perfect embezzlement

Perfect Embezzlement Vern Paulsen Institute for Quantum Computing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Perfect Embezzlement Vern Paulsen Institute for Quantum Computing Department of Pure Mathematics University of Waterloo QMath13 October 10, 2016 Vern Paulsen UWaterloo Based on: Perfect Embezzlement of Entanglement (R. Cleve, L. Liu, V.

  1. Perfect Embezzlement Vern Paulsen Institute for Quantum Computing Department of Pure Mathematics University of Waterloo QMath13 October 10, 2016 Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  2. Based on: Perfect Embezzlement of Entanglement (R. Cleve, L. Liu, V. Paulsen) A non-commutative unitary analogue of Kirchberg’s conjecture (S. Harris) Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  3. Outline ◮ Van Dam and Hayden Approximate Embezzlement ◮ Impossibility of Perfect Embezzlement in Tensor Framework ◮ Commuting Framework ◮ The C*-algebra of Non-commuting Unitaries ◮ Perfect Embezzlement ◮ New Versions of Tsirelson, Connes, and Kirchberg ◮ The Coherent Embezzlement Game Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  4. Approximate Embezzlement of A Bell State It is well-known that entangled states cannot be produced from unentangled states by local operations. But Van Dam and Hayden showed a method that, in a certain sense, appears to produce entanglement by local methods. Hence, their term embezzlement . They showed that by sharing an entangled catalyst vector ψ in a bipartite resource space R = R A ⊗ R B one could use local unitary operations to transform 1 √ | 0 � A | 0 � B ⊗ ψ − → ( | 0 � A | 0 � B + | 1 � A | 1 � B ) ⊗ ψ ǫ 2 where � ψ − ψ ǫ � < ǫ for any ǫ > 0. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  5. More precisely, given H A = H B = C 2 , there are finite dimensional spaces R A , R B and unitaries, U A on H A ⊗ R A , U B on R B ⊗ H B such that on ( H A ⊗ R A ) ⊗ ( R B ⊗ H B ), 1 ( U A ⊗ id B )( id A ⊗ U B )( | 0 �⊗ ψ ⊗| 0 � ) = √ ( | 0 �⊗ ψ ǫ ⊗| 0 � + | 1 �⊗ ψ ǫ ⊗| 1 � ) . 2 Van Dam and Hayden even proved that as ǫ → 0 necessarily dim ( R A ) , dim ( R B ) → + ∞ with particular bounds. This leaves open the possibility that by taking dim ( R A ) = dim ( R B ) = + ∞ one could achieve perfect embezzlement , by which we mean, have ψ = ψ ǫ . We now show why perfect embezzlement is impossible, in this tensor product framework. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  6. Proposition (CLP) Perfect embezzlement is impossible in the above tensor product framework. Proof: Write a Schmidt decomposition � | 0 � ⊗ ψ ⊗ | 0 � = t j ( | 0 � ⊗ u j ) ⊗ ( v j ⊗ | 0 � ) , j with u j ∈ R A orthonormal and v j ∈ R B orthonormal. The operators U A ⊗ id B and id A ⊗ U B act locally and so preserve Schmidt coefficients. 1 But the Schmidt coefficients of 2 ( | 0 � ⊗ ψ ⊗ | 0 � + | 1 � ⊗ ψ ⊗ | 1 � ) √ t 1 2 , t 1 2 , t 2 2 , t 2 are 2 , . . . . √ √ √ √ Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  7. The Commuting Operator Framework We no longer require that the resource space have a bipartite structure. Instead, we only ask for a resource space R , and unitaries, U A on H A ⊗ R and U B on R ⊗ H B such that ( U A ⊗ id B ) commutes with ( id A ⊗ U B ). H A U A U A ≡ R U B U B H B Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  8. Given a commuting operator framework, we say that ψ ∈ R is a catalyst vector for perfect embezzlement of a Bell state provided that 1 � � ( U A ⊗ id B )( id A ⊗ U B )( | 0 �⊗ ψ ⊗| 0 � ) = √ | 0 �⊗ ψ ⊗| 0 � + | 1 �⊗ ψ ⊗| 1 � . 2 Theorem (CLP) Perfect embezzlement of a Bell state is possible in a commuting operator framework. An application. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  9. The Coherent Embezzlement Game This game was introduced by Regev and Vidick, also known as the T 2 game. Alice and Bob both receive one of two states, φ 0 , φ 1 where ( − 1) c � 1 1 | 00 � ⊗ | 00 � + 1 | 10 � ⊗ | 01 � + 1 � φ c = √ √ √ √ | 11 � ⊗ | 11 � , 2 2 2 2 c ∈ { 0 , 1 } . Alice receives the first qubits which is H A and Bob receives the second qubits, H B . They each output a classical bit a , b . They win if input φ 0 = ⇒ a + b = 0, and input φ 1 = ⇒ a + b = 1. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  10. Assume that they are allowed to share a state ψ ∈ R and act with unitaries on H A ⊗ R and R ⊗ H B , respectively, where necessarily these unitaries commute. Theorem (CLP) There is a perfect strategy for the coherent embezzlement game in the commuting framework. But there is no perfect strategy if we require that R = R A ⊗ R B and that their unitaries act locally, even when we allow R A and R B to be infinite dimensional. Idea of proof: 1)This game is embezzlement in reverse! 2) Unitaries are reversible, i.e., invertible. