physics 2d lecture slides jan 21

Physics 2D Lecture Slides Jan 21 Vivek Sharma UCSD Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Physics 2D Lecture Slides Jan 21 Vivek Sharma UCSD Physics Particle Accelerators as Testing ground for S. Relativity When Electron Goes Fast it Gets Fat = 2 E mc v As 1, c Apparent Mass approaches

  1. Physics 2D Lecture Slides Jan 21 Vivek Sharma UCSD Physics

  2. Particle Accelerators as Testing ground for S. Relativity

  3. When Electron Goes Fast it Gets “Fat” = γ 2 E mc v → γ → ∞ As 1, c ∞ Apparent Mass approaches

  4. Relativistic Kinetic Energy & Newtonian Physics γ − 2 2 Relativistic KE = mc mc 1 −   2 2 u 1 u 2 << ≅ − + When u c , 1- 1 ...smaller terms   2 2 c 2 c   2 1 u 1 ≅ − − = 2 2 2 so K mc [1 ] mc mu (classical form recovered) 2 2 c 2 Total Energy of a Pa r ticle = γ = + 2 2 E mc KE mc For a particle at rest, u = 0 ⇒ 2 Total Energy E= m c

  5. = γ ⇒ = γ 2 2 2 2 4 E mc E m c Relationship between P and E = γ ⇒ = γ 2 2 2 2 2 2 p mu p c m u c ⇒ − = γ − γ = γ − 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 E p c m c m u c m c ( c u ) 2 2 2 4 m c m c − = − = 2 2 2 2 2 4 = ( c u ) ( c u ) m c − 2 2 2 u c u − 1 2 c = + 2 2 2 2 2 E p c ( mc ) ........important relation F or particles with zero rest mass like pho ton (EM waves) E E= pc or p = (light has momentu m!) c − = 2 2 2 2 4 Relativistic Invariance : E p c m c : In all Ref Frames Rest Mass is a "finger print" of the particle

  6. Mass Can “Morph” into Energy & Vice Verca • Unlike in Newtonian mechanics • In relativistic physics : Mass and Energy are the same thing • New word/concept : Mass-Energy • It is the mass-energy that is always conserved in every reaction : Before & After a reaction has happened • Like squeezing a balloon : – If you squeeze mass, it becomes (kinetic) energy & vice verca ! • CONVERSION FACTOR = C 2

  7. Mass is Energy, Energy is Mass : Mass-Energy Conservation Examine Kinetic energy Before and After Inelastic Collision: Conserved? K=0 S K = mu 2 Before V=0 1 2 v v 1 2 After Mass-Energy Conservation: sum of mass-energy of a system of particles before interaction must equal sum of mass-energy after interaction = E E be f ore after 2 2 mc mc 2 m + = ⇒ = > 2 Mc M 2 m 2 2 2 u u u − − − 1 1 1 Kinetic energy is not lost, 2 2 2 c c c its transformed into Kinetic energy has been transformed into mass increase   more mass in final state   2 2 K 2 m c   ∆ = = = − 2 M M - 2 m mc   2 2 c c 2 u −   1 2  c 

  8. Conservation of Mass-Energy: Nuclear Fission M M 1 + M 3 M 2 + Nuclear Fission 2 2 2 M c M c M c = + + ⇒ > + + 2 Mc 1 2 3 M M M M 1 2 3 2 2 2 u u u − − − 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 c c c < 1 < 1 < 1 Loss of mass shows up as kinetic energy of final state particles Disintegration energy per fission Q=(M – (M 1 +M 2 +M 3 ))c 2 = ∆ Mc 2 → × = 236 143 90 1 -27 U Cs + R b +3 n ( 1 AMU= 1.6605402 10 kg 931.49 Me V ) 92 55 9 2 0 ∆ × = -28 m=0.177537u=2 .9471 10 kg 165.4 MeV= energy release/fission =peanuts What makes it explosive is 1 mole of Uranium = 6.023 x 10 23 Nuclei !!

