power lines data coordination

Power Lines Data Coordination BLMs Vision for Power Line GIS Data in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Power Lines Data Coordination BLMs Vision for Power Line GIS Data in Oregon About me: Micah Babinski, GISP GIS Project Manager Elyon International, Working on Behalf of BLM Oregon State Office (Also covers Washington) (503) 808 6305

  1. Power Lines Data Coordination BLM’s Vision for Power Line GIS Data in Oregon

  2. About me: Micah Babinski, GISP GIS Project Manager Elyon International, Working on Behalf of BLM Oregon State Office (Also covers Washington) (503) 808 ‐ 6305 mbabinski@blm.gov

  3. Topics Covered 1. BLM’s vision for power line data 2. Rationale behind our vision 3. Governance and decision ‐ making

  4. Topics Covered 1. BLM’s vision for power line data 2. Rationale behind our vision 3. Governance and decision ‐ making

  5. Develop a Data Standard through Collaborative Processes • Cover data sharing, security, and access • Tailor the schema and content of the power line dataset to established use cases • Provide a means for allowing authorized editors to contribute across multiple agencies • Ensure that public safety and proprietary information is protected

  6. More about Standards • Oregon GEO maintains a large number of robust, accessible data standards • Oregon/Washington BLM has ~30 data standards, which include these elements: General Information Data Dictionary (Descriptions • • Dataset Overview of each attribute • Data Management Protocols Publication protocols (for • • Detailed Schema Information desktop and web GIS • Projection/Spatial Extent applications) • Spatial Entity Characteristics Editing procedures • •

  7. Power Line Work Group Objectives • Update and develop power line data, a subset of features in the Oregon GIS framework Utilities theme • Develop power line data that are shareable with the public • Develop or recommend a standard for power line data elements for the Oregon FIT and GIS community • Develop a stewardship plan for transmission line data elements • Document findings related to data security and public access to data Mission The mission of the Utilities Power Line Work Group (work group) is to develop geospatial data for electric power lines and enhance the stewardship of that data in Oregon. Power lines for the purpose of this work group encompass any electric lines including: transmission lines (high voltage electric lines), distribution lines that run off of transmission lines at substations, "tap" lines that run to buildings from higher order electric lines. Substations are not included in this work group's work scope.

  8. Topics Covered 1. BLM’s vision for power line data 2. Rationale behind our vision 3. Governance and decision ‐ making

  9. BLM’s Work is all About Landscapes • We constantly need to balance the “Multiple Use/Sustained Yield” mission of our agency • BLM needs to manage recreation, wildlife, forestry, fire, visual resources, land records, etc • We rely on complete, high ‐ quality data to perform this work • Increasingly, data derives from remote sensing

  10. BLM’s Community Federal, State, Local, and Private Sector • Our work impacts payments to rural counties • BLM ‐ managed resources are key to the • sustainability of many rural communities We operate within the appropriate guidelines set • out by DOI, FGDC and other authorities

  11. Topics Covered 1. BLM’s vision for power line data 2. Rationale behind our vision 3. Governance and decision ‐ making

  12. District/Field Office State Office

  13. Additional Sources of Governance Applicable laws • BLM Policies (Information Memoranda) • FGDC Policies and Guidelines • GISCI Code of Ethics • Industry Best Practices • Existing agreements with partners and stakeholders •


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