pension update

Pension Update April 25, 2018 The City provides retirement benefits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

City of Monterey Pension Update April 25, 2018 The City provides retirement benefits to City Background employees through the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS). City controls Who gets benefits What benefits

  1. City of Monterey Pension Update April 25, 2018

  2. • The City provides retirement benefits to City Background employees through the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS).

  3. • City controls • Who gets benefits • What benefits are promised • How much money has been set aside to pay Funding for benefits Targets/Contribution • CalPERS controls Rates • How money is invested • What assumptions are made regarding future experience • What funding methods are used to allocate costs to different years

  4. • Different base formulas for Safety (police officers & fire fighters) versus Miscellaneous (all non-Safety) employees. • Classic formula for employees hired before Benefits 2013 • Public Employees Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) formula for employees hired after 2012.

  5. Benefits and Contributions - Safety PLAN CLASSIC PEPRA Formula 3% at 50 2.7% at 57 Final Average Pay 1 year 3 years Cost of Living Adjustments 2% per year 2% per year Employee Contribution 9% of pay 11.5% of pay Additional Employee Contribution Police: 3% None Fire: 5%

  6. Benefits and Contributions - Miscellaneous PLAN CLASSIC PEPRA Formula 2.7% at 55 2% at 62 Final Average Pay 1 year 3 years Cost of Living Adjustments 2% per year 2% per year Employee Contribution 8% of pay 6.25% of pay Additional Employee Contribution 3% None

  7. Plan Membership - Safety PLAN CLASSIC Police – PEPRA Fire - PEPRA Active Employees 104 6 8 Transferred 46 1 0 Separated 25 4 0 Retirees and Beneficiaries 195 0 0

  8. Plan Membership - Miscellaneous Members Count Active Employees 326 Transferred 90 Separated 151 Retirees and Beneficiaries 408

  9. Key Assumptions June 30 Valuation Discount Rate Salary Growth 2015 7.5% 3.0% 2016 7.375% 3.0% 2017 7.25% 2.875% 2018 and thereafter 7.0% 2.75%

  10. • The percentage of payroll that would be sufficient to fully fund promised benefits for current active employees, IF • This percentage were paid from the time the employee is hired until the employee Normal Cost leaves, • Current plan benefits are not changed, • Employee experience matches assumptions, and • Investment experience matches assumptions.

  11. Normal Cost - Safety

  12. Normal Cost – Safety CLASSIC PEPRA Total Normal Cost 30.4% 24.1% Employee Contribution Rate 13.2% 12.0% Employer Normal Cost Rate 17.2% 12.1%

  13. Normal Cost - Miscellaneous

  14. Normal Cost – Miscellaneous CLASSIC PEPRA Total Normal Cost 20.7% 13.6% Employee Contribution Rate 11.0% 6.75% Employer Normal Cost Rate 9.7% 6.8%

  15. • Employer Normal Cost • Total Normal Cost – Employee Contributions Total PLUS Employer Contribution • Unfunded Actuarial Liability (UAL) Amortization Payment

  16. Total Employer Contribution - Safety

  17. Total Employer Contribution - Miscellaneous

  18. • Funding Target • The assets that would be in the fund today, IF • The Normal Costs had always been paid into the fund, Actuarial • Current plan benefits had never been not changed, Liability • Employee experience had always matched current assumptions, and • Investment experience had always matched assumptions.

  19. Unfunded • Actuarial Liability – Assets Actuarial • The amount that the current assets are behind (or ahead of) the funding target. Liability (UAL)

  20. UAL - Safety

  21. UAL - Miscellaneous

  22. Questions?


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