prezent ci s s r sk szs g fejleszt se angolul

Prezentcis s rskszsg fejlesztse angolul Presentation and Writing - PDF document

Prezentcis s rskszsg fejlesztse angolul Presentation and Writing Skills Semester 2 2017/2018 Course title: Prezentcis s rskszsg fejlesztse Course code: PGNAMNPS Status: lecture +seminar Contact hours: 0+2

  1. Prezentációs és íráskészség fejlesztése angolul Presentation and Writing Skills Semester 2 2017/2018 Course title: Prezentációs és íráskészség fejlesztése Course code: PGNAMNPS Status: lecture +seminar Contact hours: 0+2 Type of Electible Credits: 3 Prerequisite: - This course is practice oriented, requiring Aims and objectives: students to develop presentation and language skills during the seminars. Students will undertake assignments and deliver their presentations to fellow students throughout the course. To make it possible for students:  to acquire skills and techniques crucial to successfully plan, and design a presentation, prepare and deliver it ;  to identify their own abilities, strong and weak points; to be able to improve both  to learn the role and significance of giving and receiving feedback, to practice how to do it;  to work on a project with a fellow students; to practice responsibility and trust;  to master time management techniques and to deal with stress coming from standing in front of a group of people;

  2. Course schedule Week 1-2 Requirements; Feedback, Criteria for evaluation; Opening techniques; Use of voice, body language; Week 3-4 Closing techniques; Different types of presentations; Rapport, Audience; Week 5-6 Mind-map, planning, structure; Mini individual presentations; Week 7-8 Design; improving slides; Story telling techniques; Week 9- Asking and handling questions; Formal presentations; 10 Graphs and charts; written versus spoken language; Week 11- Pair presentations; 12 Recommended Mark Powell: Dynamic Presentations reading; Mark Powell: Presenting in English Jeremy Comfort: Effective Presentations Learning Goals: By the end of the semester the students should:  get acquainted with the basic elements of a successful presentation (structure, message, goals, audience…)  know how to structure a presentation  know about the design of presentations  improve their self-knowledge  practise active listening  improve their personal responsibility  practise non-verbal communication and the use of voice  be more self-confident in giving presentations By the end of the semester the student should be able to:  plan and deliver individual and team presentations  deliver effective introductions and summaries  structure presentations to achieve maximum impact  design and display visual aids that support

  3. presentation goals & objectives  write a good email  give and receive feedback  build rapport with the audience  use body language and voice  do some individual research Course In order to prove the acquired knowledge requirements, the students will have to: assessment:  send their chosen topics via email  give one team presentation based on research and own work (country, town or company)  give one individual presentation based on research and own work  give an 8 minute individual presentation in the exam period This way students’ final mark will be compiled from marks for:  active participation in classes  team presentation  individual presentation  individual exam presentation  emails Number of maximum missed classes: 2x90 minutes Lecturer Dr Dósa Ildikó


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