Parking Maid
Overview and Objectives • To design a smart parking robot that can detect empty parking space and park into the area automatically with FPGA control • Functions that Robot can perform • Move forward and backward • Make turns • Parallel Parking • Garage Parking • Automatic Trace Adjustment
Hardware Design Architecture C1(in) J2 12V (in) Motor C2(in) C1 (in) HSMC-RX-n16 HSMC-RX-p16 C2 (in) Servo Motor 12V(in) HSMC-RX-n15 12V GND (in) GND(in) GND 5V(out) PD PD PD 5V C1(in) (in) EN Motor C2(in) (in) IN1 (in) IN2 PD L298N - Convert IN1, IN2 from 3.3V to 12V and GND 3.3V send to C1, C2 of Motors. In addition, it Schottky diode - 1N5818 can provide 5 V output. 47 Ohm resistor HSMC-TX-n9 Voltage sources: HSMC-TX-p9 12V - battery box 5V - L298N J3 PD PD 3.3V - HSMC pin GND(in) GND(in) PD PD echo(out) echo(out) Ultrasonic Ultrasonic trigger(in) trigger(in) 5V(in) 5V(in) GND Level Level shifter shifter RXI(in) RXO(out) RXO(out) RXI(in) HV(in) LV(in) LV(in) HV(in) 5V 3.3V 3.3V 5V GND GND GND GND PD PD RXI(in) RXO(out) RXO(out) RXI(in) 3.3V GND(in) GND(in) (out) PD PD echo(out) echo(out) Ultrasonic Ultrasonic HSMC-TX-n2 HSMC-RX-n0 trigger(in) trigger(in) 5V(in) HSMC-TX-p2 HSMC-RX-p0 5V(in) HSMC-TX-n1 HSMC-TX-n0 HSMC-TX-p1 HSMC-TX-p0 PD PD
Design Architecture • Ultrasonic Modules • Regular and Servo Motors • FPGA daughter card • Voltage Converters
Timing Design • Ultrasonic
Software Implementation Physics Model Parallel Parking Distance Tracking Two identical trace curve paths Position Calculation
Experiences and Issues • Hardware Failure • SD Card • Wireless Card • Ultrasonic Accuracy • Ultrasonic Positioning
Summary • Add protection to all the critical pins • Power Management • Parking Algorithm Design • Operating System Issues
Acknowledgements Professor Stephen Edwards Professor David Lariviere TA Qiushi Ding
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