positive extensions of schur multipliers

Positive extensions of Schur multipliers Ying-Fen Lin Queens - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Motivation Generalisations to 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Positive extensions of Schur multipliers Ying-Fen Lin Queens University Belfast (joint work with Rupert Levene and Ivan Todorov) SOAR November 13, 2015 Ying-Fen

  1. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Positive extensions of Schur multipliers Ying-Fen Lin Queen’s University Belfast (joint work with Rupert Levene and Ivan Todorov) SOAR November 13, 2015 Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  2. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces An n × n matrix is called partially defined if only some of its entries are specified with the unspecified entries treated as complex variables. A completion of a partially defined matrix is simply a specification of the unspecified entries. Question: determine whether or not a completion of a partially defined matrix exists which has some property, for example, contraction, positive... Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  3. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces An n × n matrix is called partially defined if only some of its entries are specified with the unspecified entries treated as complex variables. A completion of a partially defined matrix is simply a specification of the unspecified entries. Question: determine whether or not a completion of a partially defined matrix exists which has some property, for example, contraction, positive... Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  4. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces An n × n matrix is called partially defined if only some of its entries are specified with the unspecified entries treated as complex variables. A completion of a partially defined matrix is simply a specification of the unspecified entries. Question: determine whether or not a completion of a partially defined matrix exists which has some property, for example, contraction, positive... Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  5. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Known results Dym and Gohberg (1981) If T = ( t ij ) is a partially defined n × n matrix with t ij defined only for | i − j | ≤ k , 0 < k < n − 1, which has the property that all its fully defined k × k principal submatrices are positive semi-definite, then T can be completed to a positive semi-definite matrix. Grone, Johnson, Sa and Wolkowitz (1984) A characterisation is given of those symmetric patterns J such that every partially positive matrix with pattern J has a positive completion. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  6. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Known results Dym and Gohberg (1981) If T = ( t ij ) is a partially defined n × n matrix with t ij defined only for | i − j | ≤ k , 0 < k < n − 1, which has the property that all its fully defined k × k principal submatrices are positive semi-definite, then T can be completed to a positive semi-definite matrix. Grone, Johnson, Sa and Wolkowitz (1984) A characterisation is given of those symmetric patterns J such that every partially positive matrix with pattern J has a positive completion. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  7. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Some definitions A subset J ⊆ { 1 , . . . , n } × { 1 , . . . , n } is called a pattern . A partially defined n × n matrix T = ( t ij ) is said to have pattern J if t ij is specified if and only if ( i , j ) ∈ J . If ( i , i ) ∈ J for all i and if ( i , j ) ∈ J then ( j , i ) ∈ J , we call J a symmetric pattern . To each pattern J , we can associate a subspace S J of M n by S J = { ( a ij ) ∈ M n : a ij = 0 if ( i , j ) �∈ J } . Note that S J is an operator system if and only if J is symmetric. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  8. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Some definitions A subset J ⊆ { 1 , . . . , n } × { 1 , . . . , n } is called a pattern . A partially defined n × n matrix T = ( t ij ) is said to have pattern J if t ij is specified if and only if ( i , j ) ∈ J . If ( i , i ) ∈ J for all i and if ( i , j ) ∈ J then ( j , i ) ∈ J , we call J a symmetric pattern . To each pattern J , we can associate a subspace S J of M n by S J = { ( a ij ) ∈ M n : a ij = 0 if ( i , j ) �∈ J } . Note that S J is an operator system if and only if J is symmetric. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  9. