Vote March 19, 2013 Capital Project Presentation 1
Capital Project Presentation Tonight’s discussion 1. 1. There e are 2 p propositions sitions for your consider ideration ation 2. 2. Backgrou ound nd - How did we get here 3. 3. Details ils of the proposit ositions ions 4. 4. The financial ial impact ct 5. 5. Timeline eline of events ts 6. 6. Discussion ussion
Two Separate Propositions Pro ropo posing ing Different rent Pro ropo positions itions Pro roposi position tion #1 – Base Fa Facili ilitie ties s Pro roject ect $800,000 0,000 of Capital ital Rese serv rve e Funds unds will l be used ed to re reduce duce the e local l share. e. IF PROPOSITION 1 PASSES, VOTERS CAN ALSO ADD… Pro roposition position #2 – Art rtificial ificial Turf rf Fi Field
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations Physical Education / Athletic Fields
Proposition #1 Background Buildi lding ng Con ondi dition ion Surv rvey y (B (BCS) ) und ndert rtaken aken Architec tectur ural/En al/Engineer ineering ing review ew of buildin dings gs in 2010 require ired by State Educatio tion n Department tment Ge Generat ated d a 5 ye year capital al plan BCS is: A laundry ndry list of items Health th & safety, y, Code e related ed Programmat ammatic ic changes/ es/impa impacts cts Asset set preservation ervation A snapsho pshot t in time
Proposition #1 Background Fac aciliti ilities es Comm mmittee ittee Reviewed d surv rvey y and d associ ciate ated d value ues Assess ssed ed each pa part rt and d associ ociate ated d com ompo ponents nents Catego gorize rized d items Pri rioritize ritized d work rk items
Proposition #1 Background Hi High-Priori Priority ty Items Selecte ted d for or Pro roject: ect: Curren ently tly at or beyond nd usefu ful l life System em is failing ing ; ability ity to obtain in parts s or repair r is no longer er feasib sible le Health th and/o /or r Safety concern Further er degradat dation ion of related ed systems/fac ems/facilit ilities ies wo would result lt in excessive ssive operating ing budget t expense nse Code e Complian liance SED Departme tment nt of Facilitie lities s Planning nning focus
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations Cod ode Co Compl plianc ance NY NYS Building lding Code des NY NYS Energ rgy y Code de Swi wimmi ming ng Poo ool Cod ode Manual ual of P Planning anning Standards ndards American’s with Disabilities Act
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations General Scope Items Emerged… Energ rgy y Impr proveme ments nts He Health & s safety ty items Asset t Pre reservatio rvation Acc ccess ssibil ibility ity Mechanic anical l systems ms Electric trical al infras rastruc tructure ture
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations He Health h and nd Safety ty Items Fi Fire re Alarm rm Impr proveme ments nts Emerg rgenc ncy y Lighting ing Upg pgrad rades Vent ntil ilation ation Impr prov oveme ments nts Exterior rior Lighting ing Pool System m Upg pgrad rades Select t Interio rior/ r/Ex Exte terior rior Doors rs Fl Floor r Fi Finishes
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations Site Safety ty Items Paveme ment nt re recons nstruc truction tion Side dewa walk lk & S Stair ir re repl place ceme ments/ nts/repa repairs irs
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations Acce ccess ssibil ibility ity Toilet t ro rooms Door r Ha Hard rdwa ware re Poo ool Li Lift Side dewa walks lks and d exteri rior r ra ramps ps Casewo work/sinks rk/sinks
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations Mechanical hanical Syste tems ms Water r heater r re repl place ceme ment nt Pump p re repl place ceme ments nts Vent ntil ilation ation impr prov oveme ments nts Pool de dehumidi dific fication ation Control rol systems ms upd pdates
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations Electrical trical Systems ms Electric tric pa panels s and d br breakers rs Code de u upd pdates Fire re Alarm rm Emergen gency y exit lighting ting Emergen gency y lightin ting
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations Pro rogr gram am Impr prov oveme ments nts Technolo nology gy Room Renovations ations Art rt Room Impr proveme ments nts Li Libr brary ry Impr prov ovem ements nts
