« H ow lucky we are. We have the scientific data, and as Art of Change 21 shows, we have the creativity of the world in our hands. We are lucky because we still have time to change. » OLAFUR ELIASSON, PATRON OF ART OF CHANGE 21
// IDENTITY Art of Change 21 is a non-profjt association created in 2014 by renown players in the fjeld of culture and sustainable development . It is the fjrst international initiative in favour of the environment which combines art, social entrepre- neurship and engaged youth . // VOCATION To conceive and put in place artistic, innovative, participative and accessible actions , aiming to raise awareness and mobilize citizens on the theme of sustainable development and the environment . // ORIGINALITY The multidisciplinary and collective creative process of its actions. Each project is the fruit of a « cross-fertilisation », a close collaboration between artists, social entrepreneurs and young leaders committed to environmental protection. « B y conceiving and putting in place social and accessible projects, art can reveal our own personal ressources: Each one of us has the ability to create and thus to make the change we wish to see. » ALICE AUDOUIN, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER OF ART OF CHANGE 21
ART OF CHANGE 21 // MAIN FIGURES 2 l a b e l s 4 websites 40 000 euros « COP21 » by the COP21 Steering of participatory funding: 2 successful Committee and « Paris for Climate » by crowdfunding campaigns, €35,000 on the City of Paris. Kickstarter and €5,000 on Hello Asso 7 countries +90 articles that hosted Art of Change 21actions in the medias +20 speaches 1 4 projects 4 rewards including : TedxCannes, European Parlia- ment, Unesco, French National Assembly... parners 2 awards at the « Forum National des Asso- + 4 000 ciations et Fondations » – National Forum of 7 680 Associations and Foundations (FNAF), « Prix Oxygène » - Oxygen Prize from « Les Res- citizens involved in the Maskbook and pirations », winner of the « 10 projets pour le Caire Game actions. Facebook followers climat » – 10 projects for the climate by EDF - HelloAsso
ART OF CHANGE 21 // KEY DATES 2014/2015 nov. 2014 sept. 2014 sept. 2015 “ Conclave of the 21 ”, conception of the Birth and Online launch of the action plan in 4 projects: COP21 label. Maskbook, Caire website.. Game, Worldcop and Bridges . nov. 2015 oct. 2015 dec. 2015 - Online launch of the - 3 days of Maskbook workshops website. - COP 21 : Art of Change in China at the Beijing Design 21 booths, exhibitions and Week. - Caire Game poster campaign workshops in Paris, by the city of Paris (1200 billboards). Le Bourget, and Beijing. - Maskbook exhibition at the Université Paris I - Intervention by Art of Change 21 at - Visit by François Hollande Panthéon-Sorbonne. the European Parliament, Brussels. at the Maskbook exhibition area in the Grand - Winner of the 2 prizes of the Fo- - Oxygen Prize at the Forum Palais. rum National Forum of Les Respirations. Associations and Foundations.
ART OF CHANGE 21 // KEY DATES 2016 mai 201 6 - Art of Change 21 partnership with sept. 201 6 the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). juil. 201 6 - Online launch of the - Launch of the Maskbook Mobile App with UNEP. website Caire Game animation in Tanger in Morocco - Caire Game and Maskbook - Maskbook workshops during MedCOP CLIMAT animations and booths during the and exhibition at the International Weather and Daegu Photo Biennale, Climate Forum in Paris Korea. oct. 201 6 nov. 201 6 dec. 201 6 - Maskbook workshops and exhi- - BALAD_E Side Event during the Maskbook exhibition bition during Habitat III , in Quito, COP22 in Marrakech. during Angkor Photo Festival in Ecuador , with the UNEP. Angkor, Cambodia. - Online launch of the - 2 Maskbook workshops in Bei- website jing and Shanghai, animated by in Arabic. the artist Wen Fang, Belong Forum China.
