phase 2 learning plan mp3 beyond phase 2 learning

Phase 2 - Learning Plan MP3 & Beyond Phase 2 Learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Phase 2 - Learning Plan MP3 & Beyond Phase 2 Learning Elementary (K-6) Google Classroom Grade Level Meetings Cohesive Instruction Shared Responsibility Paper -vs- Online Phase 2 High School Goals: Learning 1. Provide

  1. Phase 2 - Learning Plan MP3 & Beyond

  2. Phase 2 Learning Elementary (K-6) ✓ Google Classroom ✓ Grade Level Meetings Cohesive Instruction ✓ Shared Responsibility ✓ Paper -vs- Online

  3. Phase 2 High School Goals: Learning 1. Provide students with continuity of instruction that is accessible and clearly communicated to the community. 2. Monitor and maintain student and family Cohesive connections with their school communities. 3. Ensure the highest level of support for Regents Learning level classes, i.e. Algebra, Global History, US History, Earth Science, Living Environment, and ELA 11. 4. Ensure the highest level of support for students enrolled in ACE classes.

  4. High School: ● Office Hours Support ● Asynchronous Learning Phase 2 Learning ● Limited Synchronous Instruction ● Paper vs. Internet Cohesive ● Google Classroom Learning ● Zoom/GoogleMeet

  5. Marking Period 3 Kindergarten - 5th Grade 6th - 12th Grade ● Standards-based ● Traditional ● February 3 - March 13 ● February 3 - March 13 ● RtI/AIS Reports ● Close May 1 ● Mailed May 8 ● Mailed May 8

  6. Parent Feedback ● Organization of work ● Distribution Day ● Actual time spent on work

  7. Moving Forward ● New Instruction Continued Supports ● ● Collaboration between teachers Essential Skills & Content ● ● 1,2,3 Grading


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