policy performance and governance capacities in the oecd

Policy Performance and Governance Capacities in the OECD SGI 2011 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

14.11.2012 Policy Performance and Governance Capacities in the OECD SGI 2011 design Status Index 3 Sustainable policy outcomes in a democratic context Total: 100 qualitative and quantitative indicators SGI 2011 design Management Index 4

  1. 14.11.2012 Policy Performance and Governance Capacities in the OECD

  2. SGI 2011 design – Status Index 3 Sustainable policy outcomes in a democratic context Total: 100 qualitative and quantitative indicators

  3. SGI 2011 design – Management Index 4 Executive capacity in a participatory environment Total: 47 qualitative and quantitative indicators

  4. 5 www.sgi-network.org

  5. Conclusions 6 Strong positive relation between „Institutional Learning“ (esp. Reform capacity) and 1 Policy Performance in the SGI  Constant review of political institutions as well as systemic adaptation to external and international pressures seem to enhance policy performance „Institutional Learning“ only one important feature of „good and coherent governance“ – 2 other important elements covered in the SGI (e.g.):  Capacities for strategic planning in the phase of drafting policies  Regulatory Impact Assessments in order to detect incoherencies during the phase of policy development  Inter-ministerial coordination and ministerial compliance in the phases of policy implementation Next edition SGI 2014  more PCD-sensitive, either explicitly with new indicator(s) or 3 implicitly by reshaping existing indicators

  6. 7 www.sgi-network.org

  7. SGI: Five stages of data review 8 1. Data 2. Review 3. Regional 4. Inter-regional 5. Results Collection calibration calibration validated The 1st expert The 2nd expert The regional All regional The SGI Board establishes a first reviews and edits the coordinator evaluates coordinators meet evaluates and country report, a country report and and establishes a to compare and approves the combination of a provides his own final report upon the calibrate the results final results. written assessment personal scoring. provided data. for each region. and personal scores.

  8. Relation between Status Index and Management Index 9 10 10 9 9 FIN SWE NOR NZL CHE DNK CAN 8 8 DEU AUS Status Index ISL NLD IRL USA LUX BEL 7 7 GBR CZE AUT FRA PRT JPN CHL POL ESP HUN 6 6 KOR ITA SVK MEX GRC 5 5 TUR 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 Management Index

  9. Effective Implementation and Policy Performance 10 Explaining policy performance with effective implementation 9.00 8.00 Policy Performance Score y = 0.7168x + 1.3743 7.00 R² = 0.6473 6.00 OECD countries Linear (OECD countries) 5.00 4.00 3.00 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Effective Implementation Score

  10. Organizational Reform Capacity and Policy Performance 11 Explaining policy performance with organizational reform capacity 9.00 8.00 Policy Performance Score 7.00 y = 0.4717x + 3.5017 R² = 0.4661 6.00 OECD countries 5.00 Linear (OECD countries) 4.00 3.00 2.00 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Organizational Reform Capacity Score

  11. Regression Analysis : Implementation comes first, reform capacity second 12 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 0,58*** Effective Implementation (0,18) 0,09 0,36** Organizational Reform (0,15) (0,15) Capacity -0,01 0,07 0,10 Inter-ministerial coordination (0,15) (0,17) (0,19) 0,02 0,07 0,12* Evidence-based instruments (0,06) (0,06) (0,07) -0,05 -0,11 0,11 Strategic capacity (0,19) (0,22) (0,22) 0,10 0,18 0,23 Adaptability (0,13) (0,15) (0,16) R² 0,66 0,52 0,41 N 31 31 31 * p ≤ 0,10; ** p ≤ 0,05; *** p ≤ 0,01

  12. Sustainable Governance Indicators „Commitment to International and Supranational Law“ (M7.NEW) 13 Does the government commit to international and supranational law? This question studies whether a government shows commitment to international and supranational law. Commitment does not only imply the adoption of international rules in domestic law but also the control of its application and its effective enforcement where the law is violated. Relevant international or supranational law includes public international law (e.g. human rights, war, criminal, climate treaty law) as well as supranational law of regional entities (e.g. EU/Mercosur law). • The government commits to an extensive set of international and supranational law. Its commitment is characterized by effective and consistent adoption, application and enforcement. (10/9) • The government commits to an extensive set of international and supranational law. In some cases, its commitment lacks consistent application or enforcement. (8/7/6) • The government commits to international and supranational law on a partly selective basis. (5/4/3) • The government does not commit to international and supranational law or any adoption on paper lacks coherent application or enforcement in practice. (2/1) 21. September 2012 Seite 13

  13. New Indicators for the coming SGI 2012 round: 14

  14. Sustainable Governance Indicators New formulation for the Indicator „International and Supranational Law“ 15 21. September 2012 Seite 15

  15. High democratic standards support policy performance 18 10 10 9 9 Policy Performance SWE 8 8 NZL NOR CHE DNK FIN CAN LUX AUS 7 7 ISL GBR DEU NLD AUT USA BEL FRA JPN KOR IRL CZE 6 6 CHL PRT HUN ESP SVK POL ITA MEX 5 5 TUR GRC 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 Quality of Democracy


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