Presented by: Marco A. Gonzalez
The Ç spire keypad Click Button The Nav Pad Home Escape Tab Menu Control Clear or Key Backspace Shift Key Catalog Ctl + (Eq. Ed) Ctl + (Math Template)
This is the home screen that you will see when you turn on the handheld for the first time or when pressing the c button. 1. Opens a calculator page used for calculations. 2. Opens a graphs and geometry page. 3. Opens a lists or spreadsheet page. 4. Opens a notes page used for writing text. 5. Opens a data and statistics page. 6. Opens a new document. 7. Explores your current saved documents. 8. Explores your system settings 9. Explores hints on how to use the handheld. Graphs and Geometry page In the Entry Line, enter the equation f1 (x) = (x – 2) 2 + 3 Press e twice so that the cursor is on the screen of the graph. Using the Nav Pad, move the cursor to the vertex of the parabola. Press and hold the a “click” button for 1.7 seconds to “grab” the vertex. Now move the Nav Pad in several directions and watch what happens to the equation.
Press d when done. Now move the cursor to the one of the sides of the parabola until the cursor changes. Again, press and hold the a button for 1.7 seconds to “grab’ the parabola. Now move the Nav Pad left or right and watch what happens to the equation. Calculating Zeros, Min, & Max Points Clear the equation in f1 (x) and enter x 2 – 2x – 8 . Now press b , 6 Points & Lines, 2 Point On. Move the cursor to the parabola (somewhere in quadrant 1) and press · . Press d . Now, move the cursor above the point you just created and click a for 1.7 sec to grab the point. Move the point down to the x-axis. A little “z” indicates the zero (x-intercept) of the function. Continue dragging the point down on the parabola. The little “m” indicates the minimum point (vertex) of the parabola. Press a to lock the point and see the coordinates. See next screenshot.
This used to be done through the Calculate menu on the TI-84+. To calculate the other zero, “grab” the point and drag the point to the left until the other little “z” is indicated and press a to display the coordinates. There is another way to calculate the zeros, max, & min points on a graph. First “grab” the point on the graph and move it to different location on the parabola. Move the cursor over the y-coordinate and double click a . Press . to erase the y-coordinate and type 0 and press · . The point will jump to the nearest zero. Alternate Method of Graphing Clear or erase the first function that we have entered. Press b , 1 (Tools), 5 (Text) Move the cursor to an open space (Quadrant 1) and press · . In the text box, type 2x 2 – x + 1 and press · . Press d .
Now move the cursor over the text box you just created and press a for 1.7 seconds. Move the text box over the x-axis and watch what happens. When you press a or · the equation is graphed. Let’s try another graph. Let’s erase the quadratic equation just drawn by moving the cursor over the equation and double clicking a . Press clear until it is erased. Press b , 1 (Tools), 5 (Text) Move the cursor to an open space (Quadrant 1) and press · . Type y < 2x – 2 and press · . Now move the cursor over the text box you just created and press a for 1.7 seconds. Move the text box over the x-axis and watch what happens. Press a or · to graph the equation. Changing Window Settings Press c , 2 to open a new Graphs and Geometry page. Graph f1 (x) = x 2 + 50 and press · . Press e twice to move the cursor to the screen. Move the cursor to hover above the Y-Max value of the window and double click a . The Y- Max value is now highlighted. Enter 75 for a value. The window automatically resizes.
Another way of changing window settings is by pressing b , 4 window, 1 window settings. Now you can alter any of the window setting on this page. Showing Lists & Spreadsheet and its Connection to G&G Jerry earns $9 per hour working at a store. How much does he make for various number of hours? What is the formula to figure out how much he makes for X number of hours? Open a new page, Lists and Spreadsheets. In one column, label it hours. In the second column, label it wages. You may have to re-size. To re-size, press b , 1 Actions, 2 Re-size. Now use the Nav Pad to re-size to desired width. Populate the Hours column from 1 to 4. For the wages column, put in row 1: 9 Row 2: 18 Row 3: 27 Row 4: 36 Show how you can input a formula like in Excel. In the diamond column for the Wages column, insert: =hours*9
Type a new value in the Hours column and watch the corresponding cell in the wages column automatically populate due to the formula. Try other values for hours, like decimals. Press c to insert a new Graphs & Geometry page. Change your graph type to Scatter plot by pressing: b , 3 Graph type , 3 Scatter Plot. Press · to get the x-value of the scatterplot to show up. Choose [hours]. Press · . Press e to highlight the y-value box of the scatter plot. Press · to activate the possible choices for the y-value. Choose [wages]. Press · .
