paradox basin project the new lithium province

Paradox Basin Project: The New Lithium Province November 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Paradox Basin Project: The New Lithium Province November 2017 Low Emission & Technology Minerals Conference Disclaimer The informaCon contained in this confidenCal document ("PresentaCon") has been prepared by Anson Resources

  1. Paradox Basin Project: The New Lithium Province November 2017 Low Emission & Technology Minerals Conference

  2. Disclaimer The informaCon contained in this confidenCal document ("PresentaCon") has been prepared by Anson Resources Limited (the "Company"). It has not been fully verified and is subject to material updaCng, revision and further amendment. The InformaCon many not be distributed to others at any Cme without the prior wriRen consent of the Company (including the presentaCon) any copies thereof, and will destroy all analysis, complicaCons and other documents or wriCngs whatsoever containing or reflecCng any such material. While the informaCon contained herein has been prepared in good faith, neither the Company nor any of its shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers give, have given or have authority to give, any representaCons or warranCes (express or implied) as to, or in relaCon to, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the informaCon in this PresentaCon, or any revision thereof, or of any other wriRen or oral informaCon made or to be made available to any interested party or its advisers (all such informaCon being referred to as "InformaCon") and liability therefore is expressly disclaimed. Accordingly, neither the Company nor any of its shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers take any responsibility for, or will accept any liability whether direct or indirect, express or implied, contractual, tortuous, statutory or otherwise, in respect of, the accuracy or completeness of the InformaCon or for any of the opinions contained herein or for any errors, omissions or misstatements or for any loss, howsoever arising, from the use of this PresentaCon. Neither the issue of this PresentaCon nor any part of its contents is to be taken as any form of commitment on the part of the Company to proceed with any transacCon and the right is reserved to terminate any discussions or negoCaCons with any prospecCve investors. In no circumstances will the Company be responsible for any costs, losses or expenses incurred in connecCon with any appraisal or invesCgaCon of the Company. In furnishing this PresentaCon, the Company does not undertake or agree to any obligaCon to provide the recipient with access to any addiConal informaCon or to update this PresentaCon or to correct any inaccuracies in, or omissions from, this PresentaCon which may become apparent. This PresentaCon should not be considered as the giving of investment advice by the Company or any of its shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers. Each party to whom this PresentaCon is made available must make its own independent assessment of the Company aXer making such invesCgaCons and taking such advice as may be deemed necessary. In parCcular, any esCmates or projecCons or opinions contained herein necessarily involve significant elements of subjecCve judgment, analysis and assumpCons and each recipient should saCsfy itself in relaCon to such maRers. This PresentaCon includes certain statements that may be deemed “forward-looking statements”. All statements in this discussion, other than statements of historical facts, that address future acCviCes and events or developments that the Company expects, are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectaCons expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumpCons, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, conCnued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business condiCons. Investors are cauConed that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in forward-looking statements. Competent Person’s Statement The informaCon in this presentaCon is an accurate representaCon of the available data and studies for the deposit reviewed by Mr Greg Knox (MAusIMM), a Director of the Company. Mr Knox has over 25 years of exploraCon and mining experience in a variety of mineral deposit styles. Mr Knox has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisaCon and type of deposit under consideraCon and to the acCvity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 EdiCon of the “Australasian Code for reporCng of ExploraCon Results, Mineral Resources. ASX: ASN 2

  3. Corporate Overview ASN $0.16 250 Capital Structure Top Shareholders $0.14 (Tota tal shareholders 1596) Shares on Issue 321M 200 Zhongfan Group 6.25% Share Price 15.5 cents $0.12 OpCons on Issue 122M B Richardson 5.45% $0.10 150 Market CapitalisaCon $49.7M G Knox 3.30% Millions $0.08 Net Cash and Quoted EquiCes $1.6M M Klein 2.93% 100 $0.06 B McLeod 2.27% $0.04 Li Xiao 1.99% 50 Wo Wah Ind, 1.99% $0.02 $- 0 04/2017 05/2017 06/2017 07/2017 08/2017 09/2017 10/2017 500,000 opCons - exercise price 5.5 cents on or before 21 September 2018 121 Million opCons – exercise price 2.5 cents – on or before August 2018 Anson Research: 11 Nov 2017 ASX: ASN 3

