� PLC is the Key Scott A. Cunningham
� ������� To build the leadership capacity of principals and teacher leaders to drive the PLC process at Franklin Community Schools.
� Learning Outcomes Develop strategies, knowledge, and skills to create and 1. maintain a Professional Learning Community in Franklin Community Schools. Create a clear understanding of how to lead around the 2. 3 big ideas and 4 essential questions. Gain an understanding of strategies Norton and other 3. schools used to become recognized as National Model PLC Schools. Create and learn practical strategies for facilitating a 4. collaborative culture and using data to drive instruction.
� � What are your personal goals for this PD? � What will you do to successfully achieve these goals? � Other needs?
� What is a PLC? “A Professional Learning Community is a group of educators committed to working collaboratively in ongoing processes of collective inquiry and action research in order to achieve better results for the students they serve. PLC’s operate under the assumption that the key to improved learning for students is continuous, job-embedded learning for educators .” DuFour, et. Al, 2006
� 3 Big Ideas of a PLC 1. Focus on learning : Four essential questions 1. What do we want students to learn? 2. How will we know if they have learned? 3. What will we do if they don’t learn? 4. What will we do when they learn/if they already know? 2 . Build a Collaborative Culture 3. Focus on results
� Six Characteristics of a PLC 1. Shared Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals 2. Collective Inquiry 3. Collaborative Culture 4. Action Orientation and Experimentation 5. Continuous Improvement 6. Focus on results
� Norton’s Story: Where we were 2006/2007 � Rated “Continuous Improvement” � Performance Index below 85 � Poverty Rate 49% � Minority Rate 35% � ESL population 10% � Did not make Federal AYP measure � Low Achievement
� Major Focus Year 1: � PLC Principles and concepts � Four Essential Questions � Developing and honoring a new Mission, Vision, And Beliefs/Values � Creating a Collaborative Culture � Changing the school culture from dysfunctional to high functioning
� Developing and honoring a new Mission, Vision, And Beliefs/Values Norton Middle School Mission Statement 06/07 To increase academic achievement for all learners: We will accomplish this by: � Modeling excellent behavior � Applying content standards to guide student learning � Helping students make real life connections � Collaboration and communication among all stakeholders
� Vision 06/07 � We will meet or exceed our Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and will reach effective status within two years and excellent status within four years. We will celebrate our diverse population, while promoting high achievement and continuous learning for all students.
� Values 06/07 � Statement #1: What promises are you willing to make to your colleagues that will support our success in achieving our mission and vision? � Statement #2: When your students leave you, how do you want them to be different, as people, as a result of being with you all year long? � Statement #3: What are your fundamental, bedrock beliefs about how children learn and your role in making that happen?
� Major Focus Year 2: � Increased Collaboration � Use data to drive instruction � Using Assessments to collect data � Professional Development on Inclusionary practices
� Major Focus Year 3 � Increased collaboration time during the day. � Used data more effectively to drive instruction and plan for interventions. � Restructured our meetings to be departmentalized, and on specific days so the administration could attend all meetings.
� ������������������ � Added a PBS program (Positive Behavior Support) � Used the same online grading system throughout the school � Created Common Assessments
� ������������������ � Using common assessments every six weeks to drive instruction and prepare for Interventions. � Creating Action Plans every six weeks for Intervention and Enrichments. � Data Wall
� Values 12/13 � Statement #1: What promises are you willing to make to your colleagues that will support our success in achieving our mission and vision? � Statement #2: When your students leave you, how do you want them to be different, as people, as a result of being with you all year long? � Statement #3: What are your fundamental, bedrock beliefs about how children learn and your role in making that happen?
� Statement #1 : What promises are you willing to make to your colleagues that will support our success in achieving our mission and vision? � To collaborate with one another � Positive role model � Lead by example � Positive Attitude � Have meaningful lessons � Respect others � Support and implement the CIP � Open minded, willing to change
� Statement #2 : When students leave your class, how do you want them to be different, as people, as a result of being with you all year? � Become life-long learners � Enjoy learning � Open to new knowledge � Make responsible decisions � To ask Questions � To fulfill their potential � Value Education � Open minded
� Statement #3 : What are your fundamental, bedrock beliefs about how children learn and your role in making that happen? � All students can learn � All students learn differently � Children learn by example � Make it interesting � Show real life connections � Use data to drive instruction � Positive, safe environment � Meeting needs of students � Uphold high standards � Re-teach in ways that ensure student understanding � Children are inherently curious
Norton 2006-2011 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 Six Year Trend 7 th R 65 17% increase 71.10 71.2 68.8 73.00 82 7 th M 58 67.40 68.7 61.9 71.76 81 23% increase 8 th R 68 69.30 64.3 74.2 85.1 83 15% increase 8 th M 62 62.80 65.6 64.4 66.1 79 17% increase 8 th Sc 46 50.6 62.9 66.7 73.9 74 28% increase � Value Added 2010/2011 + Above Expected growth in all areas. � Performance Index 2010/2011: 95 � AYP (Federal Measure): Met all areas � 2006/2007: Poverty Rate 48%- Rated “Continuous Improvement” � 2011/2012: Poverty Rate 78%-Rated “ Excellent ”
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� ������������� � Write down on chart paper a success and concern that you have experienced with collaboration.
� What do your teams collaborate about? Write down on chart paper and share out.
� Intense Focus of Collaboration Identifying Essential Outcomes 1. Know what is proficient 2. Developing and revising common 3. assessments Analyzing results 4. Creating action plans for interventions 5. and enrichments
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� &����'������������!����������� ����������( � Write down on a post-it note all the different interventions that you do based on your common assessments. � Have someone from your group write out all the interventions on a piece of chart paper
� )���������������!����������� ����������� � Write down on a post-it note all the different enrichment activities that you do based on your common assessments. � Have someone from your group write out all the enrichments on a piece of chart paper
� Create an Action Plan Learning: What will you do to follow the 1. four essential questions? Collaboration: How will you create time 2. for collaboration, and what will you collaborate about? Data: How will you use data to create a 3. system of Interventions and enrichments?
� Learning 1. What do we expect students to learn? Standards/Common Core 2. How will we know when they learn what they are expected to learn? Assessments 3. How will we respond when they don’t learn? Interventions 4. How will we respond when they learn? Enrichments
� ������������� � Time � Focus on what to do after assessments are given.
� Data � Use data to drive instruction. � Identify learning targets � Create common assessments � Analyze the data � Create action plans for interventions and enrichments based on the data.
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