partial computable functions analysis and complexity

Partial Computable Functions: Analysis and Complexity Margarita - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Partial Computable Functions: Analysis and Complexity Margarita Korovina IIS SbRAS, Novosibirsk Oleg Kudinov Inst. of Math SbRAS, Novosibirsk CCC 2017 Nancy, June 2017 Goals Does the class of partial computable functions have a universal

  1. Partial Computable Functions: Analysis and Complexity Margarita Korovina IIS SbRAS, Novosibirsk Oleg Kudinov Inst. of Math SbRAS, Novosibirsk CCC 2017 Nancy, June 2017

  2. Goals ◮ Does the class of partial computable functions have a universal partial computable function? ◮ What are index set complexity for well-known problems? ◮ What is a descriptive complexity of images of partial computable functions? 2 / 23

  3. Outline of the Talk ◮ General framework: Effectively Enumerable Topological Spaces ◮ Partial Computability over Effectively Enumerable Topological Spaces ◮ Index set complexity for well-known problems ◮ Complexity of Images of parial computable functions over computable Polish Spaces 3 / 23

  4. Effectively Enumerable Topological Spaces Definition. Let X = ( X , τ, α ) be a topological space, where X is a non-empty set, B ⊆ 2 X is a base of the topology τ and α : ω → B is a numbering. Then, X is effectively enumerable if the following conditions hold. 1. There exists a computable function g : ω × ω × ω → ω such that � α ( i ) ∩ α ( j ) = α ( g ( i , j , n )) . n ∈ ω 2. The set { i | α ( i ) � = ∅} is computably enumerable. 4 / 23

  5. Examples of EE Spaces ◮ the real numbers with the standard topology; ◮ the natural numbers with discrete topology; ◮ computable metric spaces; ◮ weakly effective ω -continuous domains; ◮ C ( R ) with compact-open topology; ◮ computable Polish spaces; ◮ ..... 5 / 23

  6. Computable Polish Spaces A computable Polish space X is ◮ a complete separable metric space ◮ without isolated points ◮ with a countable dense set B = { b 1 , b 2 , . . . } called a basis of X ◮ with a metric d such that { ( n , m , i ) | d ( b n , b m ) < q i , q i ∈ Q } and { ( n , m , i ) | d ( b n , b m ) > q i , q i ∈ Q } are computably enumerable. For a computable Polish space ( X , B , d ) in a naturale way we define the numbering of the base of the standard topology as follows. First we fix a computable numbering α ∗ : ω \ { 0 } → ( ω \ { 0 } ) × Q + . Then, α (0) = ∅ , α ( i ) = B ( b n , r ) if i > 0 and α ∗ ( i ) = ( n , r ) . 6 / 23

  7. Computable Polish Spaces A computable Polish space X is ◮ a complete separable metric space ◮ without isolated points ◮ with a countable dense set B = { b 1 , b 2 , . . . } called a basis of X ◮ with a metric d such that { ( n , m , i ) | d ( b n , b m ) < q i , q i ∈ Q } and { ( n , m , i ) | d ( b n , b m ) > q i , q i ∈ Q } are computably enumerable. For a computable Polish space ( X , B , d ) in a naturale way we define the numbering of the base of the standard topology as follows. First we fix a computable numbering α ∗ : ω \ { 0 } → ( ω \ { 0 } ) × Q + . Then, α (0) = ∅ , α ( i ) = B ( b n , r ) if i > 0 and α ∗ ( i ) = ( n , r ) . 7 / 23

  8. Effectively open sets Let X be an effectively enumerable topological space. A set A ⊆ X is effectively open if there exists a computable function h : ω → ω such that � A = α ( h ( n )) . n ∈ ω 8 / 23

  9. Partial Computable Functions Let X = ( X , τ X , α ) be an effectively enumerable topological space and Y = ( Y , τ Y , β ) be an effectively enumerable T 0 –space. A partial function f : X → Y is called partial computable if the following properties hold. There exist a computable sequence of effectively open sets { A n } n ∈ ω and a computable function h : ω 2 → ω such that 1. dom ( f ) = � n ∈ ω A n and 2. f − 1 ( β ( m )) = � i ∈ ω α ( h ( m , i )) ∩ dom ( f ) . 9 / 23

  10. Properties of Partial Computability Theorem Let X = ( X , τ X , α ), Y = ( Y , τ Y , β ) and Z = ( Y , τ Z , γ ) be effectively enumerable T 0 –spaces. ◮ Closure under composition: If partial functions f : X → Y and g : Y → Z are partial computable then F = g ◦ f is partial computable. ◮ Effective Continuity: ◮ If f : X → Y is a computable function, then f is continuous at every points of dom ( f ). ◮ A total function f : X → Y is computable if and only if f is effectively continuous. 10 / 23

  11. Characterisation of Partial Computable Functions over Computable Polish Spaces Definition (Rogers). A function Γ e : P ( ω ) → P ( ω ) is called enumeration operator if Γ e ( A ) = B ↔ B = { j |∃ i c ( i , j ) ∈ W e , D i ⊆ A } , where W e is the e -th computably enumerable set, and D i is the i -th finite set. Theorem. Let X and Y be computable Polish spaces. A function f : X → Y is partial computable if and only if there exists an enumeration operator Γ e : P ( ω ) → P ( ω ) such that, for every x ∈ X , 1. If x ∈ dom ( f ) then Γ e ( { i ∈ ω | x ∈ α ( i ) } ) = { j ∈ ω | f ( x ) ∈ β ( j ) } . 2. If x �∈ dom ( f ) then, for all y ∈ Y , � � { β ( j ) | j ∈ Γ e ( A x ) } � = { β ( j ) | j ∈ B y } , j ∈ ω j ∈ ω where A x = { i ∈ ω | x ∈ α ( i ) } , B y = { j ∈ ω | y ∈ β ( j ) } . 11 / 23

  12. Majorant-computable Functions Definition. A partial function f : X → R is called majorant-computable if the following properties hold. There exist two effectively open sets U , V ⊆ X × R satisfying requirements: 1. ∀ x ∈ X U ( x ) is closed downward and V ( x ) is closed upward; 2. f ( x ) = y ↔ { y } = R \ ( U ( x ) ∪ V ( x )) ; 3. ∀ x ∈ X U ( x ) < V ( x ) . To compare the classes of m.-c. functions and real-valued partial computable ones, we need the following notion of weak reduction principle for EE spases. 12 / 23

  13. Weak Reduction Principle We say that EE space X meets weak reduction principle if for any effectively open subsets A , B of X there exists effectively open subsets A 1 , B 1 satisfying properties: 1. A \ B ⊆ A 1 ⊆ A; 2. B \ A ⊆ B 1 ⊆ B. If X × R meets WRP, then MC X = PCF X R . If MC X = PCF X R , then X meets WRP. So, if the class K of EE spaces is closed under cartesian products, then WRP for K is equivalent to the equality MC X = PCF X R for all spaces X in K. We prove WRP for computable metric spaces and find some counterexample in general. 13 / 23

  14. Principal Computable Numbering For effectively enumerable spaces X and Y we denote the set of partial computable function f : X → Y as PCF XY and nowhere defined function as ⊥ . A function γ : ω × X → Y is called computable numbering of PCF XY if it is a partial computable function and { γ ( n ) | n ∈ ω } = PCF XY i.e. the sequence of functions { γ ( n ) } n ∈ ω is uniformly computable. A numbering γ is called principal computable if it is computable and every computable numbering ξ is computably reducible to ¯ α , i.e., there exists a computable function f : ω → ω such that ξ ( i ) = α ( f ( i )). Proposition For every computable Polish spaces X and Y there exists a principal computable numbering γ of the partial computable functions f : X → Y . 14 / 23

  15. Complexity of well-known problems over PCF XY Theorem. For PCF XY , ◮ function equality problem: { ( n , m ) | f n = f m } is Π 1 1 -complete. ◮ Generalised Rice’s Theorem: Let K ⊂ PCF XY . Then K � = ∅ if and only if Ix ( K ) �∈ ∆ 0 2 . Unlike previous facts, for many problems related to subclasses of PCF XY the answer does depend on the choice of Polish spaces X , Y . For example, for PCF X R let us consider totality problem for X , i.e. the set { n | f n is total } . Proposition. ◮ Totality problem for reals is Π 0 2 − complete. ◮ Totality problem for Bair space is Π 1 1 − complete. 15 / 23

  16. Outline of the Talk ◮ General framework: Effectively Enumerable Topological Spaces ◮ Partial Computability over Effectively Enumerable Topological Spaces ◮ Index set complexity for well-known problems ◮ Complexity of Images of parial computable functions over computable Polish Spaces 16 / 23

  17. Borel and analytic subsets of a computable Polish space ◮ A set B is a Π 0 2 –set in the effective Borel hierarchy on X (a 2 –subset of X ) if and only if B = � Π 0 n ∈ ω A n for a computable sequence of effectively open sets { A n } n ∈ ω . ◮ A set A ∈ is a Σ 1 1 –set in the effective Lusin hierarchy on X (a Σ 1 1 –subset of X ) if and only if A = { y | ( ∃ x ∈ X ) B ( x , y ) } , where B is a Π 0 2 –subset of X 2 . 17 / 23

  18. Effectively enumerable T 0 –spaces with Point Recovering Definition. Let Y = ( Y , λ, β ) be an effectively enumerable T 0 –space. We say that Y admits point recovering if { B x | x ∈ Y } is Σ 1 1 -subset of P ( ω ) considered as the Cantor space C , where B x = { n | x ∈ β ( n ) } . Proposition ◮ Every computable Polish space X = ( X , τ, α ) admits point recovering. Moreover, { A x | x ∈ X } is Π 0 2 –subset of C . ◮ There exists effectively enumerable topological space that does not admit point recovering. 18 / 23

  19. Images of Partial Computable Surjections Theorem Let X = ( X , τ, α ) be a computable Polish space and Y = ( Y , λ, β ) be an effectively enumerable T 0 -space. Then the following assertions are equivalent. 1. There exists a partial computable surjection f : X ։ Y . 2. The space Y admits point recovering. 19 / 23


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