Objectives Objectives 5 5 5 Step 4 – Des Step 4 – esign ign Rate Structure Rate Structure 4 4 4 Step 3 – Step 3 – Allocate Costs llocate Costs 3 3 3 Step 2 - Identify Revenue Requirements Step 2 - dentify Revenue Requirements 2 2 2 Step 1 - Identify Financial and Step 1 - dentify Financial and Pr Pric icing ing Ob Object jective ives 1 1 1

  9. Step 1: Identify Financial and Step 1: Pricing Objectives • Financial Sufficiency • Affordability • Customer Equity • Ease of Implementation • Revenue Stability • Economic Development • Minimize Customer Impacts • Rate Stability • Simple to Understand and • Conservation/Demand Update Management Identify rate structures that meet objectives

  10. Rate Setting Process Step 5 – Step 5 – Assess ssess Effectivene Effectiveness of Addressing Pricing ss of Addressing Pricing Objectives Objectives 5 5 5 Step 4 – Des Step 4 – esign ign Rate Structure Rate Structure 4 4 4 Step 3 – Step 3 – Allocate Costs llocate Costs 3 3 3 Step 2 - Identify Revenue Requirements Step 2 - dentify Revenue Requirements 2 2 2 Step 1 - Identify Financial and Step 1 - dentify Financial and Pr Pric icing ing Ob Object jective ives 1 1 1

  11. Step 2: Identify Revenue Requirements Concept: In providing adequate water and wastewater service, every utility must receive sufficient revenue to ensure: o Proper operation & maintenance (O&M) o Development and perpetuation of the system o Preservation of the utility’s financial integrity Source: AWWA M1

  12. Key Revenue Requirement Considerations o Selection of Base Year for Projections o Projection Period o Utility vs. Cash Approach o Escalation Factors

  13. Determine Revenue Requirements Reserve O&M Requirements Revenue “Pay-Go” Requirements Capital Costs Revenue Requirement Adjustments: Other Operating Debt Service Revenues and Non-Operating Revenues

  14. Developing Revenue Requirements Financial Planning Considerations: o Reserve levels o Debt policy o Low income discounts o Growth policy o Financing of capital projects

  15. Developing Revenue Requirements Test Periods - Establishing the method of determining revenue requirements o Projected—budgeted or forecasted o Historical—a recent “typical” year o Pro forma—historical base year with adjustments for “known and measurable” changes Normalize data to account for conditions not expected to continue during forecast period

  16. Developing Revenue Requirements “Utility/Accrual Basis” vs. “Cash Basis” Utility Basis o More consistent with accounting principles o May generate insufficient or excessive revenues o Less flexible and more difficult to explain to customers and policy makers o Often used for wholesale rates

  17. Developing Revenue Requirements “Cash Basis” vs. “Utility/Accrual Basis” Cash Basis o Easier to understand as revenue is matched to cash needs o Consistent with governmental budgeting and accepted by governmental utility industry o May result in fluctuations with financials prepared according to typical accounting principles o Typically used for retail rates

  18. Cash Needs Approach Reserves o Operating o Rate stabilization o Capital replacement o Capital expansion o Emergency and Risk Management

  19. Escalation Factors o Historic Trends o Expected Occurrences - New Assets online - Regulatory requirements o Conservative by Nature

  20. Common Problems Determining Revenue Requirements Inadequate operating cost detail Long-range Capital Plan o Incomplete o Unrealistic o Lack of capital financing policies Lack of clear financial objectives/policies

  21. Rate Setting Process Step 5 – Step 5 – Assess ssess Effectivene Effectiveness of Addressing Pricing ss of Addressing Pricing Objectives Objectives 5 5 5 Step 4 – Des Step 4 – esign ign Rate Structure Rate Structure 4 4 4 Step 3 – Step 3 – Allocate Costs llocate Costs 3 3 3 Step 2 - Identify Revenue Requirements Step 2 - dentify Revenue Requirements 2 2 2 Step 1 - Identify Financial and Step 1 - dentify Financial and Pr Pric icing ing Ob Object jective ives 1 1 1

  22. Cost of Service Concept Best practices encourage cost of service as the fundamental benchmark used for establishing utility rates.

  23. Cost of Service Concept Cost of Service Concept What Is Cost of Service? o Cost of service is the total annual revenue requirements to be derived from utility revenues o That is, the cost of providing service to the utility’s customers must be recovered from those customers

  24. Cost of Service Concept Rationale: o Different types of customers generate different costs because their patterns of use or demand characteristics are different o Cost of service analysis allows the matching of rates charged to each group to the cost of serving them o Each group “pays its own way”; no subsidies

  25. Cost of Service Concept Bottom Line Achieve Equity: Recover costs from users in proportion to their use of the system, and by recognizing the impact of each class on system facilities and operations

  26. Step 3: Allocate Costs o Categorize Costs by Function o Allocate to Cost Components o Develop Unit Costs Accepted Industry Approaches Water • Base-Extra Capacity vs. Commodity Demand Wastewater • Design vs. Function

  27. Sample Allocation of Water Costs Net Water Revenue Requirements Categorize by Functions Support Transmission Distribution Storage Meters Treatment Supply & Admin. Allocate to Cost Components Customer Max Max Meter & Public Fire Private Fire Base Service Day Hour Service Protection Protection Develop Unit Costs Service Costs Commodity Costs Public Fire Private Fire Customer Meter Protection Protection Charge Charge Customer Classes Multi- Single Commercial Industrial Irrigation Family Family

  28. Sample Allocation of Wastewater Costs Net Wastewater Revenue Requirements Categorize by Functions Meter & Industrial Support CSO Treatment Disposal Collection Pretreatment Service & Admin. Allocate to Cost Components Customer Industrial Volume Capacity BOD TSS Service Monitoring Develop Unit Costs Variable Costs Service Costs Customer Classes Customer Meter Charge Charge Multi- Single Water Commercial Industrial Family Family Reuse

  29. Rate Setting Process Step 5 – Step 5 – Assess ssess Effectivene Effectiveness of Addressing Pricing ss of Addressing Pricing Objectives Objectives 5 5 5 Step 4 – Des Step 4 – esign ign Rate Structure Rate Structure 4 4 4 Step 3 – Step 3 – Allocate Costs llocate Costs 3 3 3 Step 2 - Identify Revenue Requirements Step 2 - dentify Revenue Requirements 2 2 2 Step 1 - Identify Financial and Step 1 - dentify Financial and Pr Pric icing ing Ob Object jective ives 1 1 1

  30. Step 4: Design Rate Structure Topics Covered: o Fixed charges vs. variable charges o Conservation vs. traditional rate designs o Evaluating alternative rate structures

  31. Fixed Charges vs. Variable Charges o Fixed Charges – Invariant with customer water usage – Cost of service fixed charges typically recover customer related costs – Fixed charges may include recovery of a portion of capital costs and other fixed costs o Variable Charges (“Consumption” Charges) – Vary with amount of water used – Recover utility costs that vary with customer usage patterns – Recover some portion of utility’s fixed costs

  32. Use of Fixed Charge All Surveyed Water Utilities (256 Sampled) 96% Have a Fixed Component No Fixed Charge 4% Source: RFC/AWWA 2006 Rate Survey Data


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