Presale Without Fail Launch new communities & phases with maximum results! 2011 Lasso Webinar Series
Presale Without Fail Launch new communities & phases with maximum results! Presentation by: Kevin Oakley Director of Marketing/Sales Training Heartland Homes Introduction by: Facilitated by: Dave Clements, CEO Dave Betcher, VP Sales Lasso Data Systems Lasso Data Systems
Housekeeping Webinar is being recorded Copies of the slides will be available 30 minutes Type your questions in the GotoWebinar box Collapse the GotoWebinar box, by clicking on this button to the left of the webinar information in the upper right hand side of the screen 2011 Lasso Webinar Series
During the next 30 minutes…. Understand the "hidden" side of human behavior, AKA Behavioral Economics Review the principles of Ethical Influence Develop a timeline for Pre-Sales Uncover the Four Phases of Pre-Sales: Awareness, Actualize, Narrow-Focus and Reward 2011 Lasso Webinar Series
What’s missing in today’s mar ke t? Pr ospe c ts - Motivate d Pr ospe c ts -
E xhibit “A”
What Dr ive s Human Be havior ? E motions - L ogic -
Who do you think humans r e se mble most? OR
Optic al Illusion as a Me taphor
Optic al Illusion as a Me taphor
Optic al Illusion as a Me taphor
Still Don’t Be lie ve Me ?
Example: The Dinner Mint
Autism Services Education Behavioral Health In-Home Child and Family Services Mental Health Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Abuse Placement Services Give online at:
Thank You! 2011 Lasso Webinar Series
Presale Without Fail Webinar Questions Q: We build upper end estate type homes typically priced $300K-$700k. Have you sold homes in this price range this way? Our single family homes sell from $260k - $900k with an average around $350-$400k so this absolutely works well at this price range. With buyers who have money – urgency is even more important because they have the resources to move forward when they feel the pressure! Q: I read your eBook. Thank you for sharing this information. My question is have you ever had success explaining this process to another company and they went on and produced a great event? And follow up to that, do you think it is area specific? In other words, camping out at a new community might work well in California back in the day, but has never worked here. have not shared this information prior to the release of the eBook with other home builders in detail. To be clear, I have never had home buyers camp out overnight either. Because of the process everyone feels like there is an organized and controlled release of information… it builds urgency, but doesn’t ask your prospects to do anything “unreasonable” (like camp out the night before). We have done this process over 10 times now, and typically sell anywhere from 15% - 25% of the home sites on the first day. The key is to understand and trust the psychology of the system… and do it once just as it is before you try and change anything. Q: How much do you normally budget for the pre-veiw events? Great question – it typical costs us around $5,000 in excess of what is already required to open up a new community (Ex: you need signage with or without this process). If we are concerned about desirability we may bump it up to $7,5000. Q: What role does social media play in a community launch? It’s important, but it really just help keep your costs lower in the awareness phase – and increases the buzz when you announce your fantastic results. Don’t rely on just social media though – use it as part of your overall marketing mix.
Presale Without Fail Webinar Questions Q: How early should you hold the grand release before opening the model home? They key is the Preview Event, not the release… but as a rule we will not hold the preview more than 90 days before we expect the community to be paved. Doing it any earlier will cause cancels as people tire of waiting. Q: If you have a dog community and you decide to change a product to bsmt or vice versa, do you think a re-grand opening/this type of presale will work? Exactly! You may not need or have an extra 90 days to roll it out – but the key is to have an event attended by everyone who has interest (the minimum should be around 8 – 10 potential purchasers… couples count as only a single purchase unless they are buying two houses). Q: What if someone has to sell their home first? About 60%-70% of our buyers have homes to sell. This scenario is perfect for them because if streets are not yet even paved it gives them time to get organized and listed before construction on their home begins. Q: What is your typical cancellation rate, after the Grand Release? Typically less than 10% if construction of their home can begin within 90 days of the preview party date. Longer than that and it can grow a bit higher. Q: For the community where you sold 8 homes, was the marketing strategy the only thing you changed, or did you tweak price/product/etc.? Nothing else was changed – same pricing, same product. It was a perfect “control group” to test this new process on. Logic would say the results should have been the same… but again emotion drives us (and the results of this program)
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