ACTIONS // THE CONCL AVE OF THE 21 On November 28th and 29th 2014, Art of Change 21 assembled, at the Gaîté Lyrique in Paris, 21 “ accelerators of change ”: artists , social entrepreneurs and young leaders involved in the mobilisation against global warming , from 12 different countries , selected for their artistic or entrepreneurial talent , the innovative form of their involvement and their part in sustainable development . Over two days of brainstorming, the “21” created, in a collaborative manner , an original and impactful action plan aimed at raising awareness and mobilising society on an international scale during the COP21 and the following COPs. Maskbook, Caire Game, World-Cop and Bridges also saw the light of day, four projects which will stretch over the dura- tion of 5 years: from 2015 to 2020. In 2016, Art of Change 21 launched two projects designed during the Conclave of the 21: MASKBOOK and CAIRE GAME
ACTIONS // MASKBOOK Maskbook is an international and creative action for the climate , developed and implemented by the association Art of Change 21 . Maskbook is the fjrst action aimed at the general public on the link between health, pollution and climate and is an amazing, collective and international work of art. The Maskbook Project includes exhibitions, workshops, events, a mobile App and an international portrait gallery on The United Nations Environment Programme is partner of Maskbook. It contributes to his international development and include it in its key events (UNEA2, Habitat III, COP22.. .). M askbook in figures : today • More than 2 000 masked portraits on • 30 countries involved • About 50 creative mask workshops of creation of masks in France, China, Kenya… Having gathered more than 900 participants • 6 exhibitions in France, China... • 50 personalities in the fjeld of sustainable development area (Achim Stei - ner, Jacqueline McGlade, Nicolas Hulot, Valérie Masson-Delmotte) and from the creation (Yann Toma, Lucy Orta, Wen Fang ...) have already created their masks. • More than 10 000 visitors on the web site within six months.
ACTIONS // MASKBOOK W o r ks h o p s M o b i l e a p p e x h i b i t i o n s W e b s i t e
ACTIONS // CAIRE GAME Caire Game is a fun and useful tool that allows citizens to act in favour of climate at an accessible level , by helping to save CO2 . This game is accessible to all ! Its aim is to collectively implement the greatest number of actions in order to reduce our CO2 emissions . The rule of the game is simple: each accomplished action allows the player to save CO2 and to accumulate points, thereby allowing him to move up in the ranking of the game. The outcome of the game is based on trust and good will , no further proof being required. The user can simultaneously select three actions that he commits to implement. These proposed actions are adapted to the user’s profjle , as these will correspond to a diffjculty level that has been pre-determined by the user himself. Each action has a time limit: the goal is therefore to complete the actions before the countdown is over. Beyond this time limit, the action has failed. The game features more than 150 specifjc actions , all of these being accessible, often amusing and sometimes surprising. They involve our daily life: home, transport, work, hobbies, consumption habits, etc. To each action corresponds a number of points but also a quantity of CO2 to be saved in order to have a positive impact on climate. It involves, in addition to the online event, the “ Caire Game Wheel ”. It spun for 3 days at the International Weather and Climate Forum in Paris in May 2016, and for 2 days in Tangier in Morocco during MEDCOP Climat in July 2016. The Arabic Caire Game website will be launched for the COP22 in november in Marrakech. C aire g aMe in figures : • 2 609 players • 4 732 events achieved • 150 punctual actions proposed • 46,7 tonnes of CO2 saved • 2 weeks of campaigns launched by the city of Paris = 1200 billboards in Paris and 1 page dedicated to “Cop ou pas Cop?” on the Mairie de Paris website.
ACTIONS // COP 21 Art of Change 21 has put in place an ambitious programme for the COP21 (Sustainable innovation forum, Paris, No- vember 30th to December 11th 2015) involving two exhibitions , in Paris at the Grand Palais and in Beijing , and three stands, one at the Grand Palais on Solutions COP21 and two at the Bourget on the site of climate negotiations. In Paris : a spectacular Maskbook At Bourget : two spaces dedicated In Beijing : a key exhibit on the exhibit at the Grand Palais, welco- to our exhibitions, animations and façade of the ‘French Institute’. med thousands of visitors and the creative workshops, at Généra- special visit of François Hollande. tions Climat and the Galerie by WE, welcomed thousands of visi- tors of more than 60 nationalities.
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