perceived effectiveness of counsellor and client

Perceived Effectiveness of Counsellor and Client Satisfaction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Perceived Effectiveness of Counsellor and Client Satisfaction Arifun Nahar Soma Shaheen Islam MS Counselling Psychology Professor Department of Psychology University of Dhaka Background Counselling is a unique mental health profession

  1. Perceived Effectiveness of Counsellor and Client Satisfaction Arifun Nahar Soma Shaheen Islam MS Counselling Psychology Professor Department of Psychology University of Dhaka

  2. Background • Counselling is a unique mental health profession • It Helps the client in establishing relationship and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationship in personal and social

  3. Effectiveness of counsellor helps the clients to overcome their barriers as well as play vital role in increasing clients’ satisfaction

  4. Research Evidences  Meta analysis on Client outcomes reported that 88% participants rated counselling as a helpful (Hemming,2000)  38 to 45% patients improved among 173 patients. Overall, a higher percentage(45%) of patients seen in brief psychoanalytic therapy improved when compared to psychoanalysis(38%) and extended psychoanalytic therapy(43%) (Heilbrunn, 1966)  75% patients had benefited from the treatment (Clement, 1994)

  5. Rationale of The Study  Without seeing efficacy any service is simply worthless  Counsellor’s effectiveness increase clients’ satisfaction level  Professionals need to focus on ethical practice

  6. Study Objectives To investigate the therapeutic effectiveness • of counsellor from the perspective of client and counsellor To see the difference between perceived • therapeutic effectiveness of counsellor and client To see the relation between counsellor’s • experience and therapeutic effectiveness of counsellor To measure the level of client’s satisfaction •

  7. Methodology Study Sample • Total 30 respondent • 15 trainee counsellors • 15 Clients of the selected Counsellors • Purposively selected from the Counselling center of an tertiary level educational institution

  8. Measuring Instrument Therapeutic effectiveness questionnaire (Soma and Islam, 2010) Two parallel questionnaires: Client form, counsellor form  Each form consist of 14 items related to perceived therapeutic effectiveness  An additional three items related to clients’ satisfaction about therapeutic session were included in the client form  For each of the item the respondent expressed their responses by putting tick mark (√) on one of the two answers (Yes/No)  Higher score represents higher perceived therapeutic effectiveness

  9. Procedure  Permission from the institution  Respondents were included based on informed choice  The questionnaires were individually administered to respondents  Maintained code of research ethics  A standard instruction was provided to ensure proper understanding

  10. Selected sample Characteristics  Counsellors: 80% of respondents was female  Clients: 53.3% of respondents was female  Counsellors’ age range: 23 to 30yrs (Mean: 26.33)  Client s’ age range from 18 to 25 (Mean: 21.53)  Year of experience ranged from 5 to 60 months

  11. Therapeutic Effectiveness of Counsellor by counsellors’ and clients’ perception (N=15) -------------------------------------------------- Perspective Mean SD ------------------------------------------------- Counsellors’ Perception 13.33 1.11 Clients’ Perception 13.8 .56 ------------------------------------------------- Ranges of Score(0 to 14)

  12. Response Differences on Therapeutic effectiveness (TEC) among Counsellors’ and Clients’ ------------------------------------------------------------ SL. No. TEC CS Diff. Between TEC and CS ------------------------------------------------------------ 5 (feels competent his/her counsellor) 12 14 -2 7 ( helps client to reach goal) 13 14 -1 12 ( No consideration in biasness) 10 14 -4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  13. Correlation of therapeutic effectiveness with counsellors’ year of experiences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable: Year of experience r ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Counsellor Perception .273 Client Perception -.174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  14. Clients’ Satisfaction of Counselling Session ------------------------------------------------------------- Questions Yes(%) No(%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have you noticed improvement after 73.33% 26.67% taking counselling from your counsellor? Are you benefited from taking 73.33% 26.67% counselling from your counsellor? Are you satisfied with your counsellor? 73.33% 26.67% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  15. Summery of The Findings  Both counsellor and Client perceived therapeutic effectiveness as high  In some items, Client perceived therapeutic effectiveness as high than counsellor’s self - perception  More experienced counsellors’ perceived therapeutic effectiveness as high however, client perceived their effectiveness as low  Young group of clients might feel comfortable with the comparatively young counsellors than the older one  Clients’ satisfaction was higher about counselling session

  16. Conclusion  Professional training increase efficacy of the therapy  Counsellor’s efficacy is a crucial demand in all over the world  This study is an significant endeavor to address this vital issue in the context of Bangladesh

  17. Recommendation  Sample from different center would have enriched our findings  Psychometric properties is needed to develop More refinement of the study measures on  therapeutic effectiveness might give more conclusive results


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