GEF Full-Sized Project (FSP): Development of value chains for products derived from genetic resources OUTPUT 2.1: Support the Implementation of the Pelargonium Biodiversity Management Plan GEF PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT (PPG) PHASE STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP, PRETORIA, 26 APRIL 2016
Pelargonium sidoides • Wide distribution, occurring throughout Eastern Cape, North West, Free State, Western Cape, Mpumalanga and southern and south-western Gauteng • Traditionally, used to treat coughs, flu, cold and chest troubles • TK regarding this species is poorly recorded (van Wyk 2008). • The wild harvested root is sought by the pharmaceutical industry, both locally and internationally for the manufacture of phytomedicine (Newton et al. 2011). • Commercially produced medicinal remedies, e.g. “ Umckaloabo ” used to treat bronchitis in both adults and children (Schwabe Pharmaceuticals). • Annual revenues in Germany estimated at 80 million Euro in 2006 (Brendler & Van Wyk 2008
Problem Statement – Implementation of the BMP The extractive use of the species requires the development of a BMP as specified in NEMBA. The objectives are: 1. Wild collection is carried out in a manner that maintains survival of the species in the wild; 2. Wild collection of does not affect the environment, other wild species or neighbouring eco-systems; 3. Collection and management activities are carried out under legitimate tenure arrangements and comply with relevant laws, regulations and agreements, 4. Customary rights of local and indigenous communities to use and manage collection areas are recognised and respected, 5. Trade is conducted in an equitable manner resulting in the fair allocation of benefits to all resource stakeholders in accordance with Chapter 6 of NEMBA, and, 6. Wild collection is based upon adaptive, practical, participatory and transparent management practices. ◦ However, implementation of the BMP by National and Provincial authorities has been limited due to lack of financial and capacity support.
Output 2.1: Strategic focus for GEF support The strategic focus of the proposed project is to Support the Implementation of the Pelargonium Biodiversity Management Plan Activities for support 1. Conduct a global conservation assessment/non-detriment finding (NDF). 2. Conduct an ethno-botanical study. 3. Conduct a value chain & socio-economic analyses. 4. Review and update the BMP (expires 2018). 5. Develop training material and train selected staff from DEA, Eastern Cape DEDEAT and Free State DESTEA in the implementation of the revised BMP.
Output 2.1: Activities for GEF support (cont) 6. Provide identified TK holders with technical support to review and renegotiate ABS and supply agreements with industry. 7. Development of sustainable harvesting guidelines. 8. Training of local collectors to improve the sustainability of harvesting approaches. 9. Facilitate improvement of the management of community-based Trusts, and distribution of trust funds. 10. Support administration of Pelargonium Working Group (PWG).
Output 2.1 - GEF indicative budget Activity Description Budget (US$) 1 Conduct global conservation assessment/NDF 50 000 2 Conduct ethnobotanical study 75 000 Conduct value chain analysis & socio-economic analyses 40 000 3 Review and update BMP (expires 2018) 50 000 4 Training of selected staff from DEA, Eastern Cape DEDEAT and Free State 5 120 000 DESTEA in implementing the BMP Support TK holders to review and renegotiate ABS agreements and supply 6 75 000 agreements Development of sustainable harvesting guidelines 50 000 7 Training of local collectors to improve the sustainability of harvesting 8 120 000 approaches Facilitate improvement of the management of community-based Trusts, and 9 80 000 distribution of trust funds 10 Support administration of Pelargonium Working Group 40 000 TOTAL $700 $700 000 000
Output 2.1: Implementation arrangements o Direct implementation of Output = DEA Project Management Unit (PMU) o Local oversight of implementation of Output = Pelargonium Working Group
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