policy lab on urban

POLICY LAB ON URBAN > 100.000 100.000 500.000 > 500.000 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

POLICY LAB ON URBAN > 100.000 100.000 500.000 > 500.000 TRANSFORMATION PATHWAYS Inhabitants FI SE IN EUROPEAN CITIES EE LV DK LT IE BERLIN, GB NL Berlin PL Utrecht DE Wrocaw 13/14 MAY 2019 BE CZ LU SK FR AT

  1. POLICY LAB ON URBAN > 100.000 100.000 – 500.000 > 500.000 TRANSFORMATION PATHWAYS Inhabitants FI SE IN EUROPEAN CITIES EE LV DK LT IE BERLIN, GB NL Berlin PL Utrecht DE Wrocław 13/14 MAY 2019 BE CZ LU SK FR AT HU La Rochelle RO SI BG IT PT Madrid GR ES Athens CY Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  2. WELCOME Tilman Buchholz, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  3. INTRODUCTION Philipp Misselwitz, Urban Catalyst Purpose and Goal of the Policy Lab and introduction to programme Participants’ expectations and intentions for the workshop Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  4. WHO WE ARE > Possibilities and Strategies of the > Global Urban Transformations German EU Council Presidency 2020 European Urban Knowledge Network, The Hague adelphi, Berlin Urban Catalyst, Berlin Mart Grisel Barbara Burkel Philipp Misselwitz Lea Scheurer Franziska Schreiber Christoph Walther + German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development + Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  5. > Possibilities and Strategies of the German EU Council Presidency 2020 >Global Urban Transformations WHAT WE DO Study: German Context 1. Planning Lab 1. German Dialogue 2018 1. European Dialogue 2. Planning Lab 5 Refmective Workshops 2. German Dialogue 2. European Dialogue European Policy Lab European Policy Lab 2019 Study: European Context 3. German Dialogue 3. European Dialogue Recommendation Papers 4. German Dialogue 4. European Dialogue Baseline-Study 2020 Updated Leipzig Charter + Inputs to future Urban Agenda for the EU

