parent relative and parent relative and f foster family

Parent, Relative, and Parent, Relative, and F Foster Family - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Parent, Relative, and Parent, Relative, and F Foster Family Support Foster Family Support F t t F F il S il S t t Services Services Services Services Lisa Davis Clinical Director Lisa Davis Clinical Director Lisa Davis, Clinical

  1. Parent, Relative, and Parent, Relative, and F Foster Family Support Foster Family Support F t t F F il S il S t t Services Services Services Services Lisa Davis Clinical Director Lisa Davis Clinical Director Lisa Davis, Clinical Director Lisa Davis, Clinical Director Leah Dansby Leah Dansby- -Ezeoha, Parent Involvement Coordinator Ezeoha, Parent Involvement Coordinator

  2. Program Description Program Description Program Description Program Description Parent, Relative, and Foster Family Support Parent, Relative, and Foster Family Support y y pp pp Services (PRFFSS) offers stabilization and Services (PRFFSS) offers stabilization and transition services for all children who have transition services for all children who have recently been placed with Foster Parents, recently been placed with Foster Parents, Relatives, NREFM (Non Relatives, NREFM (Non- ( -related extended related extended family members), are reunifying with their family members), are reunifying with their families or whose placement with biological families or whose placement with biological p p g g or adoptive parents is at risk. or adoptive parents is at risk.

  3. Population Served: Population Served: Populat on Se ved: Populat on Se ved: •All family dynamics All family dynamics – biological & adoptive All family dynamics All family dynamics biological & adoptive biological & adoptive biological & adoptive parents, relative caregivers, non parents, relative caregivers, non- -relative relative family members, foster and adoptive family members, foster and adoptive y families. families. •Serve 135 at a time and 810 annually. Serve 135 at a time and 810 annually.

  4. How we do it: How we do it: How we do it: How we do it: • Immediate response to referrals within 1 hour of call Immediate response to referrals within 1 hour of call • 24/7 In 24/7 In- -person, On p p person, On- , , -call support for crisis within one hour call support for crisis within one hour pp pp of calling of calling • 60 day (average) length of stay 60 day (average) length of stay • Comprehensive Life Domain Assessment Comprehensive Life Domain Assessment Comprehensive Life Domain Assessment Comprehensive Life Domain Assessment • Functional Behavioral Assessment and Positive Functional Behavioral Assessment and Positive Behavioral Intervention Plans Behavioral Intervention Plans • Behavioral support at home school and community Behavioral support at home school and community Behavioral support at home, school, and community Behavioral support at home, school, and community • Referral to on Referral to on- -going, longer term mental health services going, longer term mental health services as needed as needed • Linkage to culturally appropriate community resources • Linkage to culturally appropriate community resources Linkage to culturally appropriate community resources Linkage to culturally appropriate community resources including DV and substance abuse treatment programs. including DV and substance abuse treatment programs. • Culturally diverse staff and language capacity: Spanish, Culturally diverse staff and language capacity: Spanish, Farsi Hebrew French German Farsi Hebrew French German Farsi, Hebrew, French, German, ASL and Vietnamese Farsi, Hebrew, French, German, ASL and Vietnamese ASL and Vietnamese ASL and Vietnamese • Coordination of care with other mental health providers. Coordination of care with other mental health providers.

  5. Life Domains Life Domains (Examples include) (Examples include) • Food housing and health care Food housing and health care Food, housing and health care Food, housing and health care • Emergency services including utility assistance Emergency services including utility assistance • Domestic Violence Services Domestic Violence Services D D i Vi l i Vi l S S i i • Substance Abuse Services Substance Abuse Services • Mental Health Services Mental Health Services • Educational and Vocational Assistance Educational and Vocational Assistance Educational and Vocational Assistance Educational and Vocational Assistance

  6. Why we’re successful: Why we re successful: Why we re successful: Why we’re successful: Engagement is the most essential aspect to the Engagement is the most essential aspect to the success of any program. It is critical to a family’s success of any program. It is critical to a family’s success that they connect to needed services that success that they connect to needed services that are accessible and culturally relevant. are accessible and culturally relevant. The Family are accessible and c lt rall rele ant are accessible and c lt rall rele ant The Famil The Famil The Family Partners, with similar life experiences as the Partners, with similar life experiences as the families we serve, are the first point of contact and families we serve, are the first point of contact and families we serve are the first point of contact and families we serve are the first point of contact and follow a well follow a well- -developed engagement protocol. developed engagement protocol. This has resulted in a successful This has resulted in a successful engagement rate of over 90%. engagement rate of over 90%.

  7. Magic of our program: Magic of our program: Th The support of a Family Partner who has their own The support of a Family Partner who has their own Th t t f f F F il P il P t t h h h h th i th i “real “real- -life” experiences with parenting under stressful life” experiences with parenting under stressful conditions, provides a safe and accepting conditions, provides a safe and accepting environment for parents receiving services to environment for parents receiving services to i i t f t f t t i i i i i i t t address their frustration and self address their frustration and self- -doubt and to doubt and to practice new skills. Family Partners have the unique practice new skills. Family Partners have the unique opportunity to specialize their support, based on opportunity to specialize their support, based on t t it t it t i li i li th i th i t b t b d d family culture, values and need. family culture, values and need. This allows for a This allows for a greater level of engagement and participation with greater level of engagement and participation with successful outcomes. successful outcomes. f l f l t t

  8. Success Rate and Definition of Success Rate and Definition of Success Success • Our success rate is 99% Our success rate is 99% Our success rate is 99% Our success rate is 99% • Success is defined by the prevention of a child’s S S Success is defined by the prevention of a child’s i d fi i d fi d b d b h h i i f f hild’ hild’ placement disruption. placement disruption. • A placement disruption is defined by an A placement disruption is defined by an p p p p y y unplanned change of placement or a child is unplanned change of placement or a child is moved due to the need of a higher level of care. moved due to the need of a higher level of care. g

  9. Testimonials: Testimonials: Testimonials: Testimonials: “I learned how to be respectful and responsible. Even if you were not “I learned how to be respectful and responsible. Even if you were not here, I would still do what I’m suppose to do. I would thank you here, I would still do what I’m suppose to do. I would thank you because of all the work you have done for me. I learned valuable because of all the work you have done for me. I learned valuable lessons.” lessons.” lessons. lessons. Youth Youth “We are pleased to say that our nephew is responding well to the “We are pleased to say that our nephew is responding well to the strategies taught by his entire team at EMQFF that helped him to strategies taught by his entire team at EMQFF that helped him to Q identify and manage his moods. This is all due to the creative ideas, identify and manage his moods. This is all due to the creative ideas, support, and encouragement by the entire team. Our nephew has also support, and encouragement by the entire team. Our nephew has also become not only observant to identifying his emotions, but his peers' become not only observant to identifying his emotions, but his peers' emotions and is able to identify their feelings of frustration, anger, emotions and is able to identify their feelings of frustration, anger, i i d i d i bl bl id id if if h i f h i f li li f f f f i i confusion, or embarrassment which prompts him to offer confusion, or embarrassment which prompts him to offer encouragement, support, or help.” encouragement, support, or help.” Relative Caregiver Relative Caregiver g


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