part 9 hands on of imprecise simulation in engineering

Part 9 Hands-on of imprecise simulation in engineering by Edoardo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Thursday 14:00-16:00 Part 9 Hands-on of imprecise simulation in engineering by Edoardo Patelli and Roberto Rocchetta 289 Hands-on of imprecise simulation in engineering Outline The NAFEMS Challenge Problem The Electrical Model Reliability

  1. Thursday 14:00-16:00 Part 9 Hands-on of imprecise simulation in engineering by Edoardo Patelli and Roberto Rocchetta 289

  2. Hands-on of imprecise simulation in engineering Outline The NAFEMS Challenge Problem The Electrical Model Reliability Requirements Available Information Possible solutions (recap) Hands-on General remarks and proposed solution CASE-A CASE-B CASE-C CASE-D CASE-E Conclusions 290

  3. The NAFEMS Challenge Problem A Challenge Problem on Uncertainty Quantification & Value of Information A mathematical model of a typical electronic device as represented by a R-L-C network will be provided along with different levels of uncertainty estimates around the input parameters. 291

  4. The NAFEMS Challenge Problem A Challenge Problem on Uncertainty Quantification & Value of Information A mathematical model of a typical electronic device as represented by a R-L-C network will be provided along with different levels of uncertainty estimates around the input parameters. The objective is to assess the reliability of the device based on a set of criteria and also to quantify the value of information. The output response is sensitive to the model parameters that have different cases of value of information. 291

  5. Problem statement Typical electronic device represented by R-L-C network in series. ◮ Input signal Step voltage source for a short duration ◮ Output response Voltage at the capacitor ( V c ) Uncertainty estimates regarding the R, L, C values are available. The challenge is to evaluate the reliability of the device using two criteria: ◮ Voltage at a particular time should be greater than a threshold ◮ Voltage rise time to be within a specified duration 292

  6. The NAFEMS Challenge Problem In a nutshell Challenges: ◮ Deal with imprecision in the parameters data ◮ Assess quality of different information sources with respect to the reliability requirements Resources: ◮ Analytical solution for the system output is provided ◮ Different information sources are available for the system parameters References: ◮ challenge_problem_revised.pdf/ ◮ problem_nwc13.pptx/ 293

  7. Hands-on of imprecise simulation in engineering Outline The NAFEMS Challenge Problem The Electrical Model Reliability Requirements Available Information Possible solutions (recap) Hands-on General remarks and proposed solution CASE-A CASE-B CASE-C CASE-D CASE-E Conclusions 294

  8. The Electrical Model Typical electronic device represented by R-L-C network in series. ◮ Input signal Step voltage source for a short duration ◮ Output response Voltage at the capacitor ( V c ) Uncertainty estimates regarding the R, L, C values are available. The challenge is to evaluate the reliability of the device using two criteria: ◮ Voltage at a particular time should be greater than a threshold ◮ Voltage rise time to be within a specified duration 295

  9. The R-L-C Model The transfer function of the system is: ω 2 V c ( t ) = (40) S 2 + R V L S + ω 2 296

  10. The R-L-C Model The transfer function of the system is: ω 2 V c ( t ) = (40) S 2 + R V L S + ω 2 Roots are computed as: � α 2 − ω 2 S 1 , 2 = − α ± (41) The system damping factor Z , parameter α and ω are determined as follow: α = R 1 Z = α √ ω ; 2 L ; ω = ; (42) LC 296

  11. The R-L-C Model System response 1.6 1.4 1.2 Typical results: Under-damped, 1 Vc(t) Critically-damped and 0.8 0.6 Over-damped cases 0.4 Z<1 0.2 Z=1 Z>1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time 297

  12. The R-L-C Model System response 1.6 1.4 1.2 Typical results: Under-damped, 1 Vc(t) Critically-damped and 0.8 0.6 Over-damped cases 0.4 Z<1 0.2 Z=1 Z>1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time Under-damped ( Z < 1) V c ( t ) = V + ( A 1 cos ( ω t ) + A 2 sin ( ω t )) exp − α t (43) Critically-damped ( Z = 1) V c ( t ) = V + ( A 1 + A 2 t ) exp − α t (44) Over-damped ( Z > 1) V c ( t ) = V + ( A 1 exp S 1 t + A 2 exp S 2 t ) (45) 297

  13. The R-L-C Model 1.6 1.4 1.2 Typical results: Under-damped, 1 Vc(t) Critically-damped and 0.8 0.6 Over-damped cases 0.4 Z<1 0.2 Z=1 Z>1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time For initial conditions dV c dt | t = 0 = 0 and V c ( 0 ) = 0: 298

  14. The R-L-C Model 1.6 1.4 1.2 Typical results: Under-damped, 1 Vc(t) Critically-damped and 0.8 0.6 Over-damped cases 0.4 Z<1 0.2 Z=1 Z>1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time For initial conditions dV c dt | t = 0 = 0 and V c ( 0 ) = 0: V c ( t ) = V + ( − cos ( ω t ) − Z · sin ( ω t )) e − α t if Z < 1 (46) V c ( t ) = V + ( − 1 − α t ) e − α t if Z = 1 (47) � � S 2 S 1 e S 1 t + e S 2 t V c ( t ) = V + if Z > 1 (48) S 1 − S 2 S 2 − S 1 298