  6. PROGRAMME MONDAY 13.5.2019 13.30 h 16.30 h Session 1: Mapping local transformation pathways Coffee break with snacks 14.30 h 16.45 h Coffee break with snacks Session 3: Conceptualising structural support 14.45 h 17.45 h Session 2: Reflecting international agenda frameworks Wrap-up of the day 15.45 h 18.45 h Presentation: EU support mechanisms for localising Joint Dinner (optional) global and European agendas Venue: TAZ Kantine Franziska Schreiber and Barbara Burkel, adelphi Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  7. SESSION 1: MAPPING LOCAL TRANSFORMATION PATHWAYS Facilitation by Urban Catalyst, adelphi & EUKN Participants map their city’s local transformation pathways Short presentation of respective results in growing exhibition WROCŁAW UTRECHT OVERVIEW: LOCAL TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGES LIST: THREE KEY PROJECTS OR INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT MADRID OVERVIEW: LOCAL TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGES LIST: THREE KEY PROJECTS OR INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT LA ROCHELLE OVERVIEW: LOCAL TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGES LIST: THREE KEY PROJECTS OR INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT ATHENS OVERVIEW: LOCAL TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGES LIST: THREE KEY PROJECTS OR INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW: LOCAL TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGES LIST: THREE KEY PROJECTS OR INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE: MILESTONES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Implementation TIMELINE: MILESTONES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Implementation TIMELINE: MILESTONES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Planning Implementation TIMELINE: MILESTONES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Planning Initiative Implementation TIMELINE: MILESTONES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Planning 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030+ Implementation Initiative Planning MAP: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030+ Initiative Planning MAP: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Initiative 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030+ What is the role of international and > 100.000 European partnerships for your local 100.000 – 500.000 transformation processes? > 500.000 FI Inhabitants Initiative 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030+ MAP: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE What is the role of international and SE European partnerships for your local > 100.000 500.000 100.000 – EE transformation processes? > 500.000 LV FI Inhabitants DK MAP: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE LT 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030+ SE What is the role of international and IE > 100.000 EE European partnerships for your local 100.000 – GB NL 500.000 LV Utrecht Berlin PL transformation processes? > 500.000 DK Växjö Ghent DE Wrocław MAP: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE FI Inhabitants BE LT LU CZ What is the role of international and SE IE SK > 100.000 FR European partnerships for your local 100.000 – GB AT HU 500.000 EE Utrecht NL Berlin PL La Rochelle RO transformation processes? > 500.000 SI Inhabitants LV DE Wrocław FI BE DK BG What is the role of international and SE LT LU CZ SK IT > 100.000 European partnerships for your local 100.000 – EE IE FR AT HU PT Madrid 500.000 La Rochelle RO transformation processes? > 500.000 GB NL GR LV Utrecht Berlin PL SI ES FI Inhabitants Athens DK DE Wrocław BG SE LT BE CY LU CZ IT EE IE SK PT Madrid GB NL FR AT HU GR LV Utrecht Berlin PL La Rochelle RO ES SI Athens DK DE Wrocław LT BE CY REFLECTION: RELEVANCE OF GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES LU CZ BG SK IE FR AT IT GB NL HU PT Madrid INFORMATION REFLECTION ROADMAP FRAMEWORK MOTIVATION FOR (NON)ENGAGEMENT WITH GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES Utrecht Berlin PL La Rochelle RO SI GR DE Wrocław ES BE Athens 2030 Agenda (SDG) LU CZ BG REFLECTION: RELEVANCE OF GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES SK CY IT FR AT HU PT Madrid INFORMATION REFLECTION ROADMAP FRAMEWORK MOTIVATION FOR (NON)ENGAGEMENT WITH GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES La Rochelle RO SI GR New Urban Agenda ES Athens 2030 Agenda (SDG) BG CY REFLECTION: RELEVANCE OF GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES IT PT Madrid Paris-2015-Agreement GR INFORMATION REFLECTION ROADMAP FRAMEWORK MOTIVATION FOR (NON)ENGAGEMENT WITH GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES New Urban Agenda ES Athens CY REFLECTION: RELEVANCE OF GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES 2030 Agenda (SDG) Leipzig Charter Paris-2015-Agreement INFORMATION REFLECTION ROADMAP FRAMEWORK MOTIVATION FOR (NON)ENGAGEMENT WITH GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES New Urban Agenda 2030 Agenda (SDG) Urban Agenda for the EU REFLECTION: RELEVANCE OF GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES Leipzig Charter INFORMATION REFLECTION ROADMAP FRAMEWORK MOTIVATION FOR (NON)ENGAGEMENT WITH GLOBAL AGENDA PROCESSES Paris-2015-Agreement New Urban Agenda 2030 Agenda (SDG) Urban Agenda for the EU Leipzig Charter Paris-2015-Agreement New Urban Agenda Urban Agenda for the EU Leipzig Charter Paris-2015-Agreement Urban Agenda for the EU Leipzig Charter Urban Agenda for the EU Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  8. COFFEE BREAK Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  9. SESSION 2: REFLECTING INTERNATIONAL AGENDA FRAMEWORKS Facilitation by Urban Catalyst, adelphi & EUKN Discussion in two working groups with five participants each: What role do international agendas play at the local level and what did change when they were introduced? Short presentation of respective results in growing exhibition Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  10. PRESENTATION: EU SUPPORT MECHANISMS FOR LOCALISING GLOBAL AND EUROPEAN AGENDAS Franziska Schreiber and Barbara Burkel, adelphi Overview of existing instruments and mechanisms at the EU level to support the implementation of global and European agendas at the local level Short presentation followed by Q&A Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  11. COFFEE BREAK Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  12. SESSION 3: CONCEPTUALISING STRUCTURAL SUPPORT Facilitation by Urban Catalyst, adelphi & EUKN Brainstorming in working groups about the support mechanisms that cities need in order to better link local transformation pathways with international agendas Short presentation of respective results in growing exhibition Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  13. WRAP-UP OF THE DAY Moderation by Urban Catalyst Short reflection of the day’s outcome and outlook for Day 2 Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  14. JOINT DINNER (OPTIONAL) Venue: taz Kantine, Friedrichstraße 21, 10969 Berlin –> 200 m down the road Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin

  15. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION; SHORT RECAP OF DAY 1 Tilman Buchholz, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community & EUKN Policy Lab on Urban Transformation Pathways in European Cities 13/14 May 2019, Impact Hub, Berlin


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