Parking Standards for New Development Projects Study Phase 2 – Commercial Uses TASK FORCE MEETING #9 November 29, 2017 City Hall – Sister Cities Conference Room
A GENDA 7:00 PM Welcome NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR 7:05 PM Public Comment 7:15 PM Review of Draft Recommendations Enhanced Transit Map Parking Requirements by Land Use Parking Exemption Grandfathered Parking Provision Shared Parking 8:45 PM Public Comment 8:55 PM Next Steps and Adjourn 2
R OLE OF T HE T ASK F ORCE Mission: Provide input to City staff on recommended revisions to the City’s parking NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR standards for new development Tasks: A. Provide input on proposed revisions B. Develop consensus (to degree possible) on recommendations C. Submit report to Directors of P&Z and T&ES on recommendations D. Support community engagement efforts by reporting back to commissions, boards, and groups represented 3
R OLE OF THE T ASK F ORCE Date Meeting Topic Meeting #1 March 21, 2017 Parking Study Background Discuss different requirement approaches NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Meeting #2 April 18, 2017 Discuss overarching policies/strategies to PARKING STANDARDS FOR potentially include in recommendations Data Collection findings and discussion of key factors impacting parking demand and Meeting #3 May 16, 2017 trends Start discussing options and potential recommendations for office Continue discussing options and potential Meeting #4 June 20, 2017 recommendations for office and hotel Review Parking Map and potential office and hotel recommendations Meeting #5 July 18, 2017 Start discussing options and potential recommendations for restaurant and retail Review potential restaurant and retail Meeting #6 August 15, 2017 recommendations Discuss shared parking approach September 19, Meeting #7 Discuss draft recommendations 2017 Discuss draft recommendations Meeting #8 October 17, 2017 Finalize recommendations 4 November 29, Meeting #9 2017
S TUDY P RINCIPLES AND S UPPORTING P LANS NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS • Recognize that requiring too much parking has PARKING STANDARDS FOR impacts: • Expensive for small businesses • More SOV driving • Climate change / pollution • Safety and Congestion • Undercuts transit • Development more expensive / less affordable • Degraded urban design • Stormwater problems • Consider potential spillover impacts and how to mitigate • Realize the opportunity for a more sustainable and modern parking policy 5
S TUDY P RINCIPLES AND S UPPORTING P LANS • Mayors National Climate Action NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Agenda – Commit to a set of local PARKING STANDARDS FOR actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions • Strategic Plan – Increase commuters using alternative transportation options • Transportation Master Plan – Identify policies that encourage transit use; support principles of TOD; include maximum parking ratios • Environmental Action Plan – Reduce parking ratios and encourage shared parking • Vision Zero Policy – sets a goal of zero traffic deaths/injuries by 2028 6
O CTOBER 17 TH M EETING R ECAP • Reviewed feedback from public meetings NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR • Discussed Shared Parking options • Preference for a variation of the ULI model • Discussed Exemption options • Parking requirement could be waived if it was 2 spaces or less • Parking requirement for meeting space in hotels • Space above 5,000 sf would be subject to the retail parking requirement 7
M EETING G OALS • Make an official recommendation for NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR the draft recommendations 8
D RAFT R ECOMMENDATIONS 1. Enhanced Transit Map NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR 2. Parking Requirements by Land Use 3. Parking Exemption 4. Grandfathered Parking Provision 5. Shared Parking 11
P ARKING R EQUIREMENTS BY L AND U SE NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Hotel Office Retail Restaurant PARKING STANDARDS FOR Location Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Per room Per 1,000 sf Per 1,000 sf Per 1,000 sf Within Enhanced .2 .4 .25 1.50 .25 3.0 1.0 3.0 Transit Area Beyond Enhanced .25 .7 .75 2.25 .75 4.0 1.0 4.0 Transit Area Note: Similar to current regulations, requests to exceed the maximum or 13 reduce the minimum would be considered through a Special Use Permit.