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  11. In the rest of this talk, I want to outline the proof and show why the fact that perfect embezzlement is possible in this commuting framework but not possible in a tensor product framework is closely related to the Tsirelson conjectures and to Connes’ embedding conjecture. Suppose that H A = C n and identify C n ⊗ R = R ⊕ · · · ⊕ R (n times). Using this identification, we write U A = ( U i , j ) where U i , j ∈ B ( R ) , 0 ≤ i , j ≤ n − 1 . Similarly, if H B = C m , then we may identify U B = ( V k , l ) where V k , l ∈ B ( R ) , 0 ≤ k , l ≤ m − 1. Lemma ( U A ⊗ id B ) commutes with ( id A ⊗ U B ) if and only if U i , j V k , l = V k , l U i , j and U ∗ i , j V k , l = V k , l U ∗ i , j for all i , j , k , l. This last condition is called *-commuting . Thus, we see that having commuting operator frameworks as above is exactly the same as having operator matrices U A = ( U i , j ) and U B = ( V k , l ) that yield unitaries and whose entries pairwise *-commute. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  12. Theorem (CLP) Perfect embezzlement of a Bell state is possible in a commuting operator framework if and only if there are 2 × 2 unitary operators U A = ( U i , j ) and U B = ( V k , l ) whose entries *-commute and a unit √ vector | ψ � satisfying � ψ | U 00 V 00 | ψ � = � ψ | U 10 V 10 | ψ � = 1 / 2 and � ψ | U 00 V 10 | ψ � = � ψ | U 10 V 00 | ψ � = 0 . The van Dam–Hayden approximate embezzlement results, together with some functional analysis imply that such unitaries exist. We now want to draw an analogy with quantum correlation matrices. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  13. Tsirelson, Connes and all that Suppose that Alice and Bob each have n quantum experiments and each experiment has m outcomes. We let p ( a , b | x , y ) denote the conditional probability that Alice gets outcome a and Bob gets outcome b given that they perform experiments x and y respectively. Tsirelson realized that there are several possible mathematical models for describing the set of all such tuples. For each experiment a , Alice has projections { E x , a , 1 ≤ a ≤ m } such that � a E x , a = I A . Similarly, for each b , Bob has projections { F y , b : 1 ≤ b ≤ m } such that � b F y , b = I B . If they share an entangled state ψ ∈ H A ⊗ H B then p ( a , b | x , y ) = � ψ | E x , a ⊗ F b , y | ψ � . Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  14. We let C q ( n , m ) = { p ( a , b | x , y ) : obtained as above } ⊆ R n 2 m 2 . We let C qs ( n , m ) denote the possibly larger set that we could obtain if we allowed the spaces H A and H B to also be infinite dimensional. We let C qc ( n , m ) denote the possibly larger set that we could obtain if instead of requiring the common state space to be a tensor product, we just required one common state space, and demanded that E x , a F y , b = F y , b E x , a for all a , b , x , y , i.e., a commuting model. Tsirelson was the first to examine these sets and study the relations between them. In fact, he wondered if they could all be equal. Here are some of the things that we know/don’t know about these sets. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  15. ◮ C q ( n , m ) ⊆ C qs ( n , m ) ⊂ C qc ( n , m ). ◮ We don’t know if the sets C q ( n , m ) and C qs ( n , m ) are closed. ◮ C q ( n , m ) − = C qs ( n , m ) − and this can be identified with the states on a minimal tensor product. ◮ Werner-Scholz speculated that C qs ( n , m ) = C q ( n , m ) − . ◮ (JNPPSW + Ozawa) C q ( n , m ) − = C qc ( n , m ) , ∀ n , m iff Connes’ Embedding conjecture has an affirmative answer. ◮ (Slofstra, April 2016) there exists an n , m (very large) such that C qs ( n , m ) � = C qc ( n , m ). So either Werner-Scholz is false or Connes is false. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  16. Unitary Correlation Sets We set UC q ( n , m ) = {� ψ | X ⊗ Y | ψ � : ( U i , j ) , ( V k , l ) are unitary, U i , j ∈ M p , V k , l ∈ M q , ∃ p , q , || ψ || = 1 X ∈ { I , U i , j , U ∗ i , j } , Y ∈ { I , V k , l , V ∗ k , l }} so these are (2 n 2 + 1)(2 m 2 + 1)-tuples. For the set UC qs ( n , m ) we drop the requirement that each U i , j and V k , l act on finite dimensional spaces. For the set UC qc ( n , m ) we replace the tensor product of two spaces by a single space and instead demand that the U i , j ’s *-commute with the V k , l ’s. Here are some of the things that we know/don’t know about these sets. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  17. ◮ UC q ( n , m ) ⊆ UC qs ( n , m ) ⊆ UC qc ( n , m ). ◮ For each n , m , UC q ( n , m ) and UC qs ( n , m ) are not closed. ◮ UC qc ( n , m ) is closed. ◮ UC q ( n , m ) − = UC qs ( n , m ) − = { � � s ( x ⊗ y ) : s : U nc ( n ) ⊗ min U nc ( m ) → C is a state, x, y as above } . ◮ UC qs (2 , 2) � = UC qc (2 , 2). ◮ (Harris) UC q ( n , m ) − = UC qc ( n , m ) , ∀ n , m ⇐ ⇒ Connes Embedding is true. Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  18. Summary: Problems of Connes and Tsirelson are closely tied to embezzlement and to coherent embezzlement games. Maybe embezzlement will give us a way to swindle a solution to these problems! Vern Paulsen UWaterloo

  19. Thanks! Vern Paulsen UWaterloo


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