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Some definitions A subset J ⊆ { 1 , . . . , n } × { 1 , . . . , n } is called a pattern . A partially defined n × n matrix T = ( t ij ) is said to have pattern J if t ij is specified if and only if ( i , j ) ∈ J . If ( i , i ) ∈ J for all i and if ( i , j ) ∈ J then ( j , i ) ∈ J , we call J a symmetric pattern . To each pattern J , we can associate a subspace S J of M n by S J = { ( a ij ) ∈ M n : a ij = 0 if ( i , j ) �∈ J } . Note that S J is an operator system if and only if J is symmetric. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  10. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Some definitions A subset J ⊆ { 1 , . . . , n } × { 1 , . . . , n } is called a pattern . A partially defined n × n matrix T = ( t ij ) is said to have pattern J if t ij is specified if and only if ( i , j ) ∈ J . If ( i , i ) ∈ J for all i and if ( i , j ) ∈ J then ( j , i ) ∈ J , we call J a symmetric pattern . To each pattern J , we can associate a subspace S J of M n by S J = { ( a ij ) ∈ M n : a ij = 0 if ( i , j ) �∈ J } . Note that S J is an operator system if and only if J is symmetric. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  11. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Some definitions A subset J ⊆ { 1 , . . . , n } × { 1 , . . . , n } is called a pattern . A partially defined n × n matrix T = ( t ij ) is said to have pattern J if t ij is specified if and only if ( i , j ) ∈ J . If ( i , i ) ∈ J for all i and if ( i , j ) ∈ J then ( j , i ) ∈ J , we call J a symmetric pattern . To each pattern J , we can associate a subspace S J of M n by S J = { ( a ij ) ∈ M n : a ij = 0 if ( i , j ) �∈ J } . Note that S J is an operator system if and only if J is symmetric. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  12. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces A generalisation of previous results in n × n matrices Theorem (Paulsen, Power and Smith (1989)) Let J be a symmetric pattern and let T = ( t ij ) be a partially defined matrix with pattern J. Then the following are equivalent: 1 T has a positive completion, 2 φ T : S J → M n defined by φ T (( a ij )) = ( a ij t ij ) is positive, 3 Ψ T : S J → C defined by Ψ T (( a ij )) = � ij a ij t ij is positive. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  13. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces A generalisation of previous results in n × n matrices Theorem (Paulsen, Power and Smith (1989)) Let J be a symmetric pattern and let T = ( t ij ) be a partially defined matrix with pattern J. Then the following are equivalent: 1 T has a positive completion, 2 φ T : S J → M n defined by φ T (( a ij )) = ( a ij t ij ) is positive, 3 Ψ T : S J → C defined by Ψ T (( a ij )) = � ij a ij t ij is positive. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  14. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces A generalisation of previous results in n × n matrices Theorem (Paulsen, Power and Smith (1989)) Let J be a symmetric pattern and let T = ( t ij ) be a partially defined matrix with pattern J. Then the following are equivalent: 1 T has a positive completion, 2 φ T : S J → M n defined by φ T (( a ij )) = ( a ij t ij ) is positive, 3 Ψ T : S J → C defined by Ψ T (( a ij )) = � ij a ij t ij is positive. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  15. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Let J be a symmetric pattern and T = ( t ij ) be a partially defined matrix with pattern J . The matrix T is called partially positive if it is symmetric and every m × m submatrix B = ( b k , l ) of T with b k , l = t i k , i l , where ( i k , i l ) ∈ J for 1 ≤ k , l ≤ m , is positive. Note: T is partially positive if and only if φ T ( P ) is positive for every rank one positive P in S J . Theorem (Paulsen, Power and Smith (1989)) Let J be a symmetric pattern, then the following are equivalent: 1 every partially positive matrix with pattern J has a positive completion, 2 every positive P ∈ S J is a sum of rank one positives in S J , 3 the graph G J is chordal. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

  16. Motivation Generalisations to ℓ 2 ( X ) Generalisations to measure spaces Let J be a symmetric pattern and T = ( t ij ) be a partially defined matrix with pattern J . The matrix T is called partially positive if it is symmetric and every m × m submatrix B = ( b k , l ) of T with b k , l = t i k , i l , where ( i k , i l ) ∈ J for 1 ≤ k , l ≤ m , is positive. Note: T is partially positive if and only if φ T ( P ) is positive for every rank one positive P in S J . Theorem (Paulsen, Power and Smith (1989)) Let J be a symmetric pattern, then the following are equivalent: 1 every partially positive matrix with pattern J has a positive completion, 2 every positive P ∈ S J is a sum of rank one positives in S J , 3 the graph G J is chordal. Ying-Fen Lin Positive extensions

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