Jan 07, 2024 •218 likes •317 views
FIELDS OF THE FUTURE Nurse Practitioner Who is a Nurse Practitioner? Who is a Nurse Practitioner? Bachelors prepared nurse with a Masters in nursing, also known as an advanced practice provider Designated specialty Provides
510 views • 37 slides
9/30/2016 Nothing to disclose Post Transplant Hypertension: Why does this transplanted child have a BP of a 60 year old? Megan Schoettler, MSN, CPNP-AC Pediatric Nephrology Nurse Practitioner Pediatric Hypertension Program Nurse
326 views • 7 slides
THE ROLE OF THE NURSE PRACTITIONER IN EMERGENCY Matthew Lutze Nurse Practitioner Hornsby Kuring-Gai Hospital Lets get controvertial... Anyone here not believe in Evidenced based medicine? Name of 1 RCT that supports the implementation
313 views • 16 slides
Nurse Practitioner Malpractice Insights Presented by: Deborah A. Solove Nurse Practitioner Act Practice independently and make decisions regarding health care needs of the individual, family or community and carry out health regimens,
228 views • 19 slides
An Academic Based Nurse Practitioner Fellowship Program: A Pilot Project Designed to Ease Nurse Practitioner Transition to Practice Hilary Morgan, PhD, CNM hmorgan@ju.edu Michelle Edmonds, PhD, FNP-BC medmond@ju.edu Sigma Theta Tau
414 views • 26 slides
KIRSTY LEWIS N U R S E P R A C T I T I O N E R WHAT IS A NURSE PRACTITIONER? advanced education, clinical training and the demonstrated competence and legal authority to practice beyond the level of a registered nurse SCOPE OF
366 views • 13 slides
Disorders of Sleep and Pediatric Mental Health Molly Faulkner, PhDc, CNP, LISW, Nurse Practitioner UNMHSC Children s Psychiatric Center Outpatient Services Epidemiology 15 million children in US do not get enough sleep 70 % HS
1.22k views • 85 slides
JOHAN HOPKINS VRAAG EN ANTWOORD 14 AUGUSTUS 2019 HR DAG 1 1. Who can issue Medical Certificates? (a) medical practitioner; (b) a clinic nurse practitioner; (c) a traditional healer; (d) a community health worker; (e) a psychologist; (f)
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enhancing the lives of Nurse Practitioners since 2019 Anna Elders, Clinical Lead, Nurse Practitioner and CBT Therapist Your golden nuggets from today . 1. Why do we need an online CBT tool anyway? 2. Helpful key messages for ourselves
792 views • 39 slides
Development of an Outpatient Palliative and Supportive Care Nurse Practitioner Practice: Dos, Donts and Maybes Darrell Owens, DNP Attending Nurse Practitioner and Practice Chief Primary, Palliative and Supportive Care Programs, UW Medicine
383 views • 36 slides
A nurse practitioner-led mental health liaison team based in the ED Tim Wand Associate Professor Sydney Local Health District and the University of Sydney. Nurse Practitioner RPAH Background RPAH- Large urban trauma centre managing over
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Ward Based Cardiothoracic Nurse Practitioner Sandra Laidler MSc Practice Development BSc (Hons) Non Medical Prescriber Registered Nurse Background NP initiative (2009) at Freeman Hospital 12 months training period Effective
511 views • 12 slides
3/20/2013 History of NPs First nurse Practitioner Program developed at the University of Colorado School of Nursing in 1965 Collaborative effort Dr. Loretta C. Ford and Dr. Carolyn Montoya MSN, CPNP, Doctoral Candidate Henry K.
397 views • 6 slides
Tony Davies Patient Blood Management Practitioner NHSBT / SHOT Correct patient identification is vital at every step Decision to transfuse Doctor, Nurse Monitoring Nurse, HCA Phlebotomy: Patient Doctor Bedside check Nurse Nurse ID
669 views • 31 slides
HEART FAILURE TO HYPERTENSION NADIA DALLSING, CARDIAC SPECIALIST NURSE PRACTITIONER www.belmatt.co.uk Nice Guidelines 2011 HTN is one of the most important preventable causes of premature morbidity and mortality in the UK. Major risk
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Addressing Adolescent Non-Suicidal Self -Injury in Nurse Practitioner Curriculum: What Students Need to Know School of Nursing WHAT STARTS HERE CHANGES THE WORLD Purpose Provide learner with current evidence regarding non-suicidal
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Impact of State Variation in Scope of Practice on Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Services AcademyHealth June 2, 2019 Susan A. Chapman Christopher Toretsky Bethany Phoenix Disclosures No financial or other conflicts of interest
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Nurse Practitioner Presentation Isabel Raiman RN MSc Clinical Studies Contents History Portfolio Interview What I would have done differently Where to now Personal history Nursing experience/courses Diabetes post Married
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NONPF Armchair Presentation: Integrating Mental Health Care into Family Nurse Practitioner Education University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing UIC Faculty Presenters: Bernard Tadda, MS, FNP-BC, Judith McDevitt, PhD, FNP-BC, Kathleen
315 views • 4 slides
Curriculum of pediatric system in Uzbekistan Saida Saidkhodjaeva, PhD National coordinator Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Uzbekistan Bukhara, September 11 th Presentation Plan 1 Regulations 2 Preparation stages Pediatrician 3
500 views • 13 slides
Kimberly D. Thomas, DNP, ARNP, CWCN-AP, COCN Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner-Wound & Ostomy Services University of Washington Health-Valley Medical Center Wound Care Workup Chronic Wounds 3-6 million people in the US with chronic,
693 views • 21 slides
Role of Vascular Nurse Specialists within the NAAASP Shelagh Murray Vascular Nurse Consultant NAAASP Standard Operating Procedure Men with AAAs offered appointment to see a Nurse practitioner / Vascular Nurse Basic information given
527 views • 24 slides
SEPARATION ANXIETY DISORDER Martha J. Molly Faulkner, PhD, APRN, LCSW Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Social Worker Division of Community Behavioral Health UNM, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences January 19, 2017 OBJECTIVES
374 views • 22 slides
New Mexico Nurse Practitioner Council Annual Conference Friday, April 12, 2013 Santa Fe, New Mexico Management of Chronic Pain with Controlled Substances Nancy Darbro, PhD, APRN,CNS New Mexico Board of Nursing Executive Director 1 The
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