  9. Energy Released by 1 Kg of Fissionable Uranium × 2 3 1 Mole of Uranium = 236 gm, Avagadro''s # = 6.023 10 Nuclei × 23 6.023 10 × = × 24 So in 1 kg N = 1000 g 2.55 10 nu clei 236 / g mole ∴ = × × 3 24 1 Nuclear fission = 165.4 MeV 10 g 2. 55 1 0 165.4 MeV × - 20 Note 1 MeV = 4.45 1 0 kWh If the power plant has conversion efficiency = 40% × 6 Energy Tr ansformed = 748 1 0 kWh ⇒ 1 100 W lamp ca n be lit for 85 00 yea rs !

  10. Nuclear Fission Schematic Excited U Oscillation Absorption of Neutron Deforms Nucleus Unstable Nucleus

  11. Sustaining Chain Reaction: 1 st three Fissions Average # of Neutrons/Fission = 2.5 Neutron emitted in fission of one U Needs to be captured by another To control reaction => define factor K Supercritical K >> 1 in a Nuclear Bomb Critical K = 1 in a Nuclear Reactor

  12. Schematic of a Pressurized-Water Reactor Water in contact with reactor core serves as a moderator and heat transfer Medium. Heat produced in fission drives turbine

  13. Lowering Fuel Core in a Nuclear Reactor First Nuke Reactor :Pennsylvania 1957 Pressure Vessel contains : 14 Tons of Natural Uranium + 165 lb of enriched Uranium Power plant rated at 90MW, Retired (82) Pressure vessel packed with Concrete now sits in Nuclear Waste Facility in Hanford, Washington

  14. Nuclear Fusion : What Powers the Sun Opposite of Fission Mass of a Nucleus < mass of its component protons+Neutrons Nuclei are stable, bound by an attractive "Strong Force " Think of Nucle i as molecules and proton/neut ron as atoms making it Binding Energy: Work/Energy required to pull a bound system (M) apart leaving its components (m) free of the attractive force and at rest: n ∑ 2 2 Mc +BE= m c i i=1 4 2 2 He + 23.9 Me V = H + H 2 1 1 Helium Deuterium Deuterium Th ink of ene rgy r elease d i n Fusion as Dissociati on en ergy in Chem × ⇒ 26 38 Sun's Power Output = 4 10 Watts 10 Fusion/Sec on d No wonder S un is consi dered a God in m any cultures !

  15. Nuclear Fusion: Wishing For The Star • Fusion is eminently desirable because – More Energy/Nucleon • (3.52 MeV in fusion Vs 1 MeV in fission) • 2 H + 3 H � 4 He + n + 17.6 MeV – Relatively abundant fuel supply – No danger like nuclear reactor going supercritical • Unfortunately technology not commercially available – What’s inside nuclei => protons and Neutrons – Need Large KE to overcome Coulomb repulsion between nuclei • About 1 MeV needed to bring nuclei close enough together for Strong Nuclear Attraction � fusion • Need to – heat particle to high temp such that kT ≈ 10keV � tunneling – High density plasma at high temp T ≈ 10 8 K like in stars – Confine Plasma (± ions) long enough for fusion » In stars, enormous gravitational field confines plasma

  16. Inertial Fusion Reactor : Schematic Pellet of frozen-solid Deuterium & tritium bombarded from all sides with intense pulsed laser beam with energy ≈ 10 6 Joules lasting 10 -8 S Momentum imparted by laser beam compresses pellet by 1/10000 of normal density and heats it to temp T ≈ 10 8 K for 10 -10 S Burst of fusion energy transported away by liquid Li

  17. World’s Most Powerful Laser : NOVA @ LLNL Size of football field, 3 stories tall Generates 1.0 x 10 14 watts (100 terawatts) 10 laser beams converge onto H pellet (0.5mm diam) Fusion reaction is visible as a starlight lasting 10 -10 S Releasing 10 13 neutrons

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