pap aper er

Pap aper er Pr Prese esent ntation ation presents P A P E - PDF document

Pap aper er Pr Prese esent ntation ation presents P A P E R P R E S E N T A T I O N ON No Notion ion of Superwomen women: : Its Cr Creat atio ion n and nd Effect ects OR OR Role e of Women n in

  1. Pap aper er Pr Prese esent ntation ation

  2. presents P A P E R P R E S E N T A T I O N ON º No Notion ion of Superwomen women: : Its Cr Creat atio ion n and nd º Effect ects OR OR º Role e of Women n in in Cin inem ema a and Lit iterat rature ure: : Changes ges over r tim ime 2 0 1 9 VIVEKANANDA HALL JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION: 3 RD MARCH, 2019 EMAI AIL: : teameli melixir xirmaga magazine zine@g Author thors s of selected lected paper pers will ll be notifi tified d by the e 8th h of March .

  3. RULES: 1. Papers, on either of the two themes mentioned above must be mailed to us at by 3 rd March’19 . Specific topics relevant to the theme selected may also be used to write the paper. 2. Papers may be in either English or Bangla. Using two or more languages in a single paper will lead to disqualification. 3. Teams may consist of minimum one and maximum three members. All participants must be students of colleges/universities at the undergraduate/ postgraduate level. 4. The cover page must include the title of the paper along with the selected theme, details of the participants (name, email ID, mobile no.) 5. The paper must consist of an abstract, not exceeding one-fifth the size of the original paper. It should clearly specify the thesis question and give a road map to the paper and clearly state the conclusion. 6. The paper must not exceed 3000 words. 7. The following specifications should be abided to: Font: Times New Roman Font Size: 12 Line Spacing: 2.0 8. All data/information used from other papers/books/websites/journals etc. should be properly cited, failing which the paper shall be disqualified on grounds of plagiarism. 9. For citing other papers and/or articles, use either Chicago/ MLA/ APA style. Use must be consistent throughout the paper. CONTACT CT FOR ANY QUERIE IES: S: 9748484297/9073141063 9748484297/9073141063


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