presentation at the future

Presentation at the future strategy information session ( - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presentation at the future strategy information session ( Zukunftsabend ) on 06.11.2014 Introduction of the Board members as well as the new principle and school management for all new parents of the DSJ Introduction of Board Members

  1. Presentation at the future strategy information session (‘ Zukunftsabend ’) on 06.11.2014

  2. Introduction of the Board members as well as the new principle and school management for all new parents of the DSJ

  3. Introduction of Board Members Ralf Franke Development and Finance Committees, Chairman of the Board Markus Gschwari Personnel (Chair person) and Development Committees, Vice Chairman of the Board Bernard Bachmann Personnel and Infrastructure Committees Holger Dix Development and Public Relation Committees Ilka Goth Personnel Committee Johannes Gutmayer Infrastructure Committee Angela Matthews Finance and Public Relation Committees Manuela Nickels Infrastructure (Chair person) and Public Relation Committees Niels Rudolph Infrastructure and Public Relation Committees Alex Schaffrath Finance Committee (Chair person) and Committee Secretary Andreas Welke Finance Committee Susanne Winter Public Relation (Chair person) and Development Committee

  4. Introduction of School Management Thomas Bachmeier Principal Jan van Wyk Deputy Principal Jana Stölting Pedagogic (Academic) Director Jobst Schulte-Brader General Manager Administration

  5. What is the Board? Representation of the members (parents) and the governing body working honorary - Eight board meetings per year - Eight to ten meetings of the financial, development, infrastructure, personnel and marketing committees - Attendance of meetings of the WDA and ZfA in Berlin - Fortnightly meetings with the school principal - Strategy workshop (Klausurtagung) over a weekend - Future evening and AGM - Other committees like “Kindergarten” extension - Various functions at the DSJ including Bazar, Open day, Valediction, Matric Ball, etc.

  6. New funding structure of the ZfA (the German authority for German Schools abroad) on the basis of the new Law for schools like the DSJ as well as the associated Administrative Legislation.

  7. Three major parts: 1) The financial support in accordance with the ‘ Auslands-Schulwesen-Gesetz ’. 2) The voluntary sponsorship based on the lessons given at the school. 3) The voluntary sponsorship based on the location subsidy due to social reasons.

  8. To the first point: We are a ‘two -string- school’ with two internationally acknowledged certificates (Abitur and NSC with ‘C1’ (DSD2). This status guarantees the DSJ twelve ‘ADLK’ (teachers sponsored by the German government). Furthermore we get 50.0% of the considered lessons per week for both strings being 405 hours.

  9. To the second aspect: Additional lessons groups being 13 with different accepted lessons per week we get sponsored with 50.0% The payment of that amount is subject to the ‘budget situation’ of the German government.

  10. To the third point: Is also subject to any financial constraints of the German government and voluntary. The DSJ is considered at the presently highest possible level being 40.0%. This means we get from the totally accepted lessons per week being 620 hours the respective percentage multiplied by the cost of an ‘hour lesson’.

  11. Further results: Any ADLK more than the twelve ‘granted’ ones being employed at the DSJ will have to be paid by the school at an amount determined by the ZfA and deducted from the before explained subsidy. We had this year twenty ADLK, which will have to be reduced anyhow each year by two, which means, that latest beginning of 2019 we would be at the ‘granted twelve ADLK.

  12. Conclusion: Effectively we will get less support. In 2014 we received calculated on the amounts per ADLK roughly EUR 3,300,000.00. In future we will get about 3,050,000.00, but eight ADLK less, which would be considering the same scale come to EUR 2,130,000.00, which is a reduction of 35.4%!

  13. What is positive? We can sign a contract for three years, which we will and which will give us a guaranteed amount to be considered in the budget as well as the strategic planning of expenditure compared to the past. We will have more freedom in determining the additional teachers from Germany besides the ‘granted ADLK’ or the focus on the ‘local market’.

  14. Further conclusion: The school management together with the Board will (have to) develop a new personal concept under consideration to keep the pedagogic standard of the DSJ, which will take a while, as that will have at least a mid-, if not long-term influence for the DSJ.

  15. Another aspect: In anticipation of the before presented facts the Board of the DSJ together with the School Management decided already during the strategy workshop 2012 to invest in the extension of the ‘ Regentroepfchen ’ facilities as well as in the Kindergarten as a total. About fourteen months took the construction of the six new classrooms was going on and last Friday the official opening ceremony took place.

  16. Why? We can only grow our school, under consideration of further ADLK being financed by ‘Germany’, if we will succeed to have a further ‘Kombi - Zweig’ class with at least 27 children achieving the Abitur. The Kindergarten with all kids only talking the German language will prepare the ‘kids’ properly for the Primary School.