Depending on your window, some points will not show. Resize your window to see all of the points. You can also resize the window by grabbing a tic mark on the y- axis and drag towards the origin. This will increase the maximum of the Y coordinate. Press b , 4 to see the various types of zoom choices plus the window settings. When you see all your points, try to fit a graph to the points. You will have to change the graph type to function by pressing b , 3 , 1 . Click in the entry line and start with the function f1 (x) = 2x. Use the graph and move feature to fit the graph of the function. You may find that your graph doesn’t exactly overlap the scatterplot but it comes close. You can enter a new function on the entry line: f3 (x)=9x
Figure 1 Investigating the Isosceles Triangle. Press c , 5 New Document. To hide the Axes and the Entry line, press b , 2 View, 1 Hide Axes. Then Press b , 2 View, 3 Hide Entry Line. To draw the base of the Isosceles triangle, press b , 6 Points & Lines, 5 Segment. Move the cursor to the lower half of the screen and press · . Before moving the cursor, press g key and the letter A to label the point. Now move the cursor to a different position and press · . Again, before moving the cursor, press g key and the letter B to label the Figure 2 point. Press d . (see figure 1) Now, let’s draw the perpendicular bisector of this line segment. Press b , 9 Construction, 3 Perpendicular Bisector. Move the cursor with the Nav Pad somewhere over the segment you have just drawn and press · . Press d . Now, let’s place a point on the perpendicular bisector of the segment. Press, b , 6 Points & Lines, 2 Point On. Move the cursor anywhere over the perpendicular bisector and press · . Before moving the cursor, press g and the letter C to label the point. Press d (see figure 2). Figure 3 Now, let’s draw a segment from each of the endpoint of the segment to the point on the perpendicular bisector. Press b , 6 Points & Lines, 5 Segment. Hover the cursor over point A until it blinks and press · . Move the cursor over point C until it blinks and press · . Repeat the process from point B to point C. Press d . Now let’s hide the perpendicular bisector. Move the cursor over the perpendicular bisector until it flashes and press / b simultaneously. Select 3 Hide/Show. (see figure 3) Now, let’s calculate the length of AC and BC. Press b , 7 Measurement, 1 Length. Move the cursor over segment AC until it flashes and press a . Now move the measurement somewhere to the upper left hand side of the screen and press a again to lock the measurement. Repeat the process for segment BC and move the measurement below the measurement of AC. Press d . Figure 4
Now let’s label the measurements. Press b , 1 Tools, 5 Text. Press g , �A , C Press · . Move the cursor somewhere else on the screen and press a . Press g , �B , �C , · . Press d . Now, hover the cursor over each label you just created and press a for 1.7 seconds. Move the label to the left of the measurement of the respective side and press a . Repeat the process for the other label. (see figure 4) Let’s change the angle measurement from radians to degrees. Press c , 8 System Info, 1 Document Settings, e , “ Down on Nav Pad ” and select “ Degree ”. Press e several times until you get to OK and press · . Figure 5 To measure the base angles, press b , 7 Measurement, 4 Angle. Move the cursor to point C until it flashes and press a . Move the cursor to point A until it flashes and press a . Move the cursor to point B until it flashes and press a . Move the measurement to the upper right hand side of the screen. Repeat the process for the other base angle. Press d . Now let’s label the angle measurements. Press b , 1 Tools, 5 Text. Press g , �A� , Press · Move the cursor somewhere else on the screen and press a . Press g , �B , · . Press d . Now, hover the cursor over each label you just created and press a for 1.7 seconds. Move the label to the left of Figure 6 the measurement of the respective side and press a . Repeat the process for the other label. (see figure 5) Now, let’s have some fun with this triangle. Move the cursor to one of the vertices of the triangle until it flashes and press a for 1.7 seconds and drag the point to different points on the screen. Notice the measurements of the sides and the base angles. (see figure 6) Figure 7
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