Proposition #1 School Repairs & Renovations Pro rogr gram am Impr prov oveme ments nts Locker r Room Renovations ations Gym Lighti ting ng Impr proveme ments nts Poo ool Upg pgrad rades
Proposition #1 Physical Education / Athletic Fields Fi Field d Impr prov oveme ments nts Add dditional ional Socce cer r field bl bleachers rs Tennis nis Court rt re repa pairs rs Concrete bleacher pads Trac rack k re repa pairs rs
Proposition #1 Physical Education / Athletic Fields Fiel ield d Li Ligh ghting ing Fie ield ld Ligh ghting ting Cont ntro rol
Proposition #1 – Budget Summary Cos ost Construction Costs* $ 4,925,819 Incidental Costs** $ 985,164 Total Proposition #1 $ 5,910,983 *Facility repairs/renovations and site work at School Buildings and Bus Garage **Professional Fees, cost of borrowing, insurance, reproductions, G&A expenses
Proposition #2 Artificial Turf Field Can pass only if Proposition #1 passes
Proposition #2 Artificial Turf Field Bas asic ic Tur urf f Syst ystem em Com ompon ponents nts Inlaid Lines Synthetic Turf Fiber Infill Turf Anchor Leveling Course Geotextile Gravel Blanket Liner Perforated Corrugated Flat Panel Perforated Drain Compacted Plastic Pipe Subgrade
Proposition #2 Artificial Turf Field Dif ifferenc erences es in in T Tur urf f Syst ystems ems Und Rubber nder er drain in types pes/spa /spaci cing bber inf nfill ill and nd types pes Base Rubber e materials erials bber and nd sand nd mix Turf Glued f materia erial, l, yarn rn we weight ght ued vs. sewn wn seams ms and nd heig ights ts Tufte fted, inl nlaid id vs. paint nted d lines es Tuft ft gauge uge and nd backing cking Shave ved d vs. cut line e ins nser erts ts Inf nfill ill depth pths Warranty ranty Shock ck pad
Proposition #2 Artificial Turf Field Benefits nefits Maximiz imized d use allows ws other r fields ds to re rest Redu duce ced d maintenance ntenance costs ts Con onsiste stent nt all-season ason pl playing ng surf rfac ace Lo Loca cation ion Fi Fina nal l de determ rminat ination on made de after r vot ote Stake keho holde lder r group up wil ill l be assemble embled d to make e recom ommendation endation for eit ither er with ithin n all ll-weather eather track ck or socce ccer r fie ield ld at North h Road
Proposition #2 Artificial Turf Field Li Life fe-Cy Cycl cle e Replacem placement ent Budget $600,000 Building Aid pro-rated if sooner than 15 years 80% of cost aidable (12 out of 15 years, if replacement follows 12 year warranty expiration) $179 spread over 15 years (starting 2026), for average $100,000 assessed value, based on District’s overall debt profile
Proposition #2 - Budget Summary Cos ost Construction Costs* $1,500,000 Incidental Costs** $ 300,000 Total Proposition #2 $1,800,000 *Site preparation, drainage, artificial turf field at the Middle / High School **Professional Fees, cost of borrowing, insurance, reproductions, G&A expenses
Proposition #1 & #2 Combined & Tot otal l Costs sts Construction Costs $4,925,819 $1,500,000 $6,425,819 Incidental Costs $ 985,164 $ 300,000 $1,285,164 Total Costs $5,910,983 $1,800,000 $7,710,983
Why Capital Projects? Pro rovide ide the he be best learn rning ing env nviro ronme nment nt for or ou our r stude dents nts Maintain ntain 280 80,000 ,000 sf sf of f facil cilitie ities s & pr program rams s safely ly and nd effecti ctive vely ly Redu duce ce annual ual re repa pair r costs Major r capi pital tal expe pendi diture tures s are re not pa part rt of the ope pera rating ing bu budg dget Take ke adv dvantage ntage of State Buildi lding ng Aid
Financial Impact – Proposition #1 Project Authorizations: Total Project Cost $5,910,983 Expended from Capital Reserve: ($800,000) Local Share: (after NYS Bldg Aid) $764,637 Net Local Property Tax Impact: $ 0.00 / YR* *Value for average $100,000 assessed value, based on District’s overall debt profile
Financial Impact – Propositions #1 & #2 Total Both Proposition Authorizations: Total Project Cost $7,710,983 Expended from Capital Reserve : ($800,000) Local Share: (after NYS Bldg Aid) $1,241,097 Net Local Property Tax Impact: $ 93 / 15 Years * *Value for average $100,000 assessed value, based on District’s overall debt profile
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