  17. This will lead hopefully to more children being able to pass the Abitur, but also interest parents for this unique and ‘state -of-the- art’ Kindergarten. We are convinced, that our strategic decision and the fairly high investment have paved the path for a prosperous DSJ on a midterm scale.

  18. During our strategy workshop of the Board and School Management on 18.10. and 19.10.14 we discussed the following:

  19. Report of the school principal

  20. Schulentwicklung zwischen Stabilität und Veränderung Neue oder Zentrale Aufgaben veränderte einer guten Schule: Spannungsverhältnis Aufgaben werden Die Unterstützung des von außen oder Lernens und der innen angestoßen sozialen Entwicklung oder gefordert. jedes Schülers. Veränderungsnotwendigkeit – Veränderungskompetenz - Veränderungsbereitschaft

  21. Prozesse 2015 in der Planungsphase

  22. Prozesse 2015 in der Konsolidierungsphase

  23. Ausblick 2016 • Konzept zur Inklusion (2016) • Interne Evaluation: Zufriedenheit (2015/2016) • Peer Review (2015/2016) • BLI II Vorbereitung und Durchführung (2016/2017)

  24. Further tasks for the future

  25. Further strengthening of the DAM string with the aim to make the ‘ Kombizweig ’ more attractive Enhancing the English Medium High School Develop the MINT section

  26. We will again have an ‘open day’ in March 2015 and allow the interested clients to visit and experience the school in “full swing”, which would effectively cost two to three lessons. We invite all parents to participate in the life of the school and give them a warm welcome, accompanied by our prefects.

  27. 1,125 pupils (from presently about 1030) by end of January 2015 (last future evening we planned one more year) => increasing school fees by about MZAR 4.2 => more independence from funding from Germany => preparation for probable ADLK budgeting by ZfA

  28. Financial forecast 2014 / 2015

  29. 2013 actuals / 2014 budget DSJ INCOME STATEMENT 2013 2014 2014 2015 % increases / decreases Actual Budget Forecast Budget R 000's A B C D C / A C / B D / C INCOME 49 635 57 009 56 120 62 902 13.1% -1.6% 12.1% GROSS SCHOOL FEES -10 592 -11 512 -11 351 -12 251 7.2% -1.4% 7.9% REDUCTIONS 39 043 45 497 44 769 50 651 14.7% -1.6% 13.1% NET SCHOOL FEES RECEIVED 15 476 8 666 13 833 21 798 -10.6% 59.6% 57.6% BVA SUBSIDIES & OTHER RECEIPTS 2 513 1 045 1 886 1 588 -24.9% 80.5% -15.8% OTHER INCOME 57 032 55 208 60 488 74 037 6.1% 9.6% 22.4% TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES 32 961 38 025 35 973 50 234 9.1% -5.4% 39.6% SALARIES & WAGES, TRAINING & RECRUITMEN 7 696 7 101 8 607 9 160 11.8% 21.2% 6.4% PROPERTY AND RELATED COSTS 12 262 10 820 9 823 12 843 -19.9% -9.2% 30.7% ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS 2 745 2 965 2 981 2 824 8.6% 0.5% -5.3% TEACHING AIDS & GENERAL EXPENSES 55 664 58 911 57 384 75 061 3.1% -2.6% 30.8% TOTAL EXPENSES PERIOD NET SURPLUS /(DEFICIT) 1 368 -3 703 3 104 -1 024

  30. 2014 forecasts DSJ INCOME STATEMENT 2013 2014 2014 2015 % increases / decreases Actual Budget Forecast Budget R 000's A B C D C / A C / B D / C INCOME 49 635 57 009 56 120 62 902 13.1% -1.6% 12.1% GROSS SCHOOL FEES -10 592 -11 512 -11 351 -12 251 7.2% -1.4% 7.9% REDUCTIONS 39 043 45 497 44 769 50 651 14.7% -1.6% 13.1% NET SCHOOL FEES RECEIVED 15 476 8 666 13 833 21 798 -10.6% 59.6% 57.6% BVA SUBSIDIES & OTHER RECEIPTS 2 513 1 045 1 886 1 588 -24.9% 80.5% -15.8% OTHER INCOME 57 032 55 208 60 488 74 037 6.1% 9.6% 22.4% TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES 32 961 38 025 35 973 50 234 9.1% -5.4% 39.6% SALARIES & WAGES, TRAINING & RECRUITMEN 7 696 7 101 8 607 9 160 11.8% 21.2% 6.4% PROPERTY AND RELATED COSTS 12 262 10 820 9 823 12 843 -19.9% -9.2% 30.7% ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS 2 745 2 965 2 981 2 824 8.6% 0.5% -5.3% TEACHING AIDS & GENERAL EXPENSES 55 664 58 911 57 384 75 061 3.1% -2.6% 30.8% TOTAL EXPENSES PERIOD NET SURPLUS /(DEFICIT) 1 368 -3 703 3 104 -1 024


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