PICaFACE : Controlling camera features with facial expressions Anja Bürger, Aynira Wawersig Interaction Engineering - WS 17/18 Augsburg University of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Michael Kipp
Why? ➔ simplification of one-handed interaction while taking pictures ➔ improvement of stability ➔ acceptance of usage?
2. RELATED WORK Air + Touch: Interweaving Touch & In-air Gestures Chen, Xiang „Anthony“/Schwarz, Julia/Harrison, Chris/Mankoff, Jennifer/Hudson, Scott E. (2014): Air+Touch: Interweaving Touch & In-air Gestures, in: Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. New York, NY, USA: ACM, S.519–525
faceType (Alice Strunkmann-Meister and Rodrigo Blásquez) h ttp://michaelkipp.de/interaction/projects/?/201516w/FaceType/, zuletzt abgerufen am 01.02.2018
3. INTERACTION TECHNIQUES Left mouse click Right mouse press Defining Zoomcenter Panning the Picture
Control Condition: Mouse Left mouse click on Left mouse press button Zoom in and out Release
Interaction Scenario Mouth + Eyebrows Small mouth Wide mouth Raise Eyebrows Zoom in Zoom out Release
Interaction Scenario Head + Mouth Tilt head forwards Tilt head backwards Open mouth wide Zoom in Zoom out Release
4. TECHNICAL REALIZATION/SETUP Laptop + Webcam + Mouse Face gestures
5. USER TEST 6 test persons 1 task for Mouth (zoom) + Head (zoom) + each scenario Mouse only Eyebrows (release) Mouth (release) = 3 tasks questionnaire
Best-Case Picture amount of false pixels
6. RESULTS Mean: total time
Mean: total error rate zoom Mean: total error rate release Mouse Mouth Head Mouse Eyebrow Mouth
Mean: Efficiency percentage of correct pixels / total time in seconds
One Significant Difference ➔ Total release error rate: Mouse interaction significantly more reliable than opening mouth for release p = 0,0483
7. QUESTIONNAIRE Most intuitive input Release function Raise eyebrows Open mouth Mouse click Zoom function Mouth wide & purse Head tilt Mouse Pan
The most comfortable gestures Release function Raise eyebrows Open mouth Zoom function Mouth wide & purse Head tilt
Gesture which would be used in public Release function Raise eyebrows Open mouth Zoom function Mouth wide & purse Head tilt
9. FURTHER RESEARCH ➔ Clutch mechanism ➔ Technical refinements ➔ Controlling pace of zoom
Thank you!