P ARKING R EQUIREMENTS BY L AND U SE - H OTEL NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Retail/Other Commercial and PARKING STANDARDS FOR Hotel Restaurant space within a hotel Location will be subject to the parking Min Max requirements for those uses and Per room eligible for the parking Within requirement exemption. Enhanced .2 .4 Transit Area Hotels with more than 5,000 sf of Beyond Enhanced .25 .7 meeting space within a hotel shall Transit Area provide additional parking equal to or greater than the minimum retail requirement, up to the maximum retail requirement. 14
P ARKING R EQUIREMENTS BY L AND U SE - O FFICE NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR Office Location Min Max Per 1,000 sf Within Enhanced .25 1.50 Transit Area Beyond Enhanced .75 2.25 Transit Area 15
P ARKING R EQUIREMENTS BY L AND U SE - R ESTAURANT NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR Restaurant Location Min Max Per 1,000 sf Within Enhanced 1.0 3.0 Transit Area Beyond Enhanced 1.0 4.0 Transit Area 16
P ARKING R EQUIREMENTS BY L AND U SE - R ETAIL This requirement would apply to the following NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR uses as defined in the Zoning Ordinance: Retail Retail shopping establishment Location Convenience store Min Max Animal care facility Per 1,000 sf Day care center Within Personal Service Establishment Enhanced .25 3.0 Light assembly , service and crafts Transit Area Massage business Beyond Enhanced .75 4.0 Additional Discussion Needed for: Transit Area Clinics, Medical and dental Amusement enterprise – indoor Amusement enterprise – outdoor Private Commercial Schools 17 Theaters, Auditoriums, and Assembly Halls
P ARKING R EQUIREMENTS BY L AND U SE - R ETAIL This requirement would apply to the following NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR uses as defined in the Zoning Ordinance: Retail shopping establishment Convenience store Animal care facility Day care center Personal Service Establishment Light assembly, service and crafts Massage business 18
P ARKING R EQUIREMENTS BY L AND U SE - R ETAIL Further discussion about including these uses ( existing parking NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS requirement in italics ): PARKING STANDARDS FOR Clinics, Medical and dental ( 5 spaces per 1,000 sf ) Ex: Kaiser Permanente, Urgent Care, Inova Amusement enterprise – indoor ( 5 spaces per 1,000 sf ) Ex: Escape Room, Bounce House, Arcade, Scramble (kid’s play space) Amusement enterprise – outdoor ( 2.5 spaces per 1,000 sf ) Ex: Ice skating rink, pool Private Commercial Schools ( 1 space per 2 students ) Ex: Yoga studio, martial arts, art studio, trade school 19 Theaters, Auditoriums, and Assembly Halls ( 1 space per 4 seats )
P ARKING R EQUIREMENTS BY L AND U SE – G ENERAL C OMMERCIAL NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS • This would not apply to non-retail uses PARKING STANDARDS FOR that are not specifically listed, such as: • Auto oriented businesses • Equipment and repair businesses • Health and Athletic Facilities • Garden Centers • Outdoor Food and Crafts Markets • Funeral Homes • Other commercial uses not otherwise defined Current requirement is 2.5 spaces per 1,000 sf 20
P ARKING E XEMPTION Non-residential uses that have a parking NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PARKING STANDARDS FOR requirement of 2 spaces or less shall be exempt from providing the spaces. • The maximum parking requirement shall apply to any parking provided. • The exemption would be applied to individual tenant spaces with a minimum parking requirement of 2 spaces or less. 21
P ARKING E XEMPTION - E XAMPLES Residential building with No parking required because NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 2,000 sf of commercial minimum requirements are PARKING STANDARDS FOR space 2 spaces or less: • Retail or office – 1 space • Restaurant – 2 spaces 22
P ARKING E XEMPTION - E XAMPLES Residential building with No parking required because NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 4,000 sf of commercial minimum requirements for PARKING STANDARDS FOR space designed as two each tenant space are 2 separate 2,000 sf tenant spaces or less: spaces • Retail or office – 1 space • Restaurant – 2 spaces 23
P ARKING E XEMPTION - E XAMPLES Residential building with No parking required for NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 4,000 sf of commercial retail or office because PARKING STANDARDS FOR space minimum requirements is 2 spaces or less: • Retail or office – 1 space Parking required for restaurant because: • Restaurant – 4 spaces 24
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