  4. Directors Bruce Richardson, B.A (Hons) - Bruce McLeod, B.Sc. (Maths), Peter (Greg) Knox B.Sc. (Geology) – Managing Director M.Com (Econ) - Non Exec Chairman Non ExecuBve Director Proven track record of 9 years in § § Experienced public company director Mr Knox is a qualified geologist with over § exploraCon, mining and producCon in § >25 years experience in the 30 years of experience in exploraCon, public and private companies Australian capital markets mine development and mining operaCons >30 years of internaConal business § § Corporate funding experience in experience, parCcularly China He has worked on projects from grass- § resources and property industries roots exploraCon through to mine In the past few years has raised over § development and producCon § Extensive experience in the takeover $170 million dollars of investment in and raConalisaCon of companies mining projects ASX: ASN 4

  5. Paradox Brine Project – Overview 291 placer claims with an area of 5,767 acres (23.3 § square kilometres) Long Canyon No. 1 operaCng well with known brine § value of 500ppm from ClasCc Zone 31 at 6,013 feet (800 metres from claims) White Cloud No. 2 with known brine value of § 1,700ppm from ClasCc Zone 31 at 6,015 feet (100 metres from Long Canyon No.1) 8.9 km strike length along Robert’s Rupture within § the Paradox Basin Known historical assay results outside the project area Well/ppm Li Br B I Mg Long Canyon 1 500 6,100 n/a 300 21,000 White Cloud No.2 1,700 2,500 20,000 450 43,600 Big Flat Unit 2 173 1,150 2,922 47,789 Source: UDS open file data ASX: ASN 5

  6. The Four Corners - A New Lithium Province § MulCple exploraCon companies in the 4 corners “New Lithium Province”: § Voltaic Minerals § MGX § American potash § Liberty One § US Cobalt § Power Metals § Standard Lithium § Anson strategically located in the deepest part of the Paradox Basin § Brines known to exist throughout the Paradox Basin which covers an area 33,000 square miles (85,470km 2 ) ASX: ASN 6

  7. Four Corners Lithium Explorers Company Acres Target Anson Resources 5,767 Li Brines Liberty One 4,480 Li Brines Utah Colorado Voltaic Metals 4,160 Li Brines US Cobalt 2,220 Li Brines Power Metals NK Li Brines American Potash NK Li, Potash New Mexico MGX 118,000 Li/Oil Brines Arizona ASX: ASN 7

  8. Utah is a World Class Mining JurisdicCon § Known Mining and Oil & Gas jurisdicCon, Grand County Utah, USA § Mineral Mines in Utah March 2015 approximately 200 different minerals mined in Utah § § 600 permiRed mineral operaCons state-wide § Utah ranks 5th in the value of non-fuel mineral producCon in the U.S accounCng for approximately 5.4 percent of the United § States total* The KennecoR Copper Mine, Utah *2014 data from the U.S. Geological Survey ASX: ASN 8

  9. Paradox Brine Project – Advantages Historic Data: Extensive database available § § Historic seismic data Tesla Gigafactory § Local drill hole data ExisCng historical wells § High grade under explored brines § Suitable infrastructure in place § LocaBon: Tesla Gigafactory 11 hr drive § 15km west of Moab § 4km northwest of operaCng potash mine § ASX: ASN 9

  10. Paradox Brine Project – Infrastructure Close proximity to key infrastructure: § Interstate Highway § Railway § Power Line § Gas Line § ASX: ASN 10

  11. Paradox Basin A large Pennsylvanian-age marine basin § Basin includes a thick series of marine § evaporite deposits that define the Paradox FormaCon § Comprised of up to 29 salt-evaporite sequences separated by intervening clasCc beds The clasCc layers can be porous and § permeable § FuncCon as brine aquifer host beds Super-saturated brines flowed to surface § (artesian flow) Lithium-rich brines have previously been § sampled in the area Long Canyon #1 Geophysical Logs: Geology & Brine Horizons ASX: ASN 11


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