  15. Hands-on of imprecise simulation in engineering Outline The NAFEMS Challenge Problem The Electrical Model Reliability Requirements Available Information Possible solutions (recap) Hands-on General remarks and proposed solution CASE-A CASE-B CASE-C CASE-D CASE-E Conclusions 299

  16. Reliability Requirements 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Vc(t) 0.8 0.6 0.4 Z<1 0.2 Z=1 Z>1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time Output of interest: The voltage at the capacitor Reliability requirements on capacitance voltage ( V c ), rise time ( t r ) and damping factor ( Z ): 1. V c ( t = 10 ms ) > 0 . 9 V 2. t r = t ( V c = 0 . 9 V ) ≤ 8 ms 3. System should not oscillate ( Z > 1 ) 300

  17. Hands-on of imprecise simulation in engineering Outline The NAFEMS Challenge Problem The Electrical Model Reliability Requirements Available Information Possible solutions (recap) Hands-on General remarks and proposed solution CASE-A CASE-B CASE-C CASE-D CASE-E Conclusions 301

  18. Parameter Information There are 4 cases, each affected by uncertainty/imprecision: CASE-A R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] Interval [40,1000] [1,10] [1,10] 302

  19. Parameter Information There are 4 cases, each affected by uncertainty/imprecision: CASE-A R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] Interval [40,1000] [1,10] [1,10] CASE-B R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] source 1 [40,1000] [1,10] [1,10] source 2 [600,1200] [10,100] [1,10] source 3 [10,1500] [4,8] [0.5,4] 302

  20. Parameter Information There are 4 cases, each affected by uncertainty/imprecision: CASE-A R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] Interval [40,1000] [1,10] [1,10] CASE-B R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] source 1 [40,1000] [1,10] [1,10] source 2 [600,1200] [10,100] [1,10] source 3 [10,1500] [4,8] [0.5,4] CASE-C R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] Sampled Data 861, 87, 430, 4.1, 8.8, 4.0, 9.0, 5.2, 3.8, 798, 219, 152, 7.6, 0.7, 3.9, 4.9, 2.9, 8.3, 64, 361, 224, 7.1, 5.9, 8.2, 7.7, 5.8, 10, 0.7 61 5.1 302

  21. Parameter Information There are 4 cases, each affected by uncertainty/imprecision: CASE-A R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] Interval [40,1000] [1,10] [1,10] CASE-B R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] source 1 [40,1000] [1,10] [1,10] source 2 [600,1200] [10,100] [1,10] source 3 [10,1500] [4,8] [0.5,4] CASE-C R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] Sampled Data 861, 87, 430, 4.1, 8.8, 4.0, 9.0, 5.2, 3.8, 798, 219, 152, 7.6, 0.7, 3.9, 4.9, 2.9, 8.3, 64, 361, 224, 7.1, 5.9, 8.2, 7.7, 5.8, 10, 0.7 61 5.1 CASE-D R [ Ω ] L [mH] C [ µ F] Interval [40, R U 1 ] [1, L U 1 ] [ C L 1 ,10] Other info R U 1 > 650 L U 1 > 6 C L 1 < 7 Nominal Val. 650 6 7 302

  22. Hands-on of imprecise simulation in engineering Outline The NAFEMS Challenge Problem The Electrical Model Reliability Requirements Available Information Possible solutions (recap) Hands-on General remarks and proposed solution CASE-A CASE-B CASE-C CASE-D CASE-E Conclusions 303

  23. Possible solutions Probabilistic approach Parameter Characterisation ◮ Assign probability distribution to parameter values (e.g. uniform PDFs to intervals); ◮ Fit probability distribution using samples information (e.g. Kernels or Multivariate Gaussian); 304

  24. Possible solutions Probabilistic approach Parameter Characterisation ◮ Assign probability distribution to parameter values (e.g. uniform PDFs to intervals); ◮ Fit probability distribution using samples information (e.g. Kernels or Multivariate Gaussian); Uncertainty Quantification ◮ Propagate uncertainty using single loop Monte Carlo (MC); 304

  25. Possible solutions Imprecise probability approaches Parameter Characterisation ◮ Dempster-Shafer structures (D-S) ◮ Probability-boxes ( ◮ Fuzzy Variables 305

  26. Possible solutions Imprecise probability approaches Parameter Characterisation ◮ Dempster-Shafer structures (D-S) ◮ Probability-boxes ( ◮ Fuzzy Variables Uncertainty Quantification ◮ Double Loop Monte Carlo ◮ D-S combination and propagation (i.e. Cartesian product of all focal elements + output mapping, min-max search); ◮ P-boxes propagation by α -cuts (i.e. focal element sampling + output mapping, min-max search); ◮ Robust Bayesian; ◮ Interval Analysis (e.g. min-max search) 305


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