PRESENTATION OUTLINE BHSD Integration – What is Underway? I. II. 2015-2016 Accomplishments III. 2016-2017 Strategic Initiatives IV. New BHSD Brand V. Comments and Questions 2
BHSD Integration Update 3
ORGANIZATIONAL INTEGRATION 2015 - PRESENT The following efforts highlight the foundational components of the departmental integration: 1. Continue work with County ESA to develop an administrative structure to support the integrated department and career pathways for staff. 2. Completed BHS Space Assessment with County’s Facility & Fleet Department for current and future departmental needs. • Initial priorities: integrated Administrative, Call Center and Quality Management space. • COO identified 2450 South Bascom, San Jose for BHS administrative space; facility planning underway; staff decisions have not been made and will be communicated as soon as possible. 4
ORGANIZATIONAL INTEGRATION 2015- PRESENT 3. Working with the County Budget Director and OBA Staff, created a new BHSD Budget Code which will be implemented with the FY16/17 County Budget on July 1, 2016. 4. OSH will also have a new budget code for housing specific services (i.e., HUD, purchases, agreements) which will be shifted to the Office of the CEO; direct care services will remain under BHSD. 5. Selected EPIC as the BHSD Electronic Health Record to support integrated care management. • HHS goal is one patient/client, one care plan across all services (respecting privacy requirements). New 1115 Waiver focuses on integrated care and Whole Person Care. 6. Selected and developed the new BHSD Brand, based on staff feedback. 5
BHSD Accomplishments 2015 6
2015-2016 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Completed Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the Behavioral Health Services Outpatient Programs: Family & Children and Adult/Older Adult Services representing $100 M in services. • Created and implemented a Mental Health Quality Improvement Plan, working with our CBO providers, that includes defined outcomes and metrics for each level of outpatient care, a quarterly quality review and contract language that has been included in all provider contracts. • Completed site visit for Annual California External Quality Review Organization (CAEQRO) in January 2016. Final report demonstrates performance improvement. SUTS has been invited to help develop the new CAEQRO review for substance use systems. • Completed three Unit Based Teams (UBTs): MH Sunnyvale, Call Center and Juvenile Justice. Trained three UBT facilitators. Planning underway for next wave of UBTs. 7
2015-2016 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Working with the VMC Chief Medical Officer, expanded the role of the Mental Health Medical Director to the new role of Behavioral Health Services Medical Director, responsible for psychiatric services across the system. • In February 2016, submitted the draft Substance Use Treatment Services 1115 Waiver Plan to the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS ). Santa Clara’s Waiver Plan is serving as the model for many counties across California. • Completed safety assessments at mental health outpatient clinics that serve consumers with high needs; funded safety buttons, which are being implemented and worked with FAF to identify priority facility upgrades. • Completed the first BHS administrative co-located worksite – in February 2016, the Family, Children and Youth Services Division moved into the new Medi-Plex building. • Completed assessment of service gaps and needs in Children & Youth and Adult/Older Adult Systems of Care and presented these findings to the Board of Supervisors. Children & Youth System has implemented and/or expanded services and Adult/Older Adult Services System is currently developing service strategies and programs to address identified needs. 8
ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO DATE: NEW SERVICES • In the process of releasing four RFPs for new programs to fill service gaps for Santa Clara County residents: • Adult Mobile Crisis Teams: to provide community-based crisis services, thereby decreasing involuntary hold/5150s and EPS utilization. • Children’s Acute Psychiatric Hospital: to eliminate and/or reduce the number of minors being admitted to out-of-county hospitals. • Supplemental Services: to provide care for clients/consumers with serious mental illness and traumatic brain injury. • SUTS Treatment Services for Custody Clients: to provide in-custody substance use treatment services, a transitional team to connect inmates with outpatient services and an outpatient team to provide community-based recovery services. 9
2016-2017 Strategic Goals 10
2016-2017 STRATEGIC GOALS / UPDATES 1. Implement an administrative structure to support the integrated department and career pathways for staff. • In process: County ESA working with BHS Leadership on new positions. 2. Expand and implement new programs in the Re-Entry and Criminal Justice System of Care and implement a co-occurring provider training plan to address needs of this population. Work with providers to align mental health and substance use services and improve care coordination. • Increased Mental Health Justice-Involved FSP and Crisis Residential program funding by $1.5 million. • Released an RFP for Faith-Based Services for Re-Entry Clients in collaboration with the Re-Entry Center. • Assessed current CJ mental health and substance use services and capacity and identified service gaps and service needs. • Developed Substance Use Treatment Services (SUTS) RFP for custody health clients; release on April 8, 2016. 11
2016-2017 STRATEGIC GOALS / UPDATES 3. Expand and implement CJ Services (continued): • Working with Re-Entry Center to develop Muriel Wright property: new detox center, SUTS residential & co-occurring crisis residential services. • Participating in the new Jail Diversion & Behavioral Health Subcommittee of the Re-Entry Network. 4. Implement the 1115 Waiver Plan for the Substance Use Organized Delivery System. • Draft plan submitted to DHCS in February 2016; DHCS conducting final review of plan, which will then be sent to the BOS for their review and approval. 5. Partner with Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System (SCVHHS) and Ambulatory Care (AC) leadership to fully integrate behavioral health services into the AC clinics. • Planning underway with Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and Ambulatory Care Leadership. 6. Play a leadership role in the SCVHHS Whole Person Care pilot, as a critical component of the 1115 Health System Waiver. 12
2016-2017 STRATEGIC GOALS / UPDATES 7. Finalize plan for Electronic Health Record (EHR) procurement and implementation. • In February 2016, selected Epic as the EHR. Working with Information Systems on initial discovery; anticipated go-live date is May 2017. 8. Release a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Adult Mobile Crisis Teams; planned release in April 2016 with services available in October 2016. “Stand up” the new adult crisis stabilization unit and crisis residential facilities funded 9. by a California Health Facilities Financing Authority (CHFFA) grant. • Facilities will be completed by July 2016; services will be available in October 2016. 10. Finalize and implement the updated Santa Clara County 5150 Protocol. • Anticipate June 2016 completion date. 11. Recruit a Division Director for Mental Health Quality Improvement (QI), hire a QI Program Manager and integrate system-wide quality functions. • Recruitment currently underway for Division Director and Program Manager. 13
New BHSD Brand 14
Month Date, Year
THE IMPORTANCE OF AN INTEGRATED DEPARTMENT A new Behavioral Health Services Department and a unified system of substance abuse and mental health services will help people get the care they need • Seamless treatment experience for clients • Treatment without barriers An integrated system will help achieve core objectives and add value to the services provided: • Be high performing • Increase accountability and transparency • Deliver timely, efficient, effective, and equitable care • Advance innovation, evidence-based practices, and learning • Provide access to safe and quality client centered care at reasonable cost • Provide excellent client, customer, and community services 17
HOW WILL A NEW BRAND HELP? A brand is more than a logo and tagline — it’s the entire experience clients, employees, partners and community have with the organization. A brand is not what we say we are, it’s what they say we are . WHAT IS CO-BRANDING? Co-branding is the graphic representation of an organizational relationship. It defines to employees/clients/partners and the community the relationship between co- branded partners. Co-branding is done through visual brand identity and verbal content that ties back (or “families”) to the larger brand. The new Behavioral Health Services brand ties back to the Santa Clara Valley & Hospital